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Air purifier SAP81
AIR PURIFIER SAP81 Polluted air is a problem that we face every day. It intensifies with the start of the heating season, when smog, suspended dust or unpleasant odors escaping from chimneys are particularly troublesome. When we do not know how to taOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Polluted air is a problem that we face every day. It intensifies with the start of the heating season, when smog, suspended dust or unpleasant odors escaping from chimneys are particularly troublesome. When we do not know how to take care of your and your loved ones health, air purifiers come in handy. These devices allow for effective fight against smog, dust, allergens and mites in homes, flats and offices. The SAP81 air purifier is the most advanced model offered by the PRIME3 brand. The 7-stage air puryfing process will certainly cope with the pollution around us.
Five filters, in which the SAP81 model (initial, cold catalysis, activated carbon, antibacterial and HEPA) was equipped, ionizer and UV lamp guarantee removal of 99.95% PM2,5 suspended dusts (with a diameter not greater than 2.5 m), 99.99% bacteria and viruses and 99% volatile organic compounds, e.g. formaldehyde
The mechanical pre-filter is designed to clean the air of all major solid pollutants, such as dust, hair or animal fur. The use of an activated carbon filter aims to neutralize unpleasant odors and volatile organic compounds. Mounted as the third, cold catalysis filter, it is a modern filter that removes carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and other harmful volatile organic compounds from the air. The antibacterial filter, as the name suggests, has the task of eliminating bacteria, viruses and mold and preventing their development in the device itself.
In the last stage of filtration, a HEPA filter was used. Its task is to retain the smallest particles of pollution, as well as all unpleasant and harmful odors and volatile compounds. Ionizer is another element of the comprehensive air purification system. In the SAP81 model, the ionization efficiency is very high 20 × 106 ions per second. Thanks to this solution, the device almost completely eliminates the harmful effects of positive ions emitted by electrical equipment. Positive ions that attract bacteria and viruses as well as airborne fungi, molds and other allergens, lose their properties due to ionization. The air saturated with negative ions causes that all microorganisms fall to the ground and in this way do not reach the lungs of the household members. The last purification stage is the use of a UV lamp which light damages the cell nuclei of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi). It has a supporting function, ultimately sterilizing the air flow that goes through the device.
The SAP81 air purifier has been designed for areas of up to 50 m2. The reason for this is high CADR efficiency index (Clean Air Delivery Rate), thanks to which it is able to deliver up to 350 m3 of purified air per hour.
The electronic control system with a touch panel in which the SAP81 model is equipped allows easy and intuitive control of the purification process. The air quality indicator displays the current PM2,5 concentration in the room (in g / m3). The green color means that the concentration is below 60, the orange color below 150, the red color above 150. When the Smart mode is on, the device adjusts its work to the pollution level determined by the air quality indicator. The purification speed varies with the increase in the concentration of suspended PM2.5 particles. When it does not exceed 60, the device operates at a basic speed (500 rpm). It increases only when the limit values are exceeded 60 and 150. In such situations the air purification speed increases accordingly to the average (700 rpm), and then to high (900 rpm).
An important feature of the SAP81 is the timer function. Thanks to it, you can determine how long the device will work. This may be at least 30 minutes, maximum 12 hours. After this time, the purifier will turn itself off. The childlock function means that the buttons will not respond to pressing and the device will operate in the previously selected operating mode. When the childlock is activated, the corresponding icon will be highlighted on the control panel. Noise generated by the device is also a very important factor. The SAP81 model can be proud of its low-noise operation, depending on the purification speed, from 29 to 50 dB. The remote control, which is included, has the same set of buttons as the control panel of the device. Thanks to this, controlling the device is easy and intuitive. The remote control is powered by batteries included in the set.
Type | Air filter |
Power | 80 |
Noise | 50 |
Efficiency | 350 |
Operating range | 50 |
Ionization | Yes |
Humidity sensor | No |
Automatic shut-off | Yes |
Battery-powered product | no |
Power | Mains |
Accessories included | Remote control |
Color | Black |
Color | white |
Dimensions | 37 x 19,5 x 65 cm |
Weight | 8 |
Other features | PM2.5 dust removal efficiency: up to 99.95% Efficiency of air purification from bacteria and viruses up to: 99.99% Formaldehyde air purification efficiency: up to 99% Ionization efficiency: up to 20x10(6) ions per second Quiet operation: 29-50 dB |
Special functions | Electronic control system with touch panel 3 cleaning speeds Timer Air quality indicator Child protection Smart mode (adapts operation to air pollution level) Remote control 7-stage air purification process: Pre-filter Cold catalysis filter Activated carb |
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Toode on saadaval Photopointi veebipoes 7-10 tööpäevase tarneajaga. Esinduskauplustes kohapeal seda toodet müügil ei ole.