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ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 GU605MY-QR058X Intel Core Ultra 9 185H Laptop 40.6 cm (16") WQXGA 32
Järelmaksuga ostes alates 175,50 € kuus
Ava järelmaksukalkulaatorPõhiinfo
<b>PERFORMANCE MEETS PRECISION</b><br><br><b>DESIGN</b><br><b>The New Era</b><br>Power, precision, and elegance define the 2024 Zephyrus G16. Thinner and sleeker than ever before, the ZephyrOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
<b>PERFORMANCE MEETS PRECISION</b><br><br><b>DESIGN</b><br><b>The New Era</b><br>Power, precision, and elegance define the 2024 Zephyrus G16. Thinner and sleeker than ever before, the Zephyrus G16 still has the same sense of style and individuality that has always set it apart from the crowd. Featuring an all-aluminum CNC-machined chassis, this laptop is the perfect blend of performance and style.<br><br><b>PERFORMANCE</b><br><b>The Future Is Here</b><br>Game and create with ease on this Windows 11 Pro powered machine. Featuring up to an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 processor 185H with AI accelerators and up to an NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090 Laptop GPU, this 16-inch machine can easily handle the latest games and cutting-edge creative software alike. Whether you’re in a video call, editing a video, or in a next generation game, AI is working tirelessly behind the scenes to improve your experience.<br><br><b>Ray Tracing Unleashed</b><br>Whether you’re a gamer, a creator, or both, the Zephyrus G16 stands ready, equipped with up to an NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ Laptop GPU. Boasting game changing features like DLSS 3.5 with Frame Generation, and the latest ray tracing enhancements, this machine offers unprecedented realism in modern games. NVIDIA® Advanced Optimus support allows for seamless transitioning between low power and low latency modes the moment a game is launched, and with a max TGP of 115W, the GPU is always allowed to fully flex its silicon muscles.<br><br><b>Your Ideas, Accelerated by NVIDIA Studio</b><br>Creativity that’s all in. NVIDIA Studio is your creative advantage with state-of-the-art RTX GPUs that power the world’s premiere creative apps. Real-time ray tracing delivers hyper-realistic graphics and the Studio suite of exclusive AI-assisted tools take your ideas and designs from concept to completion, faster. With NVIDIA Studio Drivers, your digital canvas is always up-to-date with maximum stability and performance, so you can focus on your next big idea.<br><br><b>Get Next-Level AI Performance On GeForce RTX.</b><br>Discover the RTX AI advantage. Built for the era of AI, GeForce RTX™ and NVIDIA RTX™ GPUs feature specialized AI Tensor Cores that deliver cutting-edge performance and next-gen capabilities. From enhanced creativity and ultra-efficient productivity to blisteringly fast gaming, the ultimate in AI power on Windows PCs is on RTX.<br><br><b>Next-Level Performance</b><br>Accelerate your workflow with up to an Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 processor 185H, Not only a blazing fast gaming CPU in traditional titles, this processor features built-in AI accelerators to take advantage of the latest technologies. Dedicated NPU cores are ideal for sustained AI workloads and allow that AI to reduce power consumption for longer battery life.<br><br><b>Help Is Always At Hand</b><br>Copilot in Windows 11 complements your capabilities and creativity with intelligent assistance and relevant answers.<br><br><b>NEBULA DISPLAY</b><br><b>OLED Is Here</b><br>For the first time on an ROG laptop, enjoy the ultra-fast response times and incredible contrast ratios that are only possible with OLED technology. This panel also boasts a 2.5K resolution, giving it incredible pixel density on a 16-inch screen, with a 240Hz refresh rate that makes all of your games look silky smooth. With 100% coverage of the DCI-P3 color space, a delta E color accuracy of less than 1, and VESA HDR True Black 500 certification, prepare to be immersed in HDR content so lifelike that the screen melts away.<br>*Average tested result in MyASUS/ Armoury Crate Splendid Display P3 and sRGB color gamut: Delta E < 1, +/- 0.5, and may vary by specification. Please note that the actual performance also may vary under different test procedures, equipment and patterns.<br><br><b>FAST</b><br><b>Leading OLED Panels With G-SYNC Support</b><br>OLED displays have an ultrafast 0.2 ms response time, which ensures smoother fast-paced action scenes, low-latency gameplay, and subtle details like blur-free text scrolling.<br><br><b>BRIGHT</b><br><b>1,000,000:1 Ultra-High Contrast Ratio</b><br>OLED displays have millions of light-emitting diodes (LED), and unlike traditional display technologies, they can turn each pixel on and off individually. Because of this, OLED panels can achieve pixel-perfect black levels, resulting in extreme contrast ratios like 1,000,000:1. This true black allows for images that appear bright and punchy without feeling washed out, ensuring you never miss an enemy hiding in the shadows. HDR has never looked this good.<br><br><b>VIVID</b><br><b>2.5K Resolution</b><br>Enjoy incredibly vivid scenes thanks to the added visual fidelity offered by a 2.5K resolution. With a higher pixel density than 1440p, 2.5K displays allow the true vibrance of both still images and video content to truly shine.<br><br><b>THERMAL</b><br><b>Cool, Calm, Collected</b><br>ROG Intelligent Cooling is a suite of components that work together in harmony to keep our high-performance laptops cool and quiet. The Zephyrus G16 boasts some never-before-seen additions to ROG’s list of cooling technologies, including 2nd Generation Arc Flow Fans™ and a redesigned high-efficiency air outlet. Certain models also feature a custom vapor chamber or a tri-fan design, with a third auxiliary fan that helps to move excess system heat to the heatsinks. All models also sport liquid metal, an ultra-high performance thermal interface material. Taken together, these systems keep the machine operating at its peak while staying quieter than ever.<br><br><b>CONTROL</b><br><b>Keys To Mastery</b><br>The trackpad and keyboard are critical for controlling your laptop, so we spared no expense with the design of the Zephyrus G16. Despite being just a 16-inch device, the G16 boasts a large 16:10 aspect ratio, matching the proportions of the screen itself effortless scrolling. We’ve also increased the keycap size by 12% for smoother typing as well, thanks to extra rigidity from the CNC machining. An extra long 1.7mm travel distance gives the keyboard a premium typing feel, and with a lifetime of 20 million presses, it’s a perfect long-term partner.<br><br><b>DESIGN STORY</b><br><b>Sleek Design</b><br>The new Zephyrus G16 catches your eye the moment you see it. Precision CNC-machined from aluminum alloy, this high strength material accepts complex shapes and also looks absolutely gorgeous after being anodized in either Eclipse Gray or the all-new breathtaking Platinum White colorway. The sleek chassis and matte finish of the Zephyrus G16 simply beg to be touched.<br><br><b>A Slice Of Brilliance</b><br>In 2024, the G16 breaks the mold, debuting an all new lighting design: the Slash Lighting array. A bold streak across the lid of the machine, Slash Lighting is an evolution of the elegance and individuality that make Zephyrus so unique.<br>It retains the customization of its predecessor, with a design inspired by sci-fi and contemporary art.<br><br><b>CONTROL</b><br><b>Precision Craftsmanship</b><br>Built from aluminum alloy 6063, the chassis of the Zephyrus G16 is painstakingly CNC-machined to minimize excess volume while maintaining rigidity. Using precision tools just 0.7mm in diameter, channels for the keyboard, touchpad and speakers are milled to ultra-tight tolerances for a premium and robust chassis with components that stretch edge to edge. After an eight-step process, the sandblasted, polished and anodized G16 chassis stands ready to support its flagship hardware.<br><br>Carving out channels for the keyboard, touchpad, and speakers with ultra-tight tolerances allow them to lay edge-to-edge. Maximum space, maximum efficiency.<br><br>Each keyhole, and the nearby keyboard vents, are milled individually. This gives the metal a more premium finish and maintains structural strength to minimize keyboard flex when the chassis is fully assembled.<br><br>The holes for the speakers are drilled at a super high 100,000 RPM, allowing for ultra-tight tolerances and a design that spans from one edge of the machine to the other.<br><br><b>AUDIO</b><br><b>Pump Up The Volume</b><br>Get lost in the music with the new and improved woofers on the Zephyrus G16. With a staggering 47% volume increase and an ultra-low bass frequency of 100Hz, the G16 produces clear and vibrant sound that you wouldn’t expect from an ultra-slim 16-inch machine. Whether you’re vibing to your favorite podcast or saving the world in the latest games, the Zephyrus G16 is ready to pump up the volume.<br><br>PORTABILITY<br><b>All day power</b><br>The Zephyrus G16 has always been defined by its portability, and the 2024 model is no exception. This incredible gaming machine is a true thin-and-light, weighing in at just 1.85kg, with some models measuring as low as 1.49cm thick. Paired with a 90Wh battery that supports fast charging from 0-50% in just 30 minutes and support for Wi-Fi 6E wireless networking, the Zephyrus G16 is the ultimate gaming and productivity machine for those on the move.<br><br><b>DISCOVER YOUR NEXT FAVORITE GAME</b><br>Play over 100 high-quality games with friends on your PC, console, phone or tablet for one low monthly price.* With games added all the time, there’s always something new to play.<br><br><b>BUNDLE</b><br><b>GEAR UP AND GAME</b><br>Bundle the ROG Zephyrus G16 with an array of gaming peripherals and accessories. Navigate smoothly and precisely with the ROG Impact gaming mouse. Lighten your load with a smaller, 100W adapter that offers enough power for you to stay productive anywhere. And give your laptop a little extra security on the road in a convenient, perfectly sized sleeve.<br>*Bundled peripherals may vary according to regions. Please check with local vendors for exact offers.ASUS ROG Zephyrus G16 GU605MY-QR058X. Product type: Laptop, Form factor: Clamshell. Processor family: Intel Core Ultra 9, Processor model: 185H. Display diagonal: 40.6 cm (16"), HD type: WQXGA, Display resolution: 2560 x 1600 pixels. Internal memory: 32 GB, Internal memory type: LPDDR5x-SDRAM. Total storage capacity: 2 TB, Storage media: SSD. On-board graphics card model: Intel Arc Graphics, Discrete graphics card model: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090. Operating system installed: Windows 11 Pro. Product colour: Grey, Black
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Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.
Toode on saadaval Photopointi veebipoes 7-14 tööpäevase tarneajaga. Esinduskauplustes kohapeal seda toodet müügil ei ole.