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Denon AVR-X3300W black
Denon AVR-X330W blackAVR-X3300W 7x 180W Full 4K Ultra HD A/V Receiver with WLAN, Bluetooth and full video editingExperience intense 3D sound with Denon: The AVR-X3300W AV receiver features Dolby Atmos decoding for the ultimate home cinema experienceToode on arhiivis, kuvatakse vaid informatiivsel eesmärgil.
Denon AVR-X330W black
AVR-X3300W 7x 180W Full 4K Ultra HD A/V Receiver with WLAN, Bluetooth and full video editing
Experience intense 3D sound with Denon: The AVR-X3300W AV receiver features Dolby Atmos decoding for the ultimate home cinema experience with the latest blockbuster movie soundtracks. And with a future firmware update, the AVR-X3300W will also decode DTS:X surround soundtracks, both Dolby Atmos and DTS:X with object-based surround sound. It can also power both treble and top emitting speakers, giving you the ultimate immersive 3D sound experience.
- 7.2-channel A/V receiver with 180 W per channel: Sufficient power to fill even larger rooms with the great Denon sound
- WLAN integrated with dual band support 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz, Bluetooth integrated: Improved network stability, especially with high WLAN density
- Full-rate pass through of 4K with 60 Hz, 4:4:4:4 color resolution, HDR and BT.2020: Support for HDMI standard ensures future security
- 8 HDMI inputs (1 front) with full HDCP 2.2 support 2 HDMI outputs (1x monitor, 1x zone 2): Many inputs for digital devices. Television and beamer can be controlled in parallel.
- Advanced video processing with analog to HDMI conversion and 4K full frame rate scaling: Full HD and Ultra HD video quality with existing DVDs and analog sources
- Dolby Atmos and DTS:X (up to 5.1.2): impressive 3D sound with overhead effects
- AirPlay, Bluetooth, Internet radio, Spotify Connect, network audio streaming: access to almost all online music sources
- Support for DSD (2.8/5.6 MHz), FLAC, ALAC, AIFF and WAV: high-resolution audio streaming for hi-fi enthusiasts, even with seamless playback
- Audyssey MultEQ XT32, Dynamic Volume, Dynamic EQ and SUB EQ HT: Perfect room acoustic correction including subwoofer setup
- Advanced multi-room options 7.2 Pre-out RS232 control: multiroom audio and video prepared for third-party home automation systems
- Color-coded speaker terminals, Setup Wizard, Denon 2016 AVR Remote App: Smooth installation, setup and operation
- Intelligent Eco mode with three settings (on/off/automatic): energy saving functions without compromising performance
Dolby Atmos
The revolutionary Dolby Atmos technology abandons decades of channel-oriented surround sound coding in favor of more versatile object-oriented coding, in which all sounds can be precisely arranged by the sound engineer at any position in the three-dimensional sound space. This award-winning technology can now be used at home with the AVR-X3300W. You can connect a 5.1 surround sound speaker system to the receiver and 2 additional tweeters or 2 additional upward-facing certified Dolby Atmos speakers for the ultimate home cinema experience.
DTS:X also supports object-oriented audio coding, which generates impressive surround sound effects with treble speakers.
It includes Dolby Surround and Neural:X upmixing: Users with a 3D sound speaker system can use traditional Dolby or DTS content for an enhanced surround experience or listen to music in stereo with the speakers installed in the listening room.
Advanced quad-core 32-bit DSP processor
With its advanced quad-core 32-bit DSP processor, the AVR-X3300W can easily process multiple threads in parallel, including Dolby Atmos and DTS:X decoding, Audyssey MultEQ XT32 room acoustic correction, bass management and DSP surround simulation. The processor has enormous computing power: Its four 300 MHz DSP cores can process over one billion operations per second.
HDMI 2.0a ports, HDCP 2.2 compatible, ISF certified
The AVR-X3300W is equipped with eight HDMI inputs. One of the inputs is particularly easily accessible from the front of the device. All inputs are compatible with the latest HDMI specifications, 4K Ultra HD 60 Hz, 4:4:4 Pure Color 4K subsampling, high dynamic range (HDR) and 3D and BT.2020 passthrough. In addition, the video section has HDCP 2.2 compatibility, so that copy-protected 4K Ultra HD content can also be played back.
This makes the AVR-X3300W ideal for Ultra HD Blu-ray players and other 4k video sources. In addition, the video processor enables video conversion of analog signals to HDMI and scaling from digital or analog video to FullHD or 4K Ultra HD at up to 60 Hz.
The AVR-X3300W has been certified by the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF). It is equipped with all video calibration control options (which can be used by ISF technicians) and supports ISF Day and ISF Night video modes.
Integrated Bluetooth and Dual Band WLAN
The AVR-X3300W is equipped with two integrated antennas that enable interference-free and error-free streaming via WLAN and Bluetooth even in environments with many other active wireless networks. Together with the ability to use the 5GHz WLAN band, this ensures stable and error-free streaming in congested urban areas. Connected to the Internet via your WLAN (or wired via the LAN input), you can enjoy your favorite tracks from streaming music services such as Spotify Connect. You can also access thousands of Internet radio stations from around the world and enjoy music and voice entertainment in virtually every genre.
AirPlay lets you play your favorite songs wirelessly from a portable iOS device such as iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad and stream music files stored on your home PC or Mac or NAS devices to your network.
High Resolution Audio
Discover the incredible fidelity of high-definition audio tracks. AVR-X3300W decrypts up to 24-bit/192-kHz lossless files (AIFF, FLAC and WAV; ALAC/Apple lossless up to 24-bit/96kHz) and DSD 2.8MHz (the audiophile SACD format) and now also at 5.6 MHz. Play them from storage devices via the front USB port or from network sources - the AVR-X3300W also plays lossy file types such as MP3, AAC or WMA.
Powerful 7-channel discrete amplifier with Eco mode
With an output power of 180 watts per channel, the AVR-X3300W offers discrete output devices for high currents on all channels. Thanks to its high stability, it is also compatible with most speaker models with an impedance of 4 ohms. Our new Eco mode automatically adjusts the output power to the volume level. An Eco parameter display on the screen allows you to monitor energy savings in real time.
Denon 2016 AVR Remote App
The free Denon 2016 AVR Remote app for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire, available from Apple's App Store, Google Play or Amazon's App Store, lets you control the receiver's operation and access its configuration menu from a smartphone or tablet. The app also gives you quick access to the receiver's status display and options menus. You can control Denon Blu-ray player and easily browse an online user manual. While you browse on the go with the new queue management feature and add new tracks to the playlist.
Smart TV connectivity
Denon receivers can also be controlled with the TV remote control using the HDMI CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) function of some smart TVs. If you set the "HMDI control" of the receiver to ON, select the "Smart Menu" receiver control functions on the TV, you then have direct access to some receiver functions including source and surround mode, main menu settings and "One-Touch" Smart Select presets on the start screen of the Smart Menu.
Advanced Audyssey Suite for room correction
The AVR-X3300W features the full Audyssey Platinum suite of powerful DSP algorithms. Using the supplied measuring microphone, MultEQ XT32 analyzes the playback characteristics of each speaker (including subwoofers) at up to 8 measuring points and creates precise digital filters that determine frequency response and time settings suitable for each channel.
Audyssey Dynamic Volume corrects annoying volume jumps that occur, for example, on TV commercials. You can hear dialogues, music and sounds clearly even at low volume levels. Audyssey Dynamic EQ provides precise sound tuning and maximum clarity at all volume levels. Audyssey Sub EQ HT allows individual DSP tuning of each subwoofer in configurations with two subwoofers. Compared to configurations with a single subwoofer, this allows deeper and more clearly defined basses to be achieved.
Two subwoofer outputs
With a single subwoofer, uneven bass reproduction with acoustic peaks and dips may occur at the most important listening position. The AVR-X3300W has two subwoofers: placed in different locations, this smoothes the low frequencies for more precise bass throughout the listening area. It also offers Audyssey Sub EQ HT to give each subwoofer an individual design via digital signal processing.
Multiple rooms / multiple sources
With the AVR-X3300W, you can enjoy 5.1-channel surround sound in one room while another "area" plays another source such as CD or streaming audio. You can simply connect a pair of stereo speakers to the multi-room amplifier outputs for unrestricted 5-channel surround sound in the main room with stereo in the second room. Or connect a separate stereo amplifier and speakers to the Zone 2 preamps and enjoy 7 channels in the main room. And it is even possible to connect the second zone via HDMI to the AVR-X3300W's Zone 2 HDMI output.
Practical USB connection
The front USB port provides a digital connection for music from your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad while charging the connected device. You can also connect a USB drive and listen to files from MP3 to high-resolution DSD (2.8/5.6 MHz), and lossless FLAC (up to 24-bit/192-kHz).
Color-coded speaker terminals
The high-quality speaker terminals are reusable and support various connection variants including banana plugs. They are also color-coded for correct connection, and color-coded labels for your speaker cables are included.
Simple setup, simple operation
The AVR-X3300W guides you through the setup process with a clearly structured and easy-to-understand graphical user interface. Thanks to the help provided in this way, error-free configuration is possible right from the first attempt. The exclusive setup wizard and the supplied quick start guide provide simple configuration instructions to guide the user step-by-step through the setup process. Optimize critical settings for the best possible sound and video quality with the rest of your system.
User-friendly quick selection functions
There are 4 quick select function buttons on the front panel and on the remote control that allow you to quickly select your favorite sources: Everyone remembers your preferred setting and sound mode for this source and you can even use it to store your favorite Internet radio stations.
Feature1 | 3d |
Feature2 | kanal-5-1 |
Feature3 | kanal-7-1 |
Feature4 | kanal-7-2 |
Feature5 | dolby-truehd |
Feature6 | dolby-atmos |
Feature7 | hdmi |
Feature8 | hdmi-highspeed |
Feature9 | usb |
Feature10 | super-audio-cd |
Feature11 | 192khz-24bit |
Feature12 | audyssey |
Feature13 | airplay |
Feature14 | hdr |
Type | Surround Receiver |
Sine Wave Power Stereo Mode (Watt) | 2x 180 |
Sine Wave Power Surround Mode (Watt) | 7 x 180 |
Energy Consumption (Watt) | 600 |
High Dynamic Range (HDR) | Yes |
WLAN | Yes |
Bluetooth | Yes |
Wave Range | FM |
Scart | No |
Audio-In | 2x |
Video-In | 3x |
Digital Optical Input | 2x |
Digital Coaxial Input | 2x |
Subwoofer | 2x |
HDMI Input | 8x |
HDMI-Out | 2x |
Serial Port (RS 232) | Yes |
USB | Yes |
Colour | Black |
Width (mm) | 434 |
Height (mm) | 167 |
Depth (mm) | 389 |
Weight (kg) | 10,8 |
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SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaati
Telli kaup endale Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaadid toimivad sama lihtsalt nagu Eestisisesed automaadid. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv SmartPOST Finland automaat. Kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse saajale SMS koos unikaalse koodiga. Mine kohale, sisesta kood automaati ja võta pakk.
SmartPOST Finland automaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
Matkahuolto väljastuspunkti Soomes
Telli kaup Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv Matkahuolto väljastuspunkt ning kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse Sulle SMS või e-mail teavitusega. Mine kohale, näita isikut tõendavat dokumenti ja võta pakk.
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Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.