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Scooter with seat Globber Go•Up Active Lights Ecologic Jr 745-505
GO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGICEco-friendly all-in-one scooter with a seat for small children, made of 100% recycled plastic and bio-wheat straw*, equipped with light-up wheels.The vehicle offers 3 modes: ride-on with guide for parents (15 months - 3Toode on arhiivis, kuvatakse vaid informatiivsel eesmärgil.
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
GO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGICEco-friendly all-in-one scooter with a seat for small children, made of 100% recycled plastic and bio-wheat straw*, equipped with light-up wheels.
The vehicle offers 3 modes:
- ride-on with guide for parents (15 months - 3 years)
- walking bike - three-wheeled balance bike (15 months - 3 years)
- 4-level height adjustable scooter with foldable structure (3-9+ years)
- Simple, tool-free and intuitive transformation between modes using a solidly designed combination of buttons and knobs.
- The patented folding system allows for convenient transport and storage of the vehicle.
- Patented wheel steering locking system - allows driving only in a straight line. This option is useful for beginners - once your child has learned how to maintain balance, you can restore full control over the controls with one button.
- The vehicle is equipped with luminous wheels that flash white while driving and does not require the use of any batteries.
- Made of 100% recycled plastic to the global GRS standard and biodegradable wheat straw*
- Eco-friendly packaging made of recycled paper and does not contain plastic.
- GO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC is available in four pastel colors inspired by nature: pistachio, peach, blueberry and blueberry.
- GRS is an international protocol that verifies the recycled content of final products. Using GRS plastic saves tons of waste from landfills and mitigates the environmental impact of production.
- Wheat straw is a 100% renewable, biodegradable bio plastic obtained from agricultural waste. Using wheat straw diverts the waste stream and helps break down other plastics. The material maintains structural integrity and is 100% safe for children.
The 100% tool-free design allows you to easily switch between different modes without the use of tools or screws - GO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC has spring-loaded buttons and knobs that allow you to seamlessly transition from ride-on mode to scooter mode.
Adjustable seat and handlebar for maximum comfortThe eco-friendly GO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC scooter with seat has adjustment functions for maximum comfort:
- TPR saddle with 2-step height adjustment, adjustable using a side knob without tools
- 4-step steering wheel adjustment, thanks to which the vehicle "grows" with the child.
An extra long and wide composite rear brake ensures stopping power.
Additional footrestThe removable footrest provides additional comfort and safety when riding in ride-on mode. It allows you to safely rest the feet while the parent controls the vehicle.
Solid platform and durable wheels with LED diodesGO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC is equipped with a low, metal-reinforced structure that can withstand up to 50 kg and a wide, non-slip composite deck that ensures safe riding of the scooter.
High-quality 121mm high rebound PU cast front wheels mounted on ABEC 5 bearings and 80mm PU cast rear wheel for a smooth ride. The front wheels are equipped with LEDs that flash white while driving. No batteries are required for the wheels.
Patented steering lock systemGO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC features Globber's patented handlebar locking system that locks the scooter's front wheels to only move forward and backward, so kids gain confidence when riding their scooter while practicing their balance skills.
To enter the scooter's full turn mode and enable balance steering, simply release the handlebar lock button located on the front of the scooter.
Patented folding systemEffortlessly carry and store your GO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC in a compact form!
Featuring a patented folding system - easily fold this 3-wheel scooter into stroller mode to carry or roll it around after a day of scooter fun.
LIBRA | DIMENSIONS (height / length / width) |
stroller | 3.86kg | 77.5- 95.5 x 60.02 - 67 x 28 cm | 25.5 - 29 cm |
bicycle - ride-on | 3.23kg | 37 - 41 x 57.5 x 26.5 cm | |
scooter | 2.72 kg | 67.5 - 82.5 x 57.5 x 28 cm |
- An eco-friendly all-in-one scooter with a seat that converts into a ride-on bike, walker and toddler scooter. The ride-on and stroller modes are for toddlers aged 15-36 months, and the scooter mode is for children aged 3-9+.
- Made from 100% GRS plastic and biodegradable wheat straw*, a sustainable choice for families.
- The 100% tool-free design allows you to easily switch between different modes without the use of tools or screws - GO • UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC has spring-loaded buttons and knobs that allow the vehicle to seamlessly transition from ride-on to scooter mode.
- The patented folding system allows for convenient folding and offers a trolley mode. Thanks to the easy-to-use side button, you can easily move and store GO•UP Active Lights ECOLOGIC in a small space.
- Globber's patented steering lock system prevents the front wheels from turning, helping children learn and master balance.
- Adjustable scooter with seat: 2-stage TPR seat height adjustment (25.5 cm or 29 cm from the ground), adjusted with a tool-free knob on the side and 4-stage T-bar height adjustment (67.5 cm, 72.5 cm, 77 .5 cm, 82.5 cm from the ground) for comfortable driving.
- The low, metal-reinforced structure can withstand up to 50 kg and is equipped with a wide, non-slip composite deck that ensures safe riding of the scooter. The long and wide, removable footrest provides additional comfort and safety when using the ride-on mode.
- High quality 121mm high rebound PU cast front wheels mounted on ABEC 5 bearings and one 80mm diameter PU cast rear wheel for a smooth ride. The exceptionally long and wide composite rear brake ensures braking efficiency and extends wheel life.
(* in all applicable elements)
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