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Asus emaplaat ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme AMD X570 AM4 Extended ATX
2% (lisa)allahindlus
(min. 8€ ostul)
Osta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
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<b>ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme</b><br>The ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme combines the best elements of the renowned ROG X570 motherboard lineup into a single beastly package amped to elevate Ryzen-based builds beyond all boundaries.<br><br><b>PERFORMANCE</b><br>Advanced engineering and menacing power lay the foundation for the ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme to thrive where others choke.<br><br>Teamed Power Architecture<br>Modern CPU architectures up the ante for motherboard power design by transitioning from deep power saving modes to full load almost instantaneously. The latest ROG VRM architecture rises to the challenge by utilizing teamed power stages to rapidly swing current, while maintaining exemplary thermal performance.<br><br>ASUS became the first manufacturer to implement phase doublers in the A8N32-SLI Deluxe motherboard back in 2005. The board’s VRM was lauded for elegantly overcoming the power-handling capabilities of components that were available at the time while also reducing voltage ripple. Those benefits lead to phase doublers becoming universally accepted in the industry, and they are still used for similar purposes today.<br><br>Today’s CPUs pack more cores than their predecessors, and the latest instruction sets allow them to crunch computationally dense workloads at an incredible pace. As an added bonus, these processors also consume less power at idle and can transition between loads states much more quickly. These improvements necessitated a re-evaluation of power design priorities, because phase doublers add a propagation delay that hampers transient response.<br><br>The latest integrated power components can handle higher currents than the devices of yesteryear, making it possible to implement a simple circuit topology that isn’t hamstrung by the processing lag of phase doublers. That’s why the ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme utilizes teamed power stages to deliver higher burst-current per phase, while maintaining the thermal performance of phase-doubled designs.<br><br>Each VRM component serves a specific purpose. PWM controllers control the circuit, and the power stages do the heavy lifting from an electrical and thermal standpoint. That's why ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme utilizes 20 power stages. The high-end power stages feature a low RDSON to reduce switching and conduction losses, helping to improve overall thermal headroom.<br><br>ASUS OptiMem III<br>With proprietary memory trace layout tweaks that improve signal integrity and mitigate noise, OptiMem III allows memory kits to run at lower latencies and reduced voltages while operating at higher frequencies. Stack the ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme with your favorite modules and maximize AMD Zen 3 processor throughput for applications that demand massive bandwidth, or balance infinity fabric and memory performance for a diverse range of workloads.<br><br>DYNAMIC OC SWITCHER<br>Dynamic OC Switcher gives Ryzen processors newfound agility to crush multi-threaded workloads and slice through single-threaded apps. Simply configure a manual overclock for heavy tasks and then select a current threshold for Dynamic OC Switcher to automatically flip between your profile and AMD Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO).<br><br>COOLING<br>Heavyweight cooling keeps onboard components and high-performance M.2 drives chilled without requiring direct airflow to deal with the thermal onslaught.<br><br>Cooler by Design<br>The ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme features comprehensive cooling options that are configurable via Fan Xpert 4 or the UEFI BIOS.<br><br>ROG Water-Cooling Zone<br>Dual water-temperature headers and a flow-rate header feed information straight into the AI Suite utility, allowing you to track coolant temperatures and the flow rate of the entire loop.<br><br>ROG Fan Controller<br>The ROG Fan Controller offers six additional headers that can be controlled via FanXpert 4. The card features two temperature-sensor headers, along with two thermistors that can be attached to various components. There are also six ARGB headers to illuminate compatible fans and addressable strips.<br><br>CONNECTIVITY<br>Advanced connectivity features including WiFi 6E and two Ethernet ports provide all the bandwidth needed for smooth online and LAN gameplay. File transfers and load times get a boost as well, thanks to a front-panel USB 3.2 2x2 header. The header also supports PD 3.0 60-watt power deliver for charging devices. Additionally, there’s onboard SupremeFX audio for rich, premium sound.<br><br>WiFi 6E<br>Onboard WiFi 6E technology takes advantage of the newly available radio spectrum in the 6 GHz band, providing up to three times the bandwidth of the 5 GHz band and up to seven 160 MHz bands to deliver ultrafast wireless networking speeds along with improved capacity and better performance in dense wireless environments.<br><br>Marvell AQtion 10 Gbps Ethernet<br>Designed to meet the demanding requirements of power users and content creators, 10 Gbps onboard Ethernet provides a new level of home networking. With up to 10 times the bandwidth of standard gigabit Ethernet, uncompressed 4K UHD video streaming is perfectly smooth and system backups and file transfers are faster than ever before.<br><br>Intel 2.5 Gb Ethernet<br>Onboard 2.5 Gb Ethernet gives wired connections a boost, providing up to a 250% improvement over standard Ethernet connections for faster file transfers, smoother lag-free gaming and high-res video streaming.<br><br>USB 3.2 Gen 2 Front-Panel Connectors<br>The front-panel USB 3.2 connectors are ready to accommodate a wide variety of devices.<br><br>USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Front-Panel Connector<br>The latest USB standard opens another USB 3.2 Gen 2 lane for a maximum data transfer throughput of up to 20 Gbps. There’s also PD 3.0 60 W to quick-charge devices, delivering up to 3-times faster charging speeds compared to 5-watt / 5-volt 1 A charging.<br><br>Two Onboard Thunderbolt 4 USB-C Ports<br>Each port delivers up to 40 Gbps of bidirectional bandwidth for the latest high-speed devices and drives. Thunderbolt 4 also supports up to two external 4K displays and extends PCIe bandwidth to up to 32 Gbps.<br><br>PCIe 4.0-Ready<br>The ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme provides five M.2 slots, which offer PCIe 4.0 support for the latest GPUs and high-speed SSDs.<br><br>ROG DIMM.2<br>The ROG DIMM.2 module is an innovative expansion card that allows two M.2 drives to be connected via a DDR4 interface. The option of adding a metal heatsink helps to control thermals for maximum performance while elevating aesthetics.<br><br>SupremeFX<br>ROG SupremeFX audio technology delivers an exceptional 113 dB signal-to-noise ratio on the line-in connection to provide best-ever recording quality. There's also a low-dropout regulator for clean power delivery to the SupremeFX ALC4082 codec, plus an ESS® 9018Q2C integrated DAC.<br><br>OPTIMIZATION<br>The ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme provides all the tools needed for quickly and easily optimizing any system.<br><br>Level Up Performance<br>The dashboard-style control panel of AI Suite 3 makes it easy to fine-tune almost every aspect of the ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme. Get the best balance between performance, cooling, stability, and efficiency via one simple and intuitive interface.<br><br>UEFI BIOS<br>The renowned ROG UEFI (BIOS) provides everything needed to configure, tweak, and tune your rig. It offers intelligently simplified options for newcomers to PC DIY, as well as comprehensive features for seasoned veterans.<br><br>Accurate Voltage Monitoring<br>Conventional motherboards use single-ended sensing circuits that are susceptible to noise and have to tap voltage rails from a location that isn’t ideal for accurate monitoring. These issues lead to a large disparity between the voltage fed to components and the values reported to software. The ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme features a differential-sensing circuit that rejects noise and takes readings directly from the CPU and the end point of major voltage rails. This simplifies overclocking and tuning by allowing you to track voltages more accurately.<br><br>PERSONALIZE<br>In addition to extraordinary performance, the ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme provides extensive styling and customization options to let you build a system that truly stands apart.<br><br>Grow Your Gaming World with Aura Sync<br>Up your game with complementary Aura Syncenhanced aesthetics, featuring preset lighting effects that can be easily synchronized across compatible ROG graphics cards, monitors, mice and keyboards to give your setup a unified look.<br><br>Addressable Gen 2 RGB Header<br>The addressable Gen 2 RGB headers can be controlled with Aura software, which automatically tailors your preferred lighting effects to the number of LEDs present in the connected gear or strip. The new headers also offer backward-compatibility with existing Aura RGB components.<br><br>LiveDash OLED<br>The ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme includes LiveDash, a built-in 2-inch OLED panel that shows useful information and features customizable graphics. During the power-on, self-test (POST) phase, the OLED shows key stats in simple language using traditional POST codes. In normal operation, the panel can be programmed to show CPU frequency, device temperatures, fan speeds or water-cooling information. You can also personalize the default OLED GIF with a preferred image or animation.<br><br>RAMCache III<br>RAMCache III software utility turns milliseconds into microseconds to boost game-load times. Fully compatible with the latest NVM Express storage options, RAMCache III utilizes uniquely intelligent technology to effectively cache any storage device, so favorite games and apps launch at breakneck speeds.<br><br>Sonic Studio III<br>Sonic Studio supports HRTF-based (head-related transfer function*) virtual surround for headsets, casting an immersive aural landscape that draws you deeper into the action. The intuitive Sonic Studio interface also offers a range of EQ options and one-click presets, allowing you to tailor acoustics to suit personal preferences or the characteristics of your headset.<br><br>Armoury Crate<br>Armoury Crate is a software utility designed to provide centralized control of supported ROG gaming products. From a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate puts command of all your Aura gear at your fingertips with the new Aura Creator suite. The software also provides control of settings for a growing number of ROG products, making it easier to tune the look and feel of your system. Armoury Crate even offers dedicated product registration and ROG news feeds to help you stay in touch with the ROG gaming community.<br><br>AIDA64 Extreme<br>The ROG Crosshair VIII series includes a one-year AIDA64 Extreme subscription. This industry-leading system information tool provides detailed information about installed hardware and software, and it also provides benchmarks for measuring performance of the entire system or individual components. AIDA64 Extreme includes a monitoring and diagnostics feature to detect and prevent hardware issues. All vital system sensors can be tracked in real time, allowing voltage readings, fan speeds, and temperature information to be viewed on the desktop, sent to dedicated displays, or the OLED panels of ROG AIO liquid coolers.<br><br>Graphics Card Holder<br>Featuring a magnetic base, adjustable slider and hinge, the ROG Graphics Card Holder banishes sag and provides support where it’s needed most.ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Extreme. Processor manufacturer: AMD, Processor socket: Socket AM4, Compatible processor series: AMD Ryzen 3000 Series, AMD Ryzen 5000 Series. Supported memory types: DDR4-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 128 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD. Parallel processing technology support: 2-Way SLI. Ethernet interface type: 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, LAN controller: Marvell AQtion AQC113CS, Intel I225-V, Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
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