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Biostar B660GTA motherboard Intel B660 LGA 1700 ATX
<b>Intel B660 chipset</b>With the Intel® B660 chipset and the 12th generation Intel® Core™ i9/ i7/ i5/ i3 processors and Intel® Pentium® processors, you will immediately be at the forefront of the battlefield, fueled by mind-blowing powerOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
<b>Intel B660 chipset</b>With the Intel® B660 chipset and the 12th generation Intel® Core™ i9/ i7/ i5/ i3 processors and Intel® Pentium® processors, you will immediately be at the forefront of the battlefield, fueled by mind-blowing power and performance. From content creation to gaming, the Intel B660 chipset provides you with the power and performance you need.<b>Audio+</b>Hi-FiA combination of exclusive hardware & software design including "ground-isolation circuit design","an independent audio power", and "a built=on-board amplifier", with all these hardware features gives you the best audio quality and performance. As for software, we offer you a free bundle utility "Multi-Channel Calibration" which normally you'll find in high level sound systems; this feature allows you to auto detect your location; with a user friendly interface, you can easily adjust the volume of every speakers to make a well balanced surround sound. And of course, the built-on-board amplifier always gives you a super powerful sound comparing to other motherboards.HD AudioProvides high quality sound with minimal loss of audio fidelity.Hi-Fi GroundBIOSTAR Hi-Fi Ground ( Golden Line ) is noise-blocking multi-layer PCB design to isolates analog audio signals from digital sources. Unique PCB layout is ideal for exceptional clarity and high fidelity sound.Smart EarSmart EAR is a windows-based audio utility which allows you to easily adjust system volume. With its user-friendly GUI, you can also increase or decrease impedance setting (Low/High Gain) to optimize your headphone performance. You can easily enjoy high-quality and awesome sound.Hi-Fi CapHi-Fi Cap delivers low noise, low distortion, and wide bandwidth to achieve the highest sound resolution and sound expansion. It ensures the most realistic sound effects to gaming enthusiasts.<b>Video+</b>HDMI 2.0HDMI 2.0 supports true 4K resolution- 4096*2160@60hz. A significant increase in bandwidth is up to 18mbps, and significant enhancements are added to support the continued increase consumer demands on video and audio experience.HDMI 4K2KThe new 4K2K resolution enables high-definition image display with four times the resolution of full HD, 4K2K display is faithfully express bright, highly detailed content that fills the entire screen with lifelike images. Connectivity with PCs via a single HDMI cable for displaying 4K2K data.DVIDVI is better than VGA for LCD displays since it is digital while VGA is analog. For LCD displays, the picture is digitized pixel per pixel. Through DVI, the panel gets data for each pixel, so the picture generated in the Graphics device matches the pixels on the panel itself.DisplayPortDisplayPort is a digital display interface developed by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). The interface is primarily used to connect a video source to a display device such as a computer monitor, though it can also be used to carry audio.DX12DirectX 12 introduces the next version of Direct3D, the graphics API at the heart of DirectX. Direct3D is one of the most critical pieces of a game or game engine, and we've redesigned it to be faster and more efficient than ever before. Direct3D 12 enables richer scenes, more objects, and full utilization of modern GPU hardware.<b>Speed+</b>PCIe M.2PCIe M.2 32Gb/s is the latest storage interface, it delivers the highest bandwidth and lower latency. It's 3 times faster compared with PCIe M.2 10Gb/s.SATAIII 6GbpsSATAIII 6Gbps provides a higher bandwidth to retrieve and transfer HD media. With this super speed data transfer, SATAIII allows an incredible data boost which is 2x faster than the SATA II.Dual DDR4The primary advantages of DDR4 over DDR3, include higher module density, lower voltage requirements, coupled with higher data transfer rate.PCIe 5.0PCIe 5.0 increases the data rate from 16GT/s to 32GT/s, which is twice as fast as PCIe 4.0. The maximum data transfer of bandwidth for two-way communication can reach 128GB/s. In addition, synchronized compatible with PCIe 4.0 and previous versions of devices.PCIe 4.0PCIe 4.0 is the next evolution of the ubiquitous and general-purpose PCI Express I/O standard. At 16GT/s bit rate, the interconnect performance bandwidth is doubled over PCIe 3.0, while preserving compatibility with software and mechanical interfaces.PCIe M.2 4.0PCIe M.2 4.0 is the latest storage interface, it delivers the highest bandwidth and lower latency. It is 2 times faster compared with PCIe M.2 3.0.USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-CUSB 3.2 Gen2 offers up to double the transfer speed of USB 3.2 Gen1 at 10 Gbps that allows for much higher data transfer rates and more efficient data transfer. And the Type-C connector is reversible so it's easier to plug in.USB 3.2 Gen2 Type-AUSB 3.2 Gen2 is a new standard called SuperSpeed USB 10Gbps to address increased performance and improve data transmission speed. It is for a max data transfer rate of 10Gbps and creates the best possible connection between your devices.Intel Optane Memory ReadyIntel Optane memory can accelerate traditional storage devices to reduce boot times and improve the overall performance, like a brand-new system. This revolutionary memory technology transforms your old PC to a performance monster without expensive SSD.Dr. MOSDr. MOS integrates driver ICs and high-side / low-side MOSFETs into a small package to reduce switching losses that enables superior efficiency and performance at higher switching frequencies.Digital PWNDigital PWM controller is with dual-output multiphase that faster transient performance and accurately regulated frequency control. It can be enabled to greatly increase system efficiency.<b>Durable+</b>Super Durable Solid CapsThe best quality solid state capacitors with ultra low ESR design, the Super Durable Solid Caps doubles the lifespan.Iron Slot ProtectionThe exclusive Iron Slot Protection can reinforce PCI-E x16 slots to handle heavier graphics cards, prevent bending, and extend longevity of the slot, making the new-gen RACING Series much more robust.Tough Power ConnectorsTough Power Connectors are very robust that have larger area to ensure stable and reliable power supply. They can pack more power and durability to make your PC last longer.Super Durable InductorSuper Durable Inductor brings the benefits of higher current capacity, lower energy loss and better power stability.Moistureproof PCBThe PCB will be oxidizing easily by damp or absorbed moisture, and ionic migration or CAF (Conductive Anodic Filament) will be generated. Moistureproof PCB meets high density and high reliability requirements for moisture proof.<b>Protection+</b>M.2 Cooling ProtectionM.2 heatsink features ultra-high cooling efficiency for protecting the M.2 SSD from thermal problems, extending the M.2 SSD lifespan for long-term usage and stable operation. To top it off, this cooling design makes the performance of certain M.2 (PCI-e 3.0x4) products most efficient even under high-temperature operating.ESD ProtectionESD (Electrostatic Discharge) is the major factor to destroy the PC by electrical overstress (EOS) condition. ESD occurred by PC users when touch any devices connect to a PC, which may result in damage to the motherboard or parts. ESD protection is designed to protect the motherboard and equipment from damage by EOS.OC / OV / OH ProtectionOC / OV / OH Protection design detects overvoltage conditions and prevents voltage surges from spreading in real time. It also actively cuts off the overvoltage supply to protect your system.Armor GearThe new Armor Gear, which offers more stability and durability, comes with I/O Armor to protect I/O interfaces from static electricity. It is equipped with full-color RGB LED light that users can use VIVID LED DJ to synchronize it and build your own color gaming lights.2.5Guard2.5GUARD features 2.5G having higher data transfer speeds and can strengthen electrical stability and prevent damage from lightning strikes and electrical surges. It's 2.5X improvement than standard Ethernet connections.<b>DIY+</b>VIVID LED DJNew VIVID LED DJ with more customizability and options to control multiple RGB/ARGB LED lighting zones independently. Users can control color, speed and brightness for different modes at ease.UEFI BIOSUnified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is a brand new framework that provides a revolutionary interface. It is a modern clear and easy-to-use graphical user interface. The UEFI comes with a colorful easy-understand icons lead users into the setup layer directly.EZ ModeBIOSTAR EZ Mode makes everything as simple and efficient as possible. It has an attractive easy-to-use BIOS system interface that guides users to solve their problems with ease. It lays out the things which you often do in BIOS system to make the flow smooth and seamless.BIO-FlasherBIO-Flasher is a convenient BIOS update tool. Just launch this tool and put the BIOS on USB pen driver before entering the OS. You can update your BIOS with only a few clicks without preparing an additional floppy disk or other complicated flash utility.A.I FANWith A.I FAN users can ensure that their gaming PC can maintain its performance while staying cool. According to different cooling needs and usage scenarios, users can control speed modes. Allows users to have more customizability of fan modes and automatically detects different temperatures to make fan operate at defined speed for optimal cooling performance. Furthermore, A.I FAN support both PWM and DC voltage fans for more cooling options.LED ROCK ZONELED ROCK ZONE comes with the RGB 12V LED header and Digital 5V LED header which offer more colorful lighting options to DIY lovers. Adjusting the color of LED and changing system colors by VIVID LED DJ will make you fully enjoy the process of PC modding developing your personal style.CPU OPTBIOSTAR offers one more fan header which is called CPU OPT. Users can use it to connect any kind of water coolers for a liquid cooling system. Keep your computer stable and enjoy your machine at the utmost potential.BIOSTAR RGB SYNCBISOTAR RGB SYNC is designed to create your personalized lighting effects. Let all the RGB peripherals and components sync together.Debug LEDDebug LED helps you identify any issues going with your board or hardware. When error occurs, the corresponding LED lights will inform you on the status of your board or hardware to shorten the test time effectively.A.I TP ControlA.I TP Control is designed for overclockers. It provides a user-friendly BIOS environment that overclockers can adjust the temperature setting to keep your PC safe and enjoy extreme overclocking performance.Smart UpdateBiostar Smart Update is a utility that can help users run online update. It can download the drivers for your motherboard from Biostar official website and install them automatically.Biostar B660GTA. Processor manufacturer: Intel, Processor socket: LGA 1700, Compatible processor series: Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9, Intel® Pentium®. Supported memory types: DDR4-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 128 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III. Ethernet interface type: 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, LAN controller: Realtek RTL8125B. Component for: PC, Motherboard form factor: ATX, Motherboard chipset family: Intel
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SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaati
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Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.
Toode on saadaval Photopointi veebipoes 7-14 tööpäevase tarneajaga. Esinduskauplustes kohapeal seda toodet müügil ei ole.