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Leap into the future with the ROG Strix B760-F, a fantastic upgrade into 13th Gen with its dominant power solution and best-in-class DDR5 speeds. Its next-gen PCIe 5.0 slot gives overwhelming graphics card throughput for maximum FPS, and you can minimize lag via hyperfast WiFi 6E or 2.5G LAN. All these perks come alongside distinctive rainbow stripes and retro accents so you can show off your gamer pride.<br><br>DIY-FRIENDLY FEATURES<br><br><b>PCIE® SLOT Q-RELEASE</b><br>A physical button unlocks the first PCIe slot’s security latch with one press, greatly simplifying the process of detaching a PCIe card from the motherboard when it’s time to upgrade to a new GPU or other compatible device.<br><br><b>M.2 Q-LATCH</b><br>The innovative Q-Latch makes it easy to install or remove an SSD from an M.2 slot. The design employs a simple locking mechanism to secure the drive, eliminating the need for a traditional screw.<br><br><b>CLEAR CMOS</b><br>The Clear CMOS button quickly resets BIOS settings to factory default. It can also be used to reboot the PC if incorrect BIOS settings have been selected.<br><br><b>BIOS FLASHBACK™</b><br>BIOS FlashBack™ is a safe and simple way to update BIOS. Just drop the (UEFI) BIOS file onto a FAT32-formatted USB stick, plug it into the USB BIOS FlashBack port, and press the button. Updates can even be performed without having memory or a CPU installed.<br><br><b>Q-LED</b><br>Four onboard LEDs indicate power status and identify problems with CPU, memory, graphics card, or boot device for quick diagnosis.<br><br><b>ALL-ROUND PERFORMANCE</b><br>With a powerful VRM and thick stacked heatsinks, the ROG Strix B760-F is ready for any chip in the Intel 13th Gen lineup. Connected devices can run at incredible speeds as well, thanks to immense PCIe bandwidth.<br><br><b>POWER ARCHITECTURE</b><br>16 + 1 power stages, each rated to 60A, deliver ample current to drive the most powerful Intel 13th Gen processors through any workload with ease.<br><br><b>ALLOY CHOKES AND DURABLE CAPACITORS</b><br>High-end chokes and durable capacitors are engineered to resist extreme temperatures, enabling performance that exceeds industry standards.<br><br><b>SIX-LAYER PCB</b><br>A multi-layered printed circuit board design quickly dissipates heat around the voltage regulators to improve overall system stability.<br><br><b>DDR5 DOMINATION</b><br>ROG has a long legacy of flexing the fastest memory performance, and DDR5 is no outlier. Thanks to improved signal routing, now enthusiast-grade kits have been driven far beyond the 7 GT/s mark on the Strix B760-F, and who knows how far future DIMMs can go? Seasoned veterans can test their mettle by tinkering with the extensive array of tuning options in the UEFI.<br><br><b>AEMP II</b><br>ASUS Enhanced Memory Profile (AEMP) is an exclusive hardware and firmware solution to overclock generic memory modules. AEMP’s second version allows for automatic tuning of kits during system startup and leverages the PCB trace optimizations of the Strix B760-F to push frequencies higher than ever before. AEMP II can even overclock mixed kits in a quad-DIMM arrangement, and the vast library of support now extends to nearly every DDR5 module that does not otherwise have XMP support.<br><br><b>VRM HEATSINK ARRAY</b><br>Covering the power solution are two thick heatsinks with strategic airflow channels for increased heat dissipation while powering high-performance Intel 13th Gen processors.<br><br><b>M.2 HEATSINKS</b><br>Heatsinks cover every slot to help keep onboard NVME SSDs at optimal temperatures for consistent performance and reliability.<br><br><b>CPU FAN HEADERS</b><br>Positioned near the top of the motherboard, a pair of PWM/DC fan headers give easy access for CPU coolers.<br><br><b>AIO PUMP FAN HEADER</b><br>A dedicated PWM/DC header connects self-contained water-cooling setups.<br><br><b>4-PIN FAN HEADERS</b><br>The Strix B760-F features four chassis fan headers, each supporting auto-detection of PWM or DC fans.<br><br><b>LEADING CONNECTIVITY</b><br>Supersmooth networking, extensive USB bandwidth, and immersive audio all come together to give the ROG Strix B760-F a robust connectivity package.<br><br>The top x16 expansion slot is ready for the future with incredible PCIe 5.0 bandwidth, and it is protected with a SafeSlot retention bracket to support the bulk of the latest graphics cards. Zippy storage options abound with three PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots, all featuring robust heatsinks to maximize performance.<br><br><b>WIFI 6E</b><br>Onboard WiFi 6E technology takes advantage of newly available spectrum in the 6 GHz band to provide up to seven 160 MHz channels for ultrafast throughput and better performance in dense wireless environments.<br><br><b>Intel 2.5G Ethernet</b><br>Low-latency gaming, speedy file transfers, and high-resolution video streaming are among the many perks of onboard Intel® 2.5 Gbps Ethernet.<br><br>The Strix B760-F comes loaded with multiple high-speed USB options. All of the rear I/O ports are USB 3.2-compliant, with the fastest being a USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C® port for data transfers up to 20 Gbps. A chassis port can also receive turbo treatment via the USB Gen 3.2 Gen 2 front-panel connector.<br><br><b>SUPREMEFX</b><br>ROG SupremeFX is a unique blend of hardware and software technologies that provide superior audio. The Strix B760-F implementation features the ALC4080 codec for high-resolution playback up to 32-bit/384 kHz across all channels. Front-panel output is streamed through the integrated Savitech amplifier that can drive high-fidelity acoustics to a wide variety of speakers and headsets.<br><br><b>PLAY IN STYLE</b><br>With colorful accents, Aura Sync lighting, and a sleek black PCB, the ROG Strix B760-F gives you a bold start to your rig, especially when complemented by similarly vibrant products in the ROG ecosystem.<br><br><b>UNDENIABLY ROG STRIX</b><br>Keeping true to its roots, the Strix B760-F is proudly decorated with allusions to games of yesteryear. Scattered decals create a techno-retro fusion backdrop that is punctuated with vibrant highlights and a signature illuminated ROG logo on the I/O shroud.<br><br><b>OUTSHINE THE COMPETITION</b><br>ROG Strix motherboards feature ASUS Aura technology, enabling full lighting control and a variety of presets for both onboard RGB LEDs and third-party accessories. Effects can be easily synced across compatible ROG graphics cards, monitors, keyboards, and mice to give your setup a unified look.<br><br><b>COOLER COMPATIBILITY</b><br>The ROG Strix B760-F bears the same LGA 1700 socket as Z690 and B660 models, so many existing coolers are compatible, including all AIO offerings from ASUS and ROG.<br><br><b>THE ROG STRIX ECOSYSTEM AWAITS</b><br>Level up your game with ROG Strix. Enjoy complimentary aesthetics, control, and compatibility across AIO coolers, cases, peripherals, and much more. ROG offers more choices than any other brand.<br><br><b>SOFTWARE UTILITIES</b><br>Take command of your system through a bevy of ROG-exclusive tools that let you maximize performance and customize your experience.<br><br><b>TWO-WAY AI NOISE CANCELATION</b><br>This utility leverages a massive deep-learning database to reduce over 5 million types of background noise from incoming or outgoing audio, helping ensure crystal-clear communication in games or calls.<br><br><b>AI NETWORKING</b><br>GameFirst VI optimizes networking performance by allocating bandwidth in real time based on application usage scenarios and corresponding learning algorithms. The latest update includes dedicated support for GeForce NOW to ensure the lowest latency possible during intense game streaming sessions.<br><br>The renowned ROG UEFI (BIOS) provides everything you need to configure, tweak, and tune your rig. It offers intelligently simplified options for newcomers to PC DIY, as well as more comprehensive features for seasoned veterans.<br><br>AI Suite 3 gives you digital power controls and hardware monitoring directly from the OS. Intuitive sliders and dials let you take command of your VRM, including tweaking load-line calibration, switching frequency, and voltage droop, all while tracking CPU vitals and fan speeds in real time.<br><br>Sonic Studio supports HRTF-based (head-related transfer function*) virtual surround for headsets, casting an immersive aural landscape that draws you deeper into the action. The intuitive Sonic Studio interface also offers a range of EQ options and one-click presets, allowing you to tailor acoustics to suit personal preferences or the characteristics of your headset.<br><br>Through the pre-loaded DTS® Sound Unbound™ app, the ROG Strix B760-F envelops you in rich audio, conjuring whole new levels of immersion for extraordinary gaming and entertainment experiences. By exploiting Microsoft spatial sound technology, DTS Sound Unbound creates an audial 3D space — putting you right in the middle of the soundscape, where you can sense the location and direction of every gunshot, footstep, or other sound in your virtual environment.<br><br>The ROG Strix B760-F includes a sixty-day AIDA64 Extreme subscription, a tool that provides detailed information about hardware and software, as well as benchmarks to measure the performance of the entire system or individual components. AIDA64 Extreme includes a monitoring and diagnostics feature to detect and prevent hardware issues. All vital system sensors can be tracked in real time, allowing voltage readings, fan speeds, and temperature information to be displayed on the desktop or sent to dedicated displays or to the LCD panels of ROG AIO liquid coolers*.<br>* Support available for ROG Ryujin II and later models.<br><br>Armoury Crate is a software utility designed to give you centralized control of supported gaming products, making it easy to tune the look and feel of your system. From a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate helps you customize RGB lighting and effects for compatible devices and synchronize them with Aura Sync to create a unified lighting scheme across your system. In addition, Armoury Crate’s Fan Xpert4 tool provides comprehensive control over fans, water pumps, and all-in-one (AIO) coolers.<br><br>You can use Armoury Crate to download drivers, tools, and user manuals, and to register products. It also taps into a special news feed that connects you to the global ASUS gaming community.<br>* Windows 10 or 11 required for full Aura Sync functionality within Armoury Crate. For Windows 8 and earlier versions, standalone Aura Sync software is available for free download from the product support site.ASUS ROG STRIX B760-F GAMING WIFI. Processor manufacturer: Intel, Processor socket: LGA 1700, Compatible processor series: Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,.... Supported memory types: DDR5-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 192 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD, RAID levels: 0, 1, 5, 10. Ethernet interface type: 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax), Wi-Fi standards: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), Wi-Fi 6E.... Component for: PC, Motherboard form factor: ATX, Motherboard chipset family: Intel
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