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Nanoxia Deep Silence 5 Rev.B Full Tower Black
<b>Model: Deep Silence 5 Rev. B</b><br><b>With the Deep Silence 5 Rev. B we present a slightly modified revision of our popular big tower from the next generation of silent PC cases.</b><br><br>Our Deep SilenOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
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<b>Model: Deep Silence 5 Rev. B</b><br><b>With the Deep Silence 5 Rev. B we present a slightly modified revision of our popular big tower from the next generation of silent PC cases.</b><br><br>Our Deep Silence series has already won more than 150 awards from the international trade press. The innovative design and the exceptional quality certainly delight experts and enthusiasts alike.<br><br>Based on the suggestions of our fans and customers, our design team has developed meaningful optimizations in the context of product development, which are reflected in the present revision. A particular novelty is the newly developed 6 x 2.5 "mounting frame for space-saving installation of up to six HDD / SSD.<br><br>In the actual revision, the huge tower again offers generous space and modular HDD-cages. Thus, the most extensive gaming systems can be installed in the case, with extra-long graphics cards and high-end CPU coolers. Alternatively, compact water cooling systems can be accommodated without encountering any space problems in the Big Tower.<br><br>Prominent features of our Deep Silence case series:<br>- Classic design - Made in Germany<br>- Particularly quiet thanks to its integrated sound dampening system and focused design<br>- Highly efficient, stealthy ventilation system<br>- Maximum functionality and adaptability<br><br>The Deep Silence 5 Rev. B is equipped with two foam insulated front doors. Behind the upper door four external 5.25 inch bays are located, as well as a stepless 2-channel fan controller, and the reset button. Behind the second door two 140 mm Deep Silence fans are preinstalled in practical "Easy Access" fan trays. Magnets in the doors provide fast closing and easy opening.<br><br>The I/O-panel is located at the front part of the top cover. In addition to the green illuminated power button, you will find 2 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0 as well as audio and mic ports here. Appropriate hardware can thus easily and quickly be installed.<br><br>You can install E-ATX or XL-ATX motherboards, as well as smaller form factors (ATX, M-ATX, Mini-ITX) in the Deep Silence 5 Rev. B. Thanks to the modular modular HDD-cages the case offers maximum compatibility and variability, either for water cooling projects or for the installation of high-end air-cooled systems.<br><br><b>Almost noiseless</b><br>In the course of our development work, the goal was to design silent PC cases which will still offer very low system temperatures.<br><br>As with all the Deep Silence cases, specially designed noise reducing insulation materials are used to minimize and absorb any noises. The materials used have been manufactured in accordance with the specifications of our designers and are meant to absorb both structure and airborne noise. The solid front doors use sound absorbing materials contribute significantly to the most effective noise reduction.<br><br>Hard disks and the PSU use anti-vibration mounting solutions. By using the highest quality materials, optimal noise insulation is ensured while at the same time providing a very stable case.<br><br>Another important part of the noiseless concept are the pre-installed Deep Silence fans. The quiet-running models are designed for the best possible compromise between cooling performance and low noise levels. The Tower is also equipped with a 2-channel fan controller, as is standard for our Deep Silence case series.<br><br><b>Intelligent ventilation system</b><br>In the Deep Silence 5 Rev. B, a total of three 140 mm fans are already installed. Two of these are mounted in special swiveling brackets, which allow for simple removal of the fans and easy access to the included dust filters. The third fan is mounted at the back of the case.<br><br>You can mount a total of six fans in the big tower. Besides the models mentioned above, you can install additional 120/140 mm case fans under the top cover and on the case bottom. Corresponding filters protect the hardware from the intrusion of dust particles.<br><br>Thanks to the standard stepless fan control for up to six fans, an individual compromise between low system temperatures and the lowest possible noise level can be achieved, even with a full fan assembly.<br><br><b>Water Cooling Ready</b><br>Like all cases of our Deep Silence series, the Deep Silence 5 in the revision B is of course “Watercooling ready”. Behind the front, 120 or 240 mm radiators can easily be installed, thanks to the modular HDD-cages. Due to the spacious interior, it is possible to equip the radiators with fans on both sides in a "push-pull" mode.<br><br>Under the top cover you can mount a compact water cooling solution with a 240/280 mm slim-radiator. Four additional rubber hose guides for external water cooling solutions can be found at the rear of the case.<br><br><b>Versatile Features</b><br>The Nanoxia Deep Silence 5 Rev. B offers a variety of very convenient product features:<br><br>Behind the lower door, 2 dust filter equipped holding frames can be found, each receiving one of the 140 mm fan. A simple pressure on the holding frame (it works using the push-pin principle) releases the anchoring, the flap can be opened, and dust filter and fan can be removed and cleaned very easily.<br><br>In the Deep Silence 5 Rev. B a total of 14 hard disk drives can be anti-vibration mounted. Three modular HDD-cages are available for this purpose. Two of these cages are designed for three 2.5 inch or 3.5 inch HDD and the third holds up to five 2.5/3.5 inch HDD/SSD. The hard disk capacity of the Deep Silence 5 Rev. B is even expandable through the acquisition of additional HDD cages.<br><br>Due to this outstanding variability, the installation of long graphic cards with a maximum length of up to 468 mm is easily possible. By removing unused HDD-cages, the cooling of the VGA card can be further improved by the front-mounted fans.<br><br>The hard drives are installed in special mounting carriages, which are designed to accommodate both 2.5" HDD / SSD as well as 3.5" HDD. Screws with rubber suspension are used to hold the drives in place.<br><br>A special feature of the Deep Silence 5 Rev. B is the newly developed 2.5 inch mounting frame for up to six 2.5" HDD/SSD. For installation, the mounting frame will need three 3.5 inch bays. If you do not want to use this unique feature, sufficiently 3.5 inch mounting carriages are included to use all available slots.<br><br>In addition to high-end VGA-cards, all current CPU coolers can easily be accommodated in the case. At the rear side a total of ten PCI expansion slots can be found - the installation of a multi-GPU system is thus possible without difficulty.Nanoxia Deep Silence 5 Rev.B. Form factor: Full Tower, Type: PC, Product colour: Black. Front fans installed: 2x 140 mm, Rear fans installed: 1x 140 mm. Supported HDD sizes: 2.5,3.5". Width: 232 mm, Depth: 550 mm, Height: 552 mm
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