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TUF GAMING B760M-PLUS WIFI II takes all the essential elements of the latest Intel® processors and combines them with game-ready features and proven durability. Engineered with military-grade components, an upgraded power solution and a comprehensive cooling system, this motherboard goes beyond expectations with rock-solid performance for marathon gaming. TUF GAMING motherboards also undergo rigorous endurance testing to ensure that they can handle conditions where others may fail. Aesthetically, this model incorporates an embossed nameplate and geometric design elements to reflect the dependability and stability that defines the TUF GAMING series.<br><br><b>INTELLIGENT CONTROL</b><br>The TUF GAMING B760M motherboards pack flexible tools to tune every aspect of your system, enabling performance tweaks to expertly match the way you play.<br><br><b>All-Around Energy Efficiency</b><br>The Power Saving function contains several settings that can easily optimize power consumption and maximize energy savings. You can enable a CPU power limit, darken Aura lighting, and set the fan profile to a power saving mode. You can also toggle the Power Saver plan that is built into Microsoft Windows.<br><br><b>UEFI BIOS</b><br>The renowned ASUS UEFI BIOS provides everything you need to configure, tweak and tune your system. It offers intelligently simplified options for PC DIY beginners and comprehensive features for seasoned veterans.<br><br><b>Armoury Crate</b><br>The ASUS-exclusive Armoury Crate software centralizes control of all supported gaming products. A single intuitive interface lets you customize RGB lighting for all compatible devices and link them to Aura Sync for unified illumination. It also displays information from, and enables control of, a growing hardware ecosystem. Armoury Crate also enables easy product registration and features a news section to keep you in touch with the gaming community.<br><br><b>ROCK-SOLID PERFORMANCE</b><br>With upgraded power delivery and comprehensive cooling options to fuel the latest Intel CPUs, plus support for DDR5 memory and PCIe 4.0 storage, the TUF GAMING B760M-PLUS WIFI II is the perfect foundation for your next Intel battle rig.<br><br><b>Premium Power Delivery</b><br>12+1+1 power stages are each rated to handle up to 50 amperes, combining high-side and low-side MOSFETS and drivers into a single package to deliver power, efficiency and stable performance for all compatible Intel processors.<br><br><b>Six-Layer PCB Design</b><br>The multi-layered printed circuit board design quickly dissipates heat around the voltage regulators to improve overall system stability and provide the CPU with more overclocking headroom.<br><br><b>8+8 PIN ProCool Power Connectors</b><br>Compared to traditional power inputs, ASUS ProCool connectors are built to tight specifications to ensure full contact with PSU power cables. The resulting lower impedance helps prevent hotspots and connector failure.<br><br>TUF Components<br><br><b>TUF Chokes</b><br>Certified military-grade TUF chokes deliver rock-solid power to the CPU, improving system stability.<br><br><b>TUF Capacitors</b><br>The TUF 5K black metallic capacitors provide 52% wider temperature tolerance and a 2.5X-longer lifespan than standard motherboard capacitors.<br><br><b>Digi+ VRM</b><br>The integrated Digi+ voltage-regulator module (VRM) is one of the finest in the industry, optimized for ultra-smooth and ultra-clean power delivery to the CPU at all times.<br><br><b>Unleash DDR5 With AEMP II</b><br>ASUS Enhanced Memory Profile II is an exclusive firmware feature for PMIC-restricted memory modules. AEMP II is based on a CPU and memory module’s ability to train the memory chips on your kit, and it presents an optimized clock speed that can effortlessly unleash performance.<br>Built through a flexible training method, AEMP II makes it easy to not only tune the memory above baseline settings but also maintain the stability of system operation, whether getting the most out of an entry-level module or priming a high-speed kit for ultimate performance.<br><br><b>PCIe 4.0 Support</b><br>The three PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots support up to three 2280 devices, two of which are capable of the data-transfer speeds are up to 64 Gbps via PCIe® 4.0, enabling quicker boot-up and app load times with OS or application drives.<br><br><b>Cooler By Design</b><br>1. Enlarged VRM Heatsink<br>The extensive surface area of this heatsink covers the VRMs and chokes to improve heat dissipation.<br><br>2. Optimized M.2 Heatsink Design<br>Two M.2 slots have dedicated heatsinks, keeping M.2 SSDs at optimal operating temperatures to ensure consistent performance and reliability.<br><br><b>Comprehensive Fan Controls</b><br>TUF GAMING B760M motherboards feature comprehensive fan controls that can be configured via the Fan Xpert 2+ utility in Armoury Crate or via the award-winning ASUS UEFI BIOS.<br><br><b>Connectivity</b><br>The TUF-GAMING B760M-PLUS WIFI II reaches new heights of performance potential with the latest version of PCI Express, while an arsenal of USB ports includes two Type-C connections, and Thunderbolt 4 expands compatibility and bandwidth even further.<br><br><b>EASY PC DIY</b><br>The TUF GAMING line offers easy setup for all builders. The TUF GAMING Alliance ecosystem grants compatibility, while Armoury Crate has Fan Xpert 2+, hardware info, Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation, RGB options and peripheral settings. This platform has intuitive tools to build and optimize dream rigs.<br><br><b>Build With Confidence</b><br>TUF GAMING Alliance is a collaboration between ASUS and trusted PC component brands to ensure compatibility across a wide range of parts, such as PC cases, power supplies, CPU coolers, memory kits and more. With new partnerships and components being added regularly, the TUF GAMING Alliance will continue to grow even stronger.<br><br><b>SafeSlot Core+ & SafeDIMM</b><br>SafeSlot Core+ is a reinforced metal sheath added to a PCIe slot to keep a card firmly installed. Because PCIe 5.0 is two times faster than PCIe 4.0, ASUS enhanced SMT manufacturing processes for the faster SafeSlot―all to ensure users get the highest-possible data speeds. In addition, the ASUS SafeDIMM sheath is added to support and protect memory modules on select ASUS motherboards, empowering you to insert modules with speed, accuracy and confidence.<br><br><b>ESD Guards</b><br>ESD Guards prolong the life of components while preventing damage from electrostatic discharge, providing protection for up to +/- 10 kV of air discharge and +/- 6 kV of contact discharge — greatly surpassing the respective industry standards of +/- 6 kV and +/- 4 kV. Surface-mounted TVS diodes in a dual in-line package help protect your PC from voltage spikes.<br><br><b>TUF LANGuard</b><br>TUF LANGuard is a military-grade innovation that integrates advanced signal-coupling technology and premium surface-mounted capacitors to improve throughput, protecting the motherboard from lightning strikes and static electricity.<br><br><b>Stainless Steel Back I/O Panel</b><br>TUF GAMING motherboards have a corrosion-resistant stainless steel back I/O panel bonded with chromium oxide to provide a lifespan that’s three times longer than traditional panels. With this protective feature, TUF GAMING motherboards passed 72-hour salt fog testing, while other brands only passed 24-hour testing.<br><br><b>PCIe Q-Release</b><br>A physical lever unlocks the first PCIe slot’s security latch with one tap, greatly simplifying the process of detaching a PCIe card from the motherboard when it’s time to upgrade to a new graphics card or other compatible device.<br><br><b>Q-Antenna</b><br>With Q-Antenna, attaching a WiFi antenna to your PC is now easy and fast. Instead of slowly rotating two fasteners until they finally lock in, they just snap into place. Less hassle, and more consistent performance.<br><br><b>M.2 Q-Latch</b><br>The innovative Q-Latch makes it easy to install or remove an M.2 SSD without the need for specific tools. The design employs a simple locking mechanism to secure the M.2 SSD, neatly eliminating the need for screws.<br><br><b>Removable Captive Screws</b><br>Specialized M.2 slot screws reduce the risk of dropping or losing a screw somewhere in your case during M.2 heatsink removal.<br><br><b>Q-LED</b><br>The on-board Q-LED troubleshooting lights give PC builders a quick indicator to confirm that key components ― CPU, RAM, graphics card, storage devices ― are functioning normally during startup.<br><br><b>IMMERSIVE GAMING</b><br>TUF GAMING B760M motherboards provide a feature-packed high-performance gaming package, with ultrafast networking for smoother online gameplay, pristine audio with positional cues for FPS Gaming, and onboard RGB lighting that syncs with attached gear to personalize your gaming atmosphere.<br><br><b>Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation</b><br>This powerful ASUS-exclusive utility leverages a massive deep-learning database to reduce background noise from the microphone* and incoming audio while preserving voices. Distracting keyboard clatter, mouse clicks and other ambient noises are muffled so you can hear and be heard with excellent clarity while gaming or during calls.<br>*An audio splitter (3.5 mm audio jack Y-cable) is necessary when using a 3.5 mm headset.<br><br><b>Realtek 7.1 Surround Sound</b><br>The unique audio codec designed in close collaboration with Realtek for TUF GAMING B760M motherboards feature an unprecedented 98 dB signal-to-noise ratio for the stereo line out, providing pristine audio quality.<br><br><b>DTS Audio Processing</b><br>DTS® Audio Processing enhances gaming headset and speaker audio experiences by reducing distortion and by providing deeper bass, so games, movies and music sound better. It also allows you to customize audio settings.<br><br><b>Addressable Gen 2 RGB Header</b><br>Three addressable Gen 2 RGB headers will support up to 500 LEDs on Gen 2 RGB devices, empowering Aura Sync to automatically tailor lighting effects across your whole system. The new headers also offer full backward compatibility with existing Aura Sync gear.ASUS TUF GAMING B760M-PLUS WIFI II. Processor manufacturer: Intel, Processor socket: LGA 1700, Compatible processor series: Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,.... Supported memory types: DDR5-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 192 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD, RAID levels: 0, 1, 5, 10. Ethernet interface type: 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax), Wi-Fi standards: Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax). Component for: PC, Motherboard form factor: micro ATX, Motherboard chipset family: Intel
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