Babyono suction baby toothbrush blue 551/03

7,99 €


Babyono soft silicone toothbrush with a limiter protecting against inserting it too deep into the mouth. It is intended for daily oral hygiene and may be used for massaging gums of children who have no teeth yet. The playful design makes brushing tee

Babyono soft silicone toothbrush with a limiter protecting against inserting it too deep into the mouth. It is intended for daily oral hygiene and may be used for massaging gums of children who have no teeth yet. The playful design makes brushing teeth a fun activity. Ideal for learning independent tooth brushing

Gently remove food residues from the child’s teeth and gums
Safe limiter
The suction cup designed for hygienic storing of the toothbrush by attaching it to the sink
Suitable also for gum massage
Helpful during teething
Ideal for learning independent tooth brushing
Made of durable and safe materials
BPA-free (No Bisphenol A)
Recommended for children over 6 months

Material: plastic, silicone
Dimensions: 11.5 x 4.5 cm
Weight: 0.023 kg
Cleaning method: pour boiling water over the product

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