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Citas rotaļlietas
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- Viss kategorijā "Instrumenti"
Charger with battery tester 12V 6A repair fu

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!
Excellent efficiency thanks to intelligent control
The proper selection of an appropriate charger for the battery is crucial if you want your battery to serve you for a long time. The wrong charger can result not only in longer charging times, but also in a significant reduction in battery life.
The Qoltec brand rectifier is microprocessor-based precision charging, offers 6 operating modes, which greatly simplifies the loading process, a single charger is sufficient for the various battery types and supports:
- Car mode for lead-acid batteries,
- AGM mode designed for AGM batteries in vehicles with start/stop systems,
- GEL colloidal charging mode,
- LiFePO4 mode,
- Moto mode dedicated to smaller batteries,
- Repair mode for batteries that need to be reconditioned.
The time required for recharging depends on the degree of discharge of the battery and its actual capacity. Charger designed for charging batteries in cars, motorbikes, boats, lawnmowers, agricultural vehicles and quads.
Trust our chargers - enjoy uninterrupted energy
Rectifier microprocessor-controlled, guarantees absolute safety of use, personalised charging for each type of battery, automatically switches off when the battery is fully charged, keeping the battery ready to use. So you don't have to worry about overcharging the battery.
You can now safely and quickly recharge your battery. Product has advanced security features including reverse polarity, overvoltage and overcharge protection. Additionally built-in fan protects the device from overheating.
Precision battery test function
The ideal tool for anyone who wants to know exactly the current status of their battery, not only for specialists. You can now easily check the cause of the problem and avoid major failures and costly diagnostics e.g. in an automotive workshop. With a Qoltec brand device, analysing the battery health results becomes easier than ever. You can measure battery voltage, CCA current, check battery health and life and quickly detect a fault.
Multifunctional LED display
The charger has a large and clear LED display, making it easy to see the process and the most important charging parameters. You can continuously monitor the status of the battery, check the voltage and amperage and the currently selected mode, making working with the device easy and intuitive, not only for professionals.
Repair function or advanced repair of your battery
Our charger is ideal for rescuing a battery that has stopped working as it should, this is usually the result of the battery being completely discharged and left in this state for an extended period. We may then notice that the battery is not accepting the charging current or is heating up significantly. The repair mode is an approximately 16-hour advanced recovery mode for batteries that have not been used for a long time, for example, or for sulphated batteries with very low voltage. With this function, the charger can help extend the life of the battery or regenerate it.
Precise charge management in three steps
The charger uses intelligent 3-stage charging by adapting the charging voltage and current to the current state of charge of the battery, it consists of 3 stages:
Stage CC is a charge up to 80% of the battery capacity, with maximum current kept constant and high voltage,
Stage CV the charger keeps the charging voltage constant between 14.1VDC and 14.8VDC, reducing the charging current,
The FLOAT stage is the so-called maintenance in which the battery has already reached 95% of its capacity and gradually reaches 100%, there is a reduction in the charging voltage to a constant value between 13.0VDC and 13.8 VDC.
Simple installation - robust housing
Connecting the charger to the battery is quick and easy, simply attach the clamps to the battery accordingly. The red connector is clipped to the positive terminal and the black one to the negative terminal. Any vehicle owner should be able to cope with this. Once the charger is connected to the power supply and the appropriate mode selected, the charger is ready for charging.
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