ICY Box monitor desk mount Hub 32" IB-MSG303BL-T

84,50 € Ietaupiet 50% 169 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 2,53 €

Atvērt nomaksas kalkulatoru

Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

Lūdzu, pievienojiet preces savam iepirkumu grozam un izvēlieties maksājuma veidu "nomaksa"


  • Universal monitor desk mount
  • For up to 32" monitors
  • Maximal monitor weight: 8 kg
  • 2 × USB 3.0, microphone and headphone jack
  • Cool RGB lighting

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

Create atmosphere in your room with this gaming monitor stand. With its trendy RGB light effect, it fits perfectly into any environment. It also adds two more USB 3.0 ports and a microphone and headphone jack to your end device. Thanks to the built-in spring tension gauge, the monitor can be perfectly adjusted to its weight.

Brings light into the dark
The IB-MSG303BL-T impresses with good workmanship, a modern and eye-catching design and its lighting in the base of the monitor stand, which creates a particularly pleasant ambience in your gaming room. The colours play through the palette of the rainbow.

Even more connections!
This monitor stand adds two more USB 3.0 ports to your end device. A third USB 3.0 port provides the necessary power. You also have the option of connecting a microphone and headphones, extremely convenient for myour gaming applications!

Firmly and securely mounted
The monitor stand can be securely attached to the tabletop in two ways. If your desk has a cut-out, you can attach the monitor stand to table tops with a thickness of 10 to 80 mm by means of a table feed-through. For tabletops with a thickness of 10 to 85 mm, you can also mount it securely using a clamp base. The accessories are included in the scope of delivery.
  • Mounting: Clamp/Bolt-through
  • Maximum weight capacity: 8 kg
  • Maximum screen size: 32" (81.3 cm)
  • Minimum VESA mount: 75 × 75 mm
  • Maximum VESA mount: 100 × 100 mm
  • Height adjustment
  • Swivel angle range: -180–180°
  • Tilt angle range: -40–40°

Produktu kodi


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