16 Channel Video Recorder VIGI NVR2016H

283,99 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 9,68 €

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Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

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VIGI NVR1016H Sixteen-channel VIGI network video recorder 24/7 recording: Material obtained from connected cameras is automatically saved on disk (up to 10 TB), making access to recordings quick and convenient. 16-channel live view: An image with a

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Sixteen-channel VIGI network video recorder

  • 24/7 recording: Material obtained from connected cameras is automatically saved on disk (up to 10 TB), making access to recordings quick and convenient.
  • 16-channel live view: An image with a resolution of up to 8 Mpx and support for up to 16 channels will allow you to capture all the details from different perspectives.
  • Quick preview and playback: Easy access to what you're looking for by filtering by dates, events and keywords. Variable speed playback allows you to quickly review your recordings.
  • Remote Monitoring: The VIGI app is a convenient and easy-to-use application that provides remote monitoring access.
  • H.265+: The camera does not have to use excessive network bandwidth - the device transmits compressed video to save disk space and reduce network load.
  • ONVIF*: The design of the device is fully compliant with ONVIF standards, so connecting VIGI cameras or cameras from other manufacturers is not a problem and allows you to create a powerful and diverse network.
  • 1 HDD interface (up to 10 TB): The ability to record up to 10 TB (720 days) of video on a hard drive with a SATA connector ensures the security of local data storage.
  • Two-way audio transmission: Thanks to intercom support, you can have two-way conversations from anywhere while seeing the camera image at the same time.

Channels 16
Resolution 3840 x 2160
Max. number of disks 1
Max. capacity of disks 10
HDD interface SATA
Connectors 2 x USB 2.0
Connectors RJ-45
Weight 578.5
Dimensions 246.2 × 148.2 × 45 mm
Accessories included VIGI network video recorder Charger HDD screws Mouse Quick installation guide

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
3.19 kg
Iepakojuma platums
51 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
41.5 cm
Iepakojuma garums
11.5 cm

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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