Ilford Sprite 35-II, black/red

49,99 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 1,50 €

Atvērt nomaksas kalkulatoru

Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

Lūdzu, pievienojiet preces savam iepirkumu grozam un izvēlieties maksājuma veidu "nomaksa"


  • Classical film camera
  • Uses standard 35 mm film
  • Integrated flash
  • Fix lens 31 mm f/9.0
  • Powered by 1 × AAA battery

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

The Ilford Sprite 35-II a fun and affordable way to jump into analogue photography!
There are plenty of good reasons why some love the authentic look and feel of film-generated photographs; there’s also the discipline of having only 24 or 36 exposures to work with, and the anticipation of having a roll developed. Then there’s the desire to slow down from the relentless pace of digital technology and instant gratification

Back in the 1960s, few cameras were easier to use and more affordable than the Sprite 35. Forget shutter speeds, aperture, or light meters – just load a roll of film, hit the shutter button, and press the film lever. It was an attractive camera for people who wanted to capture a few snaps without fussing about the right settings.

The Ilford Sprite 35-II continues that heritage and will meet the needs of people experimenting with 35 mm film and looking for a camera that’s ‘no frills’ simple. It’s a step up from disposable cameras, and being re-usable, it won’t create extra waste.

The camera has a fixed shutter speed (1/120 s) with a 31 mm, single element f9 fixed-focus wide-angle lens, perfect for capturing most well-focused daylight scenes, and also features a built-in flash with a 15-second recycle time for night time shooting.

Users can load the Sprite 35-II with their favorite film, whether its colour negative or black and white, allowing them to capture quick snapshots or moody monochrome scenes. The camera has a manual film advance winding lever to move through each exposure and rewind the roll when the film is finished.

It’s extremely lightweight and compact, weighing just 122 grams, with dimensions of 119 mm (W) × 67 mm (H) × 44 mm (D).

Blogu raksti, kuros pieminēta šī prece:


Piemērotas filmiņas
35 mm filma


Fokusa attālums
31 mm
Maksimālā apertūra
Minimālais fokusa attālums
100 cm


Skatu meklētājs


Slēdža ātrums
1/120 s


Zibspuldzes tips
Iebūvēta zibspuldze

Power source

1 × AAA (alkaline or NiMH rechargeable)

Dimensions & weight

Augstums (mm)
Platums (mm)
Dziļums (mm)
Svars (g)

Vispārīga info

Melna / sudrabota
Iepakojumā ietilpst
Plaukstas locītavas siksna

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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