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Canon EOS R5 C Body (R5C)

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For all the wedding videographers, drone camera operators, and multimedia journalists who have professional photo still and cinema video production needs, get ready for a new type of shooting experience with the EOS R5 C Mirrorless Cinema Camera from Canon. With a simple switch, the R5 C is a full featured still photo camera with all the settings of the R5 EOS mirrorless camera. When switched in the other direction, it becomes a full-frame 8K60 Cinema EOS camera that internally records 12-bit Cinema RAW Light footage. There's no more need to carry a second camera with you to your production when stills and video are available within a single compact design.
The R5 C enhances a number of features in comparison to its siblings the R5 and C70, including 4K120 recording, HDMI RAW output, Canon Log 3 HLG/PQ support, unlimited recording time, a timecode port, Dual Pixel CMOS AF with eye detection, an active cooling system, a high-power LP-E6NH battery, 13 reassignable buttons, and a multi-function shoe for XLR adapters. The camera also retains the reliable features of those cameras such as Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, footage compatibility with DaVinci Resolve and Canon apps, an electronic RF mount, CFexpress/SD card slots, a similar button layout, and more. The EOS R5 C is also moisture and dustproof to the same level as its cinema cousin, the EOS C70. And all this is packed into a tiny 1.7 lb body that is just asking to become your go-to drone camera.
Common Features & Technology as the EOS R5Canon's 45MP full-frame CMOS imaging sensor is at the heart of the EOS R5 C camera's superb image quality, which also leads the way for impressive 8K60 RAW cinematic video shooting.
- Focus and speed are paramount in the EOS R5 C camera, providing impressive still-image continuous capture at speeds of up to 20 fps
- Dual Pixel CMOS AF II capability, to track split second movements of even the most elusive subjects
- With 1053 Automatic AF zones, it is easy to photograph people with the use of Eye, Face, and Head Detection AF, or intuitively track the whole body, face, or eyes of cats, dogs, or birds with Animal Detection AF
- For those with the need for speed, Canon has also included still-image vehicle subject detection to assist with accurate tracking of cars and motorcycles
- Connectivity like 5 and 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is also included for the transfer of still images
As soon as the EOS R5 C's main switch is moved to the "video" position, the familiar Cinema EOS menu system and interface take over. Expected high-level video features such as waveform monitors, video codec options, and extensive audio control become available, greatly expanding the EOS R5 C's video potential for the experienced camera operator or video content creator. During "photo" operation, menus are nearly the same as they are on the EOS R5 camera.
Ergonomic EOS DesignThe EOS R5 C camera's body design is incredibly compact and lightweight. When paired with a Canon RF lens (or EF lens using the Mount Adapter EF-EOS R), it offers outstanding performance that fits easily and comfortably in your hand, making handheld shooting a breeze whether shooting video or still images. Its electronic viewfinder is optically extended, for eye-level viewing similar to the conventional EOS R5 camera, and it uses the same ergonomic grip design.
CMOS Sensor and DIGIC X ProcessorThe 8K CMOS sensor and DIGIC X processor produce high-quality video at up to 8K60 resolution. Use of the Cinema RAW Light format with its high-efficiency mode enables internal card recording without an external recorder. The EOS R5 C camera supports HDR recording in Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) and Perceptual Quantization (PQ) format, which helps ensure full color rendition and wide latitude with a great range from black to pure white, outstanding for the delivery of livestreams, broadcasts, and post-production projects.
8K60 RAW RecordingCinema RAW Light in 8K is amazing for post-production grading and archiving, or MP4, which is optimized for faster online use. 5.9K in Super 35mm mode and 2.9K in Super 16mm mode are also available for internal recording to CFexpress cards. Cinema RAW Light video files have been optimized for better efficiency to achieve 12-bit recording in all frame rates. Thanks to three newly developed Cinema RAW Light modes (High-quality RAW HQ, standard-quality RAW ST, and Light recording RAW LT), users can select the RAW video mode according to their shooting needs. Lighter, smaller proxy video files can also be recorded while shooting 8K.
The EOS R5 C camera supports RAW output via HDMI and ProRes RAW recording with compatible external recorders such as Atomos devices. By connecting the EOS R5 C camera with a supported external recorder, users can shoot in Apple ProRes RAW at up to 8K30. Proxy data can also be simultaneously recorded to an SD card in-camera, providing efficient post-production operations.
Only Atomos NINJA V+ is supported as of January 2022. A separate HDMI cable is required to connect to the NINJA V+.
Different File Formats and Simultaneous RecordingAlong with Cinema RAW Light, which provides light data sizes for RAW recording, the EOS R5 C camera supports MXF-based XF-AVC as well as the highly versatile MP4. The EOS R5 C camera is also capable of recording two independent video files simultaneously, such as Cinema RAW Light and MP4 at various resolutions including 4K and HD, as well as lightweight proxy files for various professional workflows. XF-AVC offers robust 10-bit 4:2:2 files in a .MXF wrapper for simple compatibility with non-linear editing systems (NLEs) and existing workflows.
Internal Cooling Fan Enables Nonstop 8K60 RecordingThe EOS R5 C camera features a cooling fan built into the body, forcing out the heat from inside, enabling continuous and virtually limitless shooting of high-definition 8K60 video without interruption.
Expanded Interface for Professional NeedsThe EOS R5 C camera provides a timecode input/output terminal for easy synchronization when shooting with multiple cameras and other interfaces. A cable protector is also included as standard to prevent cable disconnection or damage to the terminal if strong force is applied when connecting interface or HDMI cables.
Multi-Function Shoe for Audio RecordingCanon's multi-function shoe with digital audio interface supports the optional TASCAM CA-XLR2d-C professional audio XLR microphone adapter for up to 4-channel audio. This optional accessory adds two full-sized XLR terminals with phantom power and shotgun mic mount, enabling digital 4-channel and 24-bit audio recording to meet professional video production needs.
Multiple Power OptionsThe addition of Cinema RAW Light recording at higher resolutions and frame rates demands additional power for full lens functionality. In full-frame 8K60, Super 35 5.9K60, and Super 16 2.9K120 with Cinema RAW Light recording, standard LP-E6NH, LP-E6, or LP-E6N battery packs will not be able to power the electronics of RF lenses or EF lenses attached via an adapter. You can use purely mechanical lenses without issue at these settings.
To gain full electronic lens functionality with all Cinema RAW Light resolutions and frame rates, you can use utilize the CA-946 power adapter with the new DR-E6C DC coupler for mains or pro D-Tap battery power sources, or you can use a power bank such as the Anker PowerCode 26800mAh PD or omnicharge Omni Mobile 25600mAh.
13 Full-Featured Assignable ButtonsThe EOS R5 C camera is designed with operational flexibility in mind, conforming to each individual professional workflow, including 13 marked, assignable buttons that allow for user-friendly customized operation.
4K and 2K OversamplingThe EOS R5 C camera reads out signals for all effective pixels from its full-frame 8K sensor, enabling 4:2:2 10-bit high-definition recording through oversampling during 4K and 2K video recording. A high-definition debayer algorithm has been included and the 4K generated from the abundant RGB data of the 8K sensor enables more refined imaging capabilities with less incidence of moiré, false colors, "jaggies", and noise.
Up to 4K120 Slow and Fast Motion Recording Mode in 4:2:2 10-BitThe EOS R5 C camera can record High Frame Rate (HFR) movies at up to 120p at DCI/UHD 4K resolutions (4096 x 2160/3840 x 2160) in 4:2:2 10-bit without cropping the sensor. Great for shooting scenes full of fast-paced action, the EOS R5 C camera's fast and intuitive autofocus remains enabled even during HFR recording, making it ideal when shooting from a gimbal or drone, delivering outstanding focus accuracy at HFR or at common frame rates.
Simultaneous Audio Recording Enabled with HFRUnlike some other cameras where audio is not recorded during HFR shooting, the EOS R5 C camera can record .WAV audio as a separate file from video, virtually eliminating the need for separate audio recording and delivering HFR video and audio files in one convenient device when shooting slow motion or fast motion video.
Canon Log 3 Expands Expressive PossibilitiesThe EOS R5 C camera features Canon Log 3, which is found in many Canon cameras and works with multiple Canon EOS and Cinema EOS cameras. The wide dynamic range can be used for a wider range of grading after shooting. Canon Log 3 is a gamma that is designed for simple grading, such as tightening dark areas and adjusting tones. It carries on Canon Log's ease of use with less noticeable noise. It can also be used when shooting with other Cinema EOS system cameras such as the EOS C300 Mark III and EOS C70 cameras.
Enhanced Image StabilizationEnhanced image stabilization is achieved through coordinated control when Canon's RF lenses with optical IS are combined with the EOS R5 C camera's electronic IS when shooting XF-AVC or MP4 formats. With an RF lens that has optical IS and the electronic IS in the EOS R5 C camera, coordinated control helps achieve the optimum hand-shake correction effects. This helps achieve better anti-vibration performance than with conventional IS-equipped EF lenses (using optional Mount Adapter EF-EOS R) and electronic IS together.
Canon VR with RF5.2mm F2.8 L Dual Fisheye Lens Support and WorkflowThe EOS R5 C camera is an excellent camera pairing with Canon's RF5.2mm F2.8 L Dual Fisheye Lens to achieve stereoscopic 3D 180° VR video (viewing in 3D requires the use of a compatible Head Mount Display). A plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro and Canon's EOS VR Utility are available to streamline the workflow from shooting to editing.
Dual Pixel CMOS AF with iTR AF XCanon's Dual Pixel CMOS AF technology uses every pixel on the imaging sensor to detect focus, and also to capture actual image information achieving both high precision focusing and high image quality. With most Canon RF and EF lenses, AF for video can be carried out over approximately 80% of the vertical and horizontal area of the screen.
- Touch AF allows positioning an AF point by simply touching the LCD screen, in addition to quick manual positioning with the 8-way multi-controller on the rear of the camera.
- The camera features Eye AF/Head Detection AF, developed with the use of deep learning technology to improve subject tracking.
- It also provides human detection (eyes/face/head), allowing it to track subjects accurately even when AF control is not available.
- Users can track focusing as desired depending on their subject or shooting situation. A wide variety of AF modes enable autofocus shooting that flexibly responds to the subject's movement.
- Users can leave focusing to the camera and concentrate on their camera work.
Still-imaging features and operation are nearly identical to Canon's EOS R5 camera. The EOS R5 C camera features the same Canon-developed CMOS sensor with approx. 45 effective megapixels, and a DIGIC X Image Processor to enhance the speed of operations across the board. This means fast, efficient performance and phenomenal image quality for big prints, impressive video, and more.
DIGIC X Image Processor with an ISO Range of 100-51200; Expandable to 102400Delivering high standard and expanded ISOs (for still images), and a broad range of options to help enhance shooting in varied and fast-changing lighting situations, the EOS R5 C camera can shoot at expanded sensitivities down to ISO 50 (L) and up to 102400 (H).
High-Speed Continuous Shooting- High-speed continuous shooting of up to 12 fps with Mechanical Shutter and up to 20 fps Electronic (Silent) Shutter
- High-speed continuous shooting with full AF subject detection and tracking, at all still-image quality settings
- A high-precision Dual Pixel CMOS AF system allows the EOS R5 C camera to reliably capture approximately 100% of the still-image area, with most Canon lenses
The same subject detection and tracking AF as the Canon EOS R5 Camera, even at shooting speeds as fast as 20 fps.
Head and Eye DetectionSelect "People" as the EOS R5 C's "subjects to detect," and like the EOS R5, it can focus on a detected person's eyes, face, head (if a face is obscured), or even entire body if a head cannot be detected.
Animal DetectionFor still images, the same revolutionary Animal Detection AF as the EOS R5 can identify and focus upon eyes, faces, or bodies of birds, cats, and dogs, and can do so over virtually the entire image area with many Canon lenses. This opens up game-changing possibilities for wildlife images, even with subjects as challenging as birds in flight.
Vehicle DetectionCarried over from the high-performance Canon EOS R3 camera, the EOS R5 C adds Vehicle Detection AF as a subject detection option, during still-image shooting. Cars and motorcycles, especially in racing applications, can be identified and tracked, even at high speeds. User-selectable Spot Detection lets the R5 C's AF detect the helmets of an exposed rider or driver, and put focus upon them, instead of the leading edge of the vehicle.
AF Area FlexibilitySelect the size of the active AF area from a precise single AF point to the entire available AF area and rapidly move a user-selected area via the 8-way multi-controller on the back of the camera. The EOS R5 C has the same range of choices for still-image AF method selection as the EOS R5 camera.
AF Area Coverage of Approx. 100% x 100% for Still ImagesThe EOS R5 C camera features an expansive focus area of approximately 100% horizontal and 100% vertical when working with select RF and EF lenses, during still-image shooting. With older EF lenses, or with EF Extender types I and II, the EOS R5 C focuses on approx. 80% horizontally and 80% vertically of the image. This means fast and impressive focusing even when composing your subject far from the center of the frame.
EV -6 Low-Light AutofocusGreat for night photography or in very low-light settings, the EOS R5 C camera's brilliant AF can operate for still images in light as dim as a light rating of EV -6 where other AF systems may fail or search. Still-image AF is possible with lens + Canon RF tele extender combinations having maximum effective apertures as slow as f/22 - meaning AF is still possible with the RF 800mm f/11 IS STM + RF 2x Extender.
Pagarinātās garantijas un apdrošināšana:
- Additional warranty + insurance (2 + 1 year) - 399,99 €
- Additional warranty (2 years) - 229,99 €
- Insurance (1 year) - 259,99 €
- Insurance (2 years) - 399,99 €
Izvēlieties piemērotu pagarināto garantiju un apdrošināšanu, veicot norēķinu.
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