Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV + ED 14-42mm EZ PANCAKE + ED 40-150mm F4-5.6 R (Silver)

1 329 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 45,30 €

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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV + ED 14-42mm EZ PANCAKE + ED 40-150mm F4‑5.6 R (Silver) 4545350053369 V207134SE000 E‑M10 Mark IV Pancake Double Zoom Kit

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV

Evolved to be lighter and to provide higher image quality.
A compact, lightweight interchangeable lens camera for thoroughly enjoying authentic photography.

This compact body is the lightest in its class for an Interchangeable Lens Camera, packing in an image sensor, image processing engine, and powerful in-body 5-axis Image Stabilisation for higher image quality for enjoying truly authentic shooting performance. The flip-down monitor opens smoothly for easy selfies. This is a mirrorless camera that is the perfect fit for a wide range of users, from first-time Interchangeable Lens Camera users to photography enthusiasts.

Compact, lightweight, and high image quality

The OM-D E-M10 Mark IV is attractive for its high image quality and convenient portability. It is perfect for enjoying daily snapshots, travel, parties, and taking high-quality shots while out for a casual walk.

Perfect for selfies

This camera is equipped with a flip-down monitor and dedicated selfie mode on a compact, lightweight body to reduce hand and arm fatigue. This design makes it easy and fun to take selfies with a single hand.

Full array of shooting features

With the wealth of shooting features available on the OM-D E-M10 Mark IV, users are able to easily capture high-quality, impressive photos only possible on an interchangeable lens camera. It also supports breathtaking 4K video recording.

Expandability for a greater range of photo enjoyment

The ability to import recorded photos to a smartphone for sharing, and to edit and manipulate them on a computer in exactly the way you imagine makes the post-shooting process of Olympus interchangeable lens cameras even more enjoyable. A variety of unique accessories are available, making it more fun to take your camera with you.

Product Weight 616 g
Country VN

Iegādājieties šo preci un saņemiet sekojošas priekšrocības bez maksas:

Jūs ietaupāt:
72,67 €

Pagarinātās garantijas un apdrošināšana:

  • Additional warranty + insurance (2 + 1 year) - 219,99 €
  • Additional warranty (2 years) - 129,99 €
  • Insurance (1 year) - 229,99 €
  • Insurance (2 years) - 349,99 €

Izvēlieties piemērotu pagarināto garantiju un apdrošināšanu, veicot norēķinu.

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
0.38 kg
Iepakojuma platums
12.17 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
8.46 cm
Iepakojuma garums
4.9 cm

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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