Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III S Body (Black)

579 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 19,73 €

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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III S EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS. BREAK FREE. New territory awaits you Take the E-M10 Mark III S in hand and experience a range of photo ops in your field of vision. Capture do-not-disturb moments with the Silent Photo mode, which

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Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III S


New territory awaits you

Take the E-M10 Mark III S in hand and experience a range of photo ops in your field of vision. Capture do-not-disturb moments with the Silent Photo mode, which eliminates camera sounds when you shoot – ideal for nature or concert photography, amongst others. The E-M10 Mark III S also features the Art Filter Instant Film, which visually transports life’s moments to a distinctively retro era.

Blur-free images and videos

Discover the beauty of clear, blur-free images and crisp handheld movies with the E-M10 Mark III S. Made possible by 5-axis image stabilisation.


Get your hands on the timeless design of the E-M10 Mark III S. The modern yet classic look and feel makes it an eye-catching tool providing flawless handling.


Enjoy the E-M10 Mark III S’s intuitive use, with ergonomic hold, carefully positioned buttons and dials, tiltable LCD and clearly structured menus.


Experience the high speed at which the E-M10 Mark III S focuses, captures and processes the scene to give you the shot you want in any situation.


Share your pics instantly, thanks to the E-M10 Mark III S’s built-in Wi-Fi. You can also use your smartphone as a remote and image-editing device.

The best angles

Don’t settle for just one shot of the perfect scene. Easily capture it from any kind of tricky angle using the tilt touchscreen LCD. Creative control is yours, along with comfortable LCD viewing.

The right lighting

Always ready to go wherever you are, the built-in flash gives you additional lighting in low-light and dark shooting conditions. Just flip the switch and the flash automatically pops up.

The perfect view

It’s fast to give you the precise scene at all times: the Electronic Viewfinder. Automatic brightness adjustment and full creative control make sure your shots look their very best.

The easy touch

When you’re shooting in tricky situations, it’s sometimes easier to use the touchscreen. With Touch AF shutter, just choose the area of focus and then tap the screen for the perfect picture.

The compact companion

Just slip the E-M10 Mark III S over your shoulder and take it along wherever you go. The camera fits in the palm of your hand and is so lightweight, you’ll nearly forget that you’re even carrying a camera.

Country VN

Iegādājieties šo preci un saņemiet sekojošas priekšrocības bez maksas:

Jūs ietaupāt:
72,67 €

Pagarinātās garantijas un apdrošināšana:

  • Additional warranty + insurance (2 + 1 year) - 99,99 €
  • Additional warranty (2 years) - 69,99 €
  • Insurance (1 year) - 89,99 €
  • Insurance (2 years) - 159,99 €

Izvēlieties piemērotu pagarināto garantiju un apdrošināšanu, veicot norēķinu.

Izmēri un svars

Bruto svars
0.41 kg
Iepakojuma platums
12.15 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
8.46 cm
Iepakojuma garums
4.95 cm

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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