SINGER C430 Automatic sewing machine Electric

559 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 19,05 €

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Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

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The SINGER® C430 computerized sewing machine has great ease-of-use features, plus a wide range of stitches and fonts, allowing you unlimited creative possibilities.The SINGER C430 computerized sewing machine is perfect for creating any type of projec

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

The SINGER® C430 computerized sewing machine has great ease-of-use features, plus a wide range of stitches and fonts, allowing you unlimited creative possibilities.The SINGER C430 computerized sewing machine is perfect for creating any type of project. Give every project a personal touch with five different fonts and 810 built-in stitches.Mix stitches and lettering to create unique stitch sequences for endless possibilities of customized projects. Many stitches can be mirror imaged and elongated for even more creative options.Use the Needle Up/Down feature for easy pivoting like sewing on a pocket, top stitching, free-motion quilting, applique and more.Set the maximum sewing speed of the machine where you want it with the Speed Control – faster for long seams, or slower for more intricate projects - you're always in control.The Top Drop-in Bobbin is easy to thread and easy to see, so you won't run out of thread in the middle of a seam. When you're done stitching, a simple press of the Thread Trimmer Button will cut both the top and bottom thread, saving you time.This machine has all the features you need to get your masterpieces runway-ready.<b>Included Accessories</b>General/All Purpose Foot, Zipper Foot, Blind Hem Foot, Satin Stitch Foot, Buttonhole Foot, Needles, Bobbins (Class 15), Large Spool Cap, Small Spool Cap, Auxiliary Spool Pin and Felt Washer, Needle Plate Screwdriver, Seam Ripper, and Lint BrushSINGER C430. Product colour: White, Type: Automatic sewing machine, Sewing machine functions: Sewing. Power supply type: Electric, Power: 55 W, AC input voltage: 120 V

Pagarinātās garantijas un apdrošināšana:

  • Additional warranty + insurance (2 + 1 year) - 99,99 €
  • Additional warranty (2 years) - 69,99 €
  • Insurance (1 year) - 89,99 €
  • Insurance (2 years) - 159,99 €

Izvēlieties piemērotu pagarināto garantiju un apdrošināšanu, veicot norēķinu.

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