SINGER 14HD854 Heavy Duty Overlock sewing machine Electric

369 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 12,58 €

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This Heavy Duty serger packs a punch. It is designed with a 60% larger cutting knife than other Singer sergers so it cuts through thicker fabrics with ease. The upper knife can also be moved to prevent trimming of fabric while sewing. Its heavy duty

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This Heavy Duty serger packs a punch. It is designed with a 60% larger cutting knife than other Singer sergers so it cuts through thicker fabrics with ease. The upper knife can also be moved to prevent trimming of fabric while sewing. Its heavy duty metal frame not only makes it more durable but it also keeps the machine steady for skip-free sewing. <br><br>This serger is a must-have because it sews and finishes seams at the same time, while trimming away the excess seam allowance. Professional looking seams, seam finishes and 1,300 stitches per minute speed make this a real timesaver. You can use 2 threads, 3 threads, or 4 threads for a wide variety of stitch combinations. The 6 different stitch types ensure the perfect stitch, regardless of the project: blind hems, rolled hems, flatlocking, finishing raw edges and sewing seams. The color coded threading system has an easy-to-read diagram right on the machine to make threading effortless every time. <br><br>The differential feed is fully adjustable and ensures an even feed of fabric as your sew, regardless of the speed and thickness. Enjoy perfectly smooth seams on every type of fabric. It is also useful for keeping stretch fabric and bias-cut fabrics from excessive stretching while you sew. The high performance motor and free arm allows you to power sew through projects and hard-to-reach areas.<br><br>Two LED lights give a clear view and no shadows when sewing - twice the light of other Singer sergers. Want to take your Heavy Duty serger on the go? No worries, the convenient carry handle makes it portable too.<br><br>Machine Dimensions: 14" long x 11" wide x 11.5" high<br><br>For your convenience, your machine will arrive pre-threaded with color coded threads. Accessories included are located in the storage area inside the Cloth Plate.SINGER 14HD854 Heavy Duty. Product colour: Grey, Type: Overlock sewing machine, Sewing machine functions: Overlock, Sewing. Power supply type: Electric, Power: 120 W, AC input voltage: 120 V. Weight: 13.5 kg

Pagarinātās garantijas un apdrošināšana:

  • Additional warranty + insurance (2 + 1 year) - 69,99 €
  • Additional warranty (2 years) - 49,99 €
  • Insurance (1 year) - 59,99 €
  • Insurance (2 years) - 99,99 €

Izvēlieties piemērotu pagarināto garantiju un apdrošināšanu, veicot norēķinu.

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