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Xiaomi Mi Automatic Foaming Soap Dispenser White EU BHR4558GL

Prece ir arhivēta
Effective, antibacterial soap is dispensed
once your hand is stretched out
Touchless Design Is More Sanitary / Effective at killing 99.9% of all germs
/ Moisturizing and comfortable plant extracts
* Includes Soap Dispenser × 1
Mi Automatic Soap Dispenser Kit,
winner of the 2018 Good Design Award
As a touchless automatic soap dispenser, it provides consistent and effective cleaning whilst also saving time and water. The compact, minimalist and low-key design is perfect for any bathroom or kitchen, and offers a high-quality, and elegant, hand-washing experience.
—— Good Design Award Committee
Automatic, touchless soap dispense
Takes care of the whole family
To protect your family's health, start with this new hand-washing experience.
Now, just stretch out your hands, for plentiful, thick soap that provides effective hand-cleaning and mild protection. With high-affinity bubbles, even your children will fall in love with hand-washing.
- Proximity infrared induction
- Rapid soap dispense in 0.25 seconds
Plentiful micro-sized bubbles for deep-skin cleaning that penetrates into your pores.
Set the gas-liquid foam ratio between 12: 1[2]. Foam is dense, with strong adhesion after passing through a micrometer-sized hole with a two-stage separation filter.
The fine, dense foam provides adequate coverage for the skin epidermis,
and reaches into fine pores for deep cleansing.
Effectively inhibits everyday bacteria
with an antibacterial rate of up to 99.9%[ 3 ]
Tests by an authoritative laboratory have proved that it can effectively inhibit E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and other common everyday bacteria, with an inhibition rate of up to 99.9%, for effective protection for the whole family.
The slightly acidic formula has a pH level close to that of skin pH[ 4 ]Mild, sensitive skincare with no tightness
The low-acidity formula has the same pH value as that of human skin, so that long-term usage causes no damage to the skin pH balance, and leaves hands soft and smooth. The added glycerin has a mild texture, is made from natural oils and moisturizes your hands.
The natural plant extract is refreshing and pleasant
Fragranced with LMR natural plant extract from France.
Amino acid hand sanitizer
Raw materials including mild-texture natural coconut oil and amino acid for long-term moisture with no tightness. The fragrance is composed of lily of the valley, with sweet notes of orange blossom. The texture is mild. The hydrating, fresh fruity scent is like flowers in water that come together in one inviting, pleasant aroma.
- Top notes : Lily of the valley, orange blossom, mandarin
- Body notes : Pear, apple, cucumber
- Base notes : Peru balsam
Accurate dispense so one bottle can last a long time
A controlled amount of soap is dispensed. The rich foam leaves hands clean and is easy to rinse, leaving no residue.
320 ml large capacity
Provides the whole family with up to 50 days of usage and up to 400 soap dispense cycles. [ 5 ]
High-efficiency micro-motor Quieter with low power consumption
The high-efficiency micro-motor with a rubber damping structure provides high-efficiency soap dispense and is quiet for no noise disturbances. The smart light induction design reduces power consumption. Four AA batteries can provide the whole family with up to 9 months of usage. [ 6 ]
Classic, minimalist design The compact design is perfect for any environment
Classic minimalist design, ideal for bathrooms and kitchens. The body of the dispenser has a high-grade matte finish, transparent for simple soap-level monitoring.
- Compact body, free standing
- Splash-resistant[ 7 ]
- Eco friendly materials[ 8 ]
Follow World Health Organization recommendations Practice healthy hand-washing hygiene
- Induction soap dispense
- Rub your palms together
- Rub the back of your hands with your palms
- Interlock your fingers
- Turn your thumbs
- Rub your fingertips
- Rinse with clean water
Please note: a small number of users may experience an allergic reaction to this product, in this case please seek urgent medical assistance.
[1]Test data from Xiaowei laboratory, following tests, the longest time required to trigger the dispense of soap is 0.25 seconds.
[2]Test data from Xiaowei laboratory, test results showed 12:1 at room temperature (25℃).
[3]Antibacterial rate of up to 99.9% refers to an antibacterial rate of up to 99.9% for E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans under the test conditions. Results are for reference only. Antibacterial rate test report issued by Guangzhou CAS Testing Technology Service Co., Ltd., Report No.: JKW180227-04.
[4]pH value test for antibacterial hand sanitizer conducted by Guangzhou CAS Testing Technology Service Co., Ltd., Report No.: JKW180227-04. pH value test for amino acid sanitizer conducted by Shanghai DongPu (SDP) Analytical Technology & Services Inc., Report No.: SDP-R-20180903-9.
[5]Test data from Xiaowei Biological Laboratory, calculated based on an assumption of 8 cycles per day.
[6]Test data from Xiaowei Biology Laboratory for one dispenser and one bottle of hand sanitizer with a built-in battery, used 8 times per day, with the dispenser in standby for the rest of the time.
[7]Test report for waterproof grade IPX4 issued by Centre Testing International Group Co., Ltd. Ningbo Branch, Report No.: EED44K000120C. Use a wet cloth to wipe clean. Do not wash with running water or immerse in water.
[8]Verification Report for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) issued by Centre Testing International Group Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, Report No.: A2180121274101001C.
- Product dimensions: 73 × 98 ×190 mm
- Dimensions: 101× 76 × 215.5 mm
- Net weight of product: 178g
- Main materials: ABS
- Battery type: AA alkaline battery
- Rated voltage: 6V
- Working temperature: 5℃–40°C
- Waterproof rating: IPX4
- Working humidity: 0%–85% RH
- Induction distance: 60–90 mm
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