ACS ACR39U-NF smart card reader Indoor USB USB 2.0 White

25,99 €


ACR39 PocketMate II with USB Type C Connector represents an ACS new paradigm.No larger than a USB stick, this smart card reader is capable of supporting demanding smart card applications using full-sized contact smart cards. It provides value and rel
ACR39 PocketMate II with USB Type C Connector represents an ACS new paradigm.No larger than a USB stick, this smart card reader is capable of supporting demanding smart card applications using full-sized contact smart cards. It provides value and reliable functionality to meet your security needs.<br><br>ACR39U PocketMate II supports ISO 7816 Class A, B, and C smart cards (5 V, 3 V, and 1.8 V) and microprocessor cards with T=0 and T=1 protocol. It supports a wide variety of memory cards, including the Department of Defense Common Access Card (CAC) and SIPRNET Card. This makes it ideal for a broad range of solutions, such as PIV, Physical and Logical Access Control, Digital Signature, and Online Banking applications.<br><br>This USB Type-C connector version of ACR39U PocketMate II enables backwards compatibility and reversible use, along with all of the features mentioned for ACR39U series. ACR39U PocketMate II can easily be integrated in a computer-based or mobile device-based environment. Its drivers are compatible with operating systems such as Windows®, Linux®, Solaris, and Mac OS®. In addition, ACR39U PocketMate II may now be used on mobile devices running on Android™ versions 3.1 and later.<br><br>With the evolution of ACR39U Pocketmate II to USB-Type C, there are now more opportunies for the next generation of your smart card solution.ACS ACR39U-NF. Interface: USB 2.0. Product colour: White. Weight: 10 g

Izmēri un svars

Iepakojuma platums
20 cm
Iepakojuma augstums
13.7 cm
Iepakojuma garums
58 cm

Produktu kodi

Ražotāja kods

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