RAM Mounts X-Grip with Twist-Lock Suction Cup Mount for 7"-8" Tablets

141,99 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 4,84 €

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Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

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The RAM-B-166-UN8U consists of a 3.3" diameter suction cup twist lock base, STANDARD length double socket arm and universal spring loaded X-Grip cradle for 7"-8" tablets. The suction cup, twist lock base is designed to have a strong hold on glass and

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The RAM-B-166-UN8U consists of a 3.3" diameter suction cup twist lock base, STANDARD length double socket arm and universal spring loaded X-Grip cradle for 7"-8" tablets. The suction cup, twist lock base is designed to have a strong hold on glass and non-porous plastic surfaces, including RAM adhesive disks. Designed into the mount is a 1" diameter patented rubber ball and socket system with adjustment points at the both ends of the socket arm; this with a twist of the arm knob, allows you can move the mount to your optimum viewing position. The spring loaded X-Grip cradle expands and contracts, allowing for a perfect custom fit of your 7"-8" tablet. Included are extra easy access grip knobs, located on the back of the cradle for quick release of your tablet. The X-Grip includes a device tether recommended for outdoor applications. The cradle is compatible with handheld devices that will fit the dimensions listed below. It is important to verify the dimensions of your handheld device with a case/sleeve/skin when determining the overall size.RAM Mounts X-Grip with Twist-Lock Suction Cup Mount for 7"-8" Tablets. Mobile device type: Tablet/UMPC, Type: Active holder, Proper use: Universal, Product colour: Black

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