Brodit 711002 holder Passive holder Mobile phone/Smartphone Black

59,99 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 1,79 €

Atvērt nomaksas kalkulatoru

Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

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With your tablet in a holder attached in your car you will always have it within easy reach. Safe, neat and convenient! You can connect e.g. a charging cable to the device when it is in the holder. <br> <br>The holder is mounted onto a ti

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

With your tablet in a holder attached in your car you will always have it within easy reach. Safe, neat and convenient! You can connect e.g. a charging cable to the device when it is in the holder. <br> <br>The holder is mounted onto a tilt swivel. This mean that you can adjust the angle in order to avoid light reflection on the screen. You can easily switch between portrait and landscape mode by turning the holder into desired position. It is easy to put the device into place in the holder, and to take it with you when leaving the car. <br> <br>Tablets (Surfpads) should not be installed onto a car’s dashboard if they block the view or block key controls. ProClip (Brodit’s vehicle mounting bracket) is designed for installation of smaller devices like mobile phones and GPS devices, ProClip is not designed for large devices like tablets. In some vehicles the ProClip has an extra firm fit and can then be used also for installation of a tablet. If you want to place a tablet onto the car’s dashboard, each combination of tablet-car must be examined in detail by you in order to determine if such an installation is possible in the specific case. Consideration should be given to the position and how firmly the ProClip is in place, as well as the size of the tablet you wish to use. Brodit will not give any recommendations for such installations. <br> <br>An installation of a tablet onto a vehicle’s dashboard is always done on the customer’s own responsibility. Brodit recommends to use tablets on the car’s headrest, installed onto a Brodit headrest mount.Brodit 711002. Mobile device type: Mobile phone/Smartphone, Type: Passive holder, Proper use: Indoor, Product colour: Black

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