Tablet Stand for Pad 10.9″/11″ Baseus MagStable Space Grey

50,99 €

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Tablet Stand for Pad 10.9″/11″ Baseus MagStable Space Grey Work more comfortably with the Baseus MagStable Magnetic. The stand is designed for the 10.9″/11″ iPad and provides unparalleled stability thanks to built-in magnets. It allows you to adjust
Tablet Stand for Pad 10.9″/11″ Baseus MagStable Space Grey

Work more comfortably with the Baseus MagStable Magnetic. The stand is designed for the 10.9″/11″ iPad and provides unparalleled stability thanks to built-in magnets. It allows you to adjust the tilt angle up to 180°, so you can adjust the position of your tablet to suit your needs. What's more, the foldable design makes it easy to transport, and being made of high-quality aluminum alloy protects the product from oxidation and wear.

Magnetic, durable design

The stand is equipped with 83 strong magnets to ensure the stability and safety of your tablet. What's more, the base of the product is equipped with double suction cups, which further prevents the stand from moving. In turn, silicone elements protect the tablet from scratches. In addition, the high-quality aluminum alloy is distinguished by its durability and is resistant to wear and tear. Therefore, you can be sure that the product will serve you for a long time.

Adjustable function

Adjust the position of your tablet to suit your needs. The stand offers an adjustable tilt angle of 180°. You can also use the device vertically and horizontally. This makes it perfect for watching your favorite TV series, taking courses onlin or making video calls.

Manufacturer Baseus
Manufacturer code B10460300811-00
Color grey
Material aluminum alloy
Weight approx. 825 g
Compatibility iPad 10.9″/11″

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