Primal Clash toy figurine set Dino Wrangler, assorted


15 € Ietaupiet 50% 29,99 €


  • Immersive play set
  • Includes a warrior and a dinosaur
  • Accessories add excitement to the game
  • Suitable from 3 years of age
  • Sets with different designs

Uzmanību: atlikušas tikai pāris preces!

NB! The product is available in different designs, it will be sent randomly according to stock.

The exciting Primal Clash playset includes a warrior, a dinosaur and accessories.

The year is 25XX. With the help of advanced technology, the pollution level could be reduced to almost zero and the oxygen level increased, the flora and fauna got a new life. Advanced technology allows humanity to return to a world with dinosaurs and megafauna. All thanks to a super-tool known as Evolution. However, the supercomputer wanted to destroy all of humanity and enslave all other living beings. However, a small group of people escaped, they lived in hiding and tamed the dinosaurs. Together with their assault squad, they were finally able to defeat the technology!

Warning! Choking hazard. Not suitable for children under 3, contains small details.


Piemērots vecums
3+ years

Produktu kodi


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