Turtle Beach VelocityOne Stand

199,99 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 6,82 €

Atvērt nomaksas kalkulatoru

Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

Lūdzu, pievienojiet preces savam iepirkumu grozam un izvēlieties maksājuma veidu "nomaksa"


  • Stand for flight & racing simulation accessories
  • Compatible with Turtle Beach VelocityOne as well as 3rd party
  • Stepless adjustment for height, length, angle & tilt
  • Solid steel construction
  • Fold-flat design for convenient storage
  • Stand for the VelocityOne™ Flight Universal Control System & Rudder Pedals, and other flight & racing simulation accessories
  • Stepless adjustment for height, length, angle & tilt
  • Solid steel construction
  • Fold-flat design for convenient storage
  • Reversible design
  • Adjustable rubber feet

Take flight with Turtle Beach
Complete your flight or racing simulation setup with the Turtle Beach® VelocityOne™ Stand for the VelocityOne™ Flight Universal Control System & Rudder Pedals, and other flight & racing simulation accessories.

Highly adjustable design
Utilizing quick-release clamps, the VelocityOne™ Stand allows for stepless height, angle, and length adjustments, plus tilt and rotation adjustments for the upper and lower mounting platforms.

Solid steel build
All-steel design provides a sturdy, no wobble base for mounting your simulation accessories. Pre-drilled mounting holes in the upper and lower platforms allow for permanent mounting of VelocityOne™ products. Plus, additional universal slotted holes allow for installation of other 3rd party simulation accessories.

Universal compatibility
VelocityOne™ Stand is built for the VelocityOne™ Flight Universal Control System and VelocityOne™ Rudder pedals, and works with most other 3rd party yokes, racing wheels, and rudder pedals or racing pedals.

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