Nintendo Wii Fit U + Fit Meter + Balance board


Nintendo Wii Fit U Game with Fit Meter (Green) and Balance Board

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Fitness and Fun Come to Wii U
Discover fun, new ways to get up and get moving as the Wii Fit series comes to the Wii U home console. The game features favourite exercises from Wii Fit Plus as well as new exercises that incorporate the Wii U GamePad controller in select activities. The game also comes packaged with a small peripheral device called the Fit Meter, which is designed to track your daily activity away from the console. 
  • Wii Fit U features more than 20 new activities and exercises that integrate the unique features of the GamePad and/or the Wii Balance Board such as The Luge mini game. 
  • Single-screen activities or exercises can be played using the GamePad without a TV screen. You can also use the GamePad to check personal information, such as your weight, without displaying it on the big screen. 
  • You can carry the portable Fit Meter everywhere to take a comprehensive record of your daily activity. A variety of data, such as the number of steps taken or the elevation climbed, can be synced with the Wii U console to show how much activity takes place throughout the day. 
  • Most of the Yoga and Strength exercises from Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus are back, and you will even be able to transfer your previous save data. 
  • Friends and family members can take turns using their own Mii characters within various activities
Take your fitness routine to the next level with Wii Fit U, exclusively for Wii U. Work out with new exercises that use the Wii U GamePad, Wii Balance Board or both, as well as returning exercises from Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus.
The combination of the Wii Balance Board and Wii U GamePad creates all-new body training possibilities – and Wii Fit U has plenty of new activities that’ll get you working out in a fun and engaging way. In Dessert Course, you’ll take steps on the balance board to deliver desserts while balancing the GamePad like a tray. Core Luge will see you sitting on the balance board and tilting your weight to steer down an icy track. In Trampoline Target you’ll need to lean carefully to land in the centre of the trampoline – as the TV shows how high your Mii character is leaping, the GamePad's integrated second screen gives a helpful bird's-eye view to help you hit the bull’s-eye.
Exercises and activities that use a single screen can be played without the TV, so you can always work out even if the TV is in use. Take your Body Test by using the GamePad's screen to check your progress, keeping your results and weight visible only to you, and add photos with the GamePad's camera to chart your physical development over time.
The included Fit Meter tracks your activity level throughout the day. This portable accessory records your steps and detects changes in activity level, altitude and atmospheric pressure, and can even estimate what kind of exercise you're doing aside from Wii Fit U. Using the built-in infrared technology of the Wii U GamePad, you can quickly and easily add this information to your Wii Fit U profile and chart your overall physical activity level during the day.

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