Amewi 25326 Radio-Controlled (RC) model Electric engine

50,99 €

Ikmēneša maksājums sākot no 1,53 €

Atvērt nomaksas kalkulatoru

Photopoint nomaksas kalkulators

Lūdzu, pievienojiet preces savam iepirkumu grozam un izvēlieties maksājuma veidu "nomaksa"


Better a sparrow over your hand than... thanks to additional gesture control, the modified saying becomes reality. Because the sparrow can be moved through the air without any touching, but by hand. Ideal for beginners and occasional pilots from the
Better a sparrow over your hand than... thanks to additional gesture control, the modified saying becomes reality. Because the sparrow can be moved through the air without any touching, but by hand. Ideal for beginners and occasional pilots from the age of 8. Integrated infrared sensors detect obstacles and let you avoid them automatically. Auto launches and automatic spot landings are possible at the touch of a button. The mini drone masters various flight modes, has three speed levels and can maintain its altitude without further intervention. Breathtaking manoeuvres such as 360-degree flips, rolls and high-speed spins are easily mastered thanks to the integrated 6-axis gyro. This brings great fun to the grey everyday life. A bright LED also facilitates orientation. In headless mode, the Sparrow drone always moves through the air from the pilot's point of view, regardless of its own orientation.Amewi 25326. Engine type: Electric engine, Recommended age (min): 8 yr(s). Battery technology: Lithium Polymer (LiPo), Battery capacity: 300 mAh. Weight: 32 g

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