Jura water filter Claris Pro Smart


  • Water filter for coffee machine
  • Removes scale, chlorine, and heavy metals from water
  • Improves the taste and smell of water
  • Suitable for selected coffee machines
  • Lifespan up to 2 months

Prece ir arhivēta

Jura Claris Pro Smart is a smart water filter for a coffee machine that removes scale, chlorine, and heavy metals from the water and improves the taste and smell of water. Thanks to modern RFID or radio identifier technology, the espresso machine can communicate with the filter continuously for the first time. The machine recognizes if a filter has been inserted and automatically starts the correct mode. It also continuously collects information on the use of the filter and alerts the user when the filter is exhausted. This not only makes it easier to change the filter than before but also allows the filter to achieve optimal efficiency.

Clean water, great coffee
The Claris Pro filter works on a professional upstream principle and filters the exact amount of water needed to make coffee each time. This ensures the most efficient use of the filter. Stagnant pre-filtered water never remains in the water tank, where it can quickly become unhygienic. In addition to limescale, heavy metals and substances that impair the aroma and taste of coffee, such as chlorine, are also filtered out. Healthy minerals remain in the water. The result is ideal clean water for making coffee drinks and the best descaling protection for the machine.
  • Lifespan: 80 - 300 liters or up to 2 months (depending on water hardness)
  • Suitable for coffee machines: Jura WE8, WE6, GIGA X8, X8, X6, X10

Produktu kodi


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