Gaiam essentials 63518 foam yoga dice

19,99 €

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Gaiam essentials 63518 foam yoga dice Yoga is for all of us. We may not all be made to be yogis, but we all always have something to gain. Remember that practice is a means to an end, not the end itself. Your perfection is not required. Mostly joy

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Gaiam essentials 63518 foam yoga dice

Yoga is for all of us. We may not all be made to be yogis, but we all always have something to gain. Remember that practice is a means to an end, not the end itself. Your perfection is not required. Mostly joy is desired. So find your place on the mat and join us.

Your life in harmony. Say Yes with Gaiam Yoga

In Gaiam, we live yoga. We feel her well. After more than 25 years on the mat, we can say that it is part of our daily life. This is why each Gaiam product is designed and manufactured with attention to detail and quality of workmanship by yogis - for yogis. For over two decades, Gaiam has served customers around the world who value the environment, health, fitness and personal development.

The Gaiam Essentials yoga cube is one of the yoga accessories that will be useful to everyone. It is a great option for those who do not feel flexible enough yet to complete certain positions. It allows you to support yourself and exercise while maintaining the appropriate technique. Thanks to it, you can gradually increase the intensity of exercise without the risk of injury. Advanced yogis can also use the block. It will be useful for them to extend some poses and diversify their training.

Soft and pleasant to the touch foam does not deform even with frequent use. Rounded edges provide additional comfort for the exerciser. Unlike traditional cubes, the block is 7 cm wide. This will allow you to have a comfortable grip while exercising.


Convenient to carry
Suitable for sitting and standing positions
Provides valuable support in various positions


Length: 23 cm
Width: 7 cm
Height: 15 cm
Warranty: 12 months

NOTE: the colors shown are only illustrative and may differ slightly from the reality. The appearance depends, for example, on the monitor settings.

In Greek mythology, the goddess Gaia was identified with the beginning of everything, she was called the Earth Mother.

This is what inspired the creators of the Gaiam brand when creating the name and ideology - our planet and its health. Gaiam - like the goddess Gaia, cares for our planet by using responsibly sourced raw materials, environmentally friendly materials such as organic cotton, bamboo and recycled materials. Caring for a planet that cares for us is all that Gaiam does, produces, and creates. By caring for, protecting and respecting our planet, its natural resources and its inhabitants, we enrich our lives and future generations.

"Gaia, I am" or GAIAM = I am the Earth. By caring for the environment, we take care of our body and mind, we become happier, stronger and more creative. By living in harmony with ourselves and everyone around us, we see more and we are also able to give more of ourselves to others. Learn yoga with Gaiam.

GAIAM is a voice for the people.

Gaiam is people. Who needs yoga? In fact - everyone. Teachers, doctors, car mechanics, CEOs, athletes, farmers - all of us can benefit from building strength, gaining flexibility and finding peace during the day. It is worth a try. Let's do it!

If you are just starting to practice yoga, we encourage you to laugh at yourself, fall down and try again. Because we are all constantly beginners. If you have been practicing for years, we invite you to join us looking at yoga with fresh eyes - as something ancient and new, every time you stand on the mat. No matter where you are in your yoga practice, we are here to support you. We can help you take it to a new level, exercise at home, or simply incorporate a few positions into your daily training routine.

In many ways, big and small, yoga belongs to all of us. Take it as an invitation to join us.

Gender Men, Women, Kids
Sport Training
Product Type Training equipment
Subcategory Yoga and fitness cubes
Colour Navy blue

Коды продуктов

Вес брутто
0.5 kg
Код производителя

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