Pentax KF корпус, черный

Главная информация
- 24,2-мегапиксельная CMOS-матрица формата APS-C
- Запись видео Full HD 1920×1080 60i
- Встроенный стабилизатор изображения
- 3-дюймовый наклоняемый ЖК-экран
- Пыле- и атмосферостойкий корпус
The PENTAX KF assures super-high-resolution imaging, thanks to a state-of-the-art CMOS image sensor with approximately 24.24 effective megapixels and high-speed 14-bit image data readout. Combined with an AA-filter-free optical design, this image sensor delivers super-high-resolution images. Also, by coupling a high-performance accelerator unit with the high-speed PRIME MII imaging engine, the PENTAX KF effectively minimizes noise at all sensitivity levels and captures rich-gradation, fine-detailed images even in super-high-sensitivity shooting at a top sensitivity of ISO 102400.
Dustproof, weather-resistant body perfect for rugged outdoor photography
The PENTAX KF is a dependable performer even in such demanding settings as in the rain or at locations prone to dust and freezing temperatures, because it combines a compact, easy-to-carry body with a dustproof, weather-resistant construction featuring 100 seals throughout the body and outstanding cold-proof performance at temperatures down to -10°C. To assure a firm hold of the camera body with a gloved hand, the grip, control buttons on the back panel and mode dials have all been designed and contoured for optimum operability in active outdoor shooting -- such as when mountain climbing, camping or attending sporting events. In addition to its outdoor-friendly LCD monitor, whose brightness level can be instantly adjusted to the lighting level of a shooting location, it also features a red-lighted monitor display function, which works friendly to the photographer's eye when it has become accustomed to a dark location during astronomical photography.
Clear-view optical viewfinder
Within its compact body, the PENTAX KF incorporates a glass prism finder featuring the same optics and coatings as those used in higher-level models. With its approximately 100% field of view and nearly 0.95-times magnification, the PENTAX KF's viewfinder provides a large, clear view of the subject for quick, easy confirmation of focusing and framing. It also provides a double e-dial system identical with upper-class models, and PENTAX-original shooting features, such as the Hyper Program system which allows the user to instantly switch the exposure mode from Program to Aperture-priority or Shutter-priority without taking the eye off the viewfinder.
Vari-angle LCD monitor for easy image viewing from all angles
The PENTAX KF's vari-angle LCD monitor allows the monitor to be positioned at the desired angle, making it easier to compose images in a wide variety of applications: high-angle shooting using outstretched arms, low-angle shots taken from ground level or astronomical photography with the camera pointed upwards toward a star-filled sky. It also features a unique air-gapless construction, in which the air space between the high-definition LCD panel (with approximately 1,037,000 dots) and the protective cover has been filled with a special resin material to effectively reduce the reflection and dispersion of light for improved visibility during outdoor shooting.
In-body SR mechanism
Thanks to the built-in PENTAX-original SR (Shake Reduction) mechanism, the PENTAX KF effectively minimizes camera shake and delivers sharp, blur-free images, even in camera-shake-prone conditions such as when using a telephoto lens, shooting low-light scenes with incident light only, or photographing sunset scenes. Using a high-accuracy gyro sensor, it provides a compensation effect of 4.5 shutter steps, a level close to that of upper-class models. When taking a panning shot, this mechanism automatically detects the direction of the camera's movement, and efficiently controls the SR unit to produce the best image possible without requiring any mode switching operation.
Pixel Shift Resolution System with motion correction function
The PENTAX KF features the latest super-resolution technology called Pixel Shift Resolution System, which captures four images of the same scene by shifting the image sensor by a single pixel for each image, then synthesizes them into a single composite image. Compared to the conventional Bayer system, in which each pixel has only a single color data unit, this innovative system obtains all color data in each pixel to deliver super-high-resolution images with far more truthful colors and much finer details than those produced by conventional APS-C-size image sensors. This system even provides a motion correction function, which automatically detects a moving object during continuous shooting and minimizes negative effects during the synthesizing process, in order to accommodate a wider range of scenes and subjects.
Innovative AA filter simulator to minimize moiré
By applying microscopic vibrations to the image sensor unit at the sub-pixel level during image exposure, the PENTAX KF's AA (anti-aliasing) filter simulator provides the same level of moiré reduction as an optical AA filter. Unlike an optical AA filter, which always creates the identical result, this innovative simulator lets the user switch the AA filter effect on and off, and adjust the level of the effect. This means that the ideal effect can be set for a particular scene or subject based on the current photographic conditions.
Supportive shooting functions
Since the PENTAX KF's image sensor unit is designed to tilt in all directions, it provides a host of handy shooting functions, including: ASTROTRACER, which simplifies advanced astronomical photography in combination with the optional O-GPS2 GPS Unit; and the Auto Horizon Correction and Extra Sharpness functions.
Hybrid AF system for high-speed AF operation during Live View shooting
The PENTAX KF employs the Hybrid AF system during Live View autofocus operation. By positioning a contrast-detection AF sensor with superior focusing accuracy and a phase-matching AF sensor on the image sensor's surface, this innovative hybrid system optimizes the benefits of both AF systems to assure high-speed, pinpoint AF focusing on the subject.
High-precision autofocus system with the SAFOX X module
The PENTAX KF features the high-precision SAFOX X AF sensor module, which assures responsive, dependable autofocus operation. With its 11 sensors including nine cross-type sensors in the middle, this AF module assures pinpoint focus on the subject at a minimum brightness level as low as -3 EV. It also assures outstanding AF tracking performance with subjects on the move, thanks to such advanced features as the Select-area Expansion function, which automatically refocuses on a moving subject after it moves away from the initial point, with the help of the neighboring points; and an AF Hold function that maintains the initial in-focus point even when the module loses sight of the subject.
An array of image processing functions for diversified photographic expression
The PENTAX KF provides the PENTAX-developed Custom Image function, which lets the user process an image with the desired finishing touch to express the creative intention, or to suit the particular scene. This function provides 14 Custom Image modes, including: SATOBI, which reproduces the colors resembling those of color pictures in the 60s and 70s, with cyan-tinged blues, subdued yellows and faded reds; Bleach Bypass, which recreates the profound atmosphere of movie scenes; and Cross Processing, which adds fantastic, unusual colors to captured images. In combination with PENTAX Limited-series lenses, which are popular for their distinctive image renditions, the PENTAX KF also provides a series of special-edition Custom Image modes.
A host of interval shooting functions
The PENTAX KF provides a host of advanced interval shooting functions, including: 4K-resolution Interval Movie, which lets you record a series of still images at a fixed interval and link them into a single 4K-resolution movie file; Star Stream Movie, which lets you record the traces of stars or illuminations on a 4K-resolution movie file; and Interval Composite, which synthesizes a composite image with a choice of three synthesis modes (average, additive and comparative).
Wireless LAN connection to support smartphone operation
The PENTAX KF provides a host of wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) functions to support operations using smartphones and tablet computers. By installing the dedicated Image Sync application in a mobile device, the user can remotely check the Live View image, capture still images, and adjust such camera settings as aperture, shutter speed and ISO sensitivity to the desired level through the mobile device. It is even possible to download captured images onto the mobile device, then upload them on social networking service websites.
Other features
- 77-segment multi-pattern metering system for high-precision light metering
- DR (Dust Removal) mechanism to shake dust off from the surface of the CMOS image sensor
- High-speed shutter unit with a top speed of 1/6000 second, and high-speed continuous shooting function at a top speed of approximately six images per second
- Self-timer function, compatible with the continuous shooting function
Дополнительные гарантии и страховки:
- Дополнительная гарантия + страховка (2 + 1 год) - 159,99 €
- Дополнительная гарантия (2 года) - 99,99 €
- Страховка (1 год) - 199,99 €
- Страховка (2 года) - 269,99 €
Подходящую дополнительную гарантию и страховку можно выбрать в корзине.
Данный товар упомянут в следующих постах блога Photopoint:
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23,5 × 15,6 мм
Pentax KAF3
Pentax KAF2 (соединяется с электронным зумом)
Pentax KAF
Pentax KA
TTL по распозназанию фаз
TTL распознавание контраста
9 точек фокусировки перекрёстного типа
Выбор зоны
Расширенная зона
Замер экспозиции
сенсор с 77 сегментами
Кнопкой AE-L/AF-L
1/3 или 1/2 EV шаг
Вертикально подвижный затворв фокальной плоскости
Выбор сюжета
Приоритет чувствительности
Приоритет диафрагмы
Приоритет выдержки
Приоритет выдержки и диафрагмы
Мануальный режим
Продолжительная съёмка (bulb)
Серийная съёмка (быстрая)
Серийная съёмка (медленная)
Таймер на 12 секунд
Таймер на 2 секунды
Удалённый спуск (задержка в 3 секунды)
Дистанционный спуск (без задержки)
Интервальная съемка
HDR съемка
JPEG: до 40 кадров
RAW: до 10 кадров
Баланс белого
Дневной свет
В тени
Лампа дневного света (4)
Лампа накаливания
Флуоресцентная лампа
Выбор температуры цвета
Копирование баланса белого с сохранённого снимка
Запись видео
[FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
[FullHD] 1920 × 1080 25p
[FullHD] 1920 × 1080 24p
[HD] 1280 × 720 60p
[HD] 1280 × 720 50p
Запись прекращается, когда температура матрицы становится слишком высокой
Форматы файлов
DCF 2.0
14 bit
LCD экран
Насыщенность цвета
Цветовой баланс
Принудительная вспышка
Запрет вспышки
Синхронизация с первой шторкой
Синхронизация с завершением экспозиции
Высокоскоростная синхронизация
Уменьшение эффекта красных глаз
Вспышки со стандартным башмаком в мануальном режиме
Источник питания
100 разных уплотнений
Литиевый аккумулятор D-LI109
Зарядное устройство D-BC186
Ремень для камеры O-ST132
Резиновый край видоискателя FR
Крышка крепления для вспышки
Крышка для корпуса
Коды продуктов
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