Sigma 300-600 мм f/4.0 DG OS Sports объектив для Sony E

7 119 €

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  • 300–600 mm tele zoom lens
  • Fast and precise focusing motor
  • Optical image stabilization with OS2 algorithm
  • Dust and splash-proof construction
  • For Sony E-mount full-frame mirrorless cameras
  • Exceptional versatility in the ultra-telephoto range
  • Extremely high optical performance
  • HLA-driven high-speed AF system
  • Inner zoom and inner focusing system
  • Dust and splash-resistant structure
  • Latest OS2 Optical Stabilization up to 5.5 stops
  • Thermal insulation paint for perfect lens performance
  • New function ring adds extended functionality
  • New drop-in circular polarizing filter and a variable ND filter
  • Superior build quality of SIGMA Sports line
  • Tripod socket with Arca-Swiss

Extremely high optical performance
The Sigma 300-600mm F4 DG OS | Sports features 28 lens elements in 21 groups, including 6 FLD and 1 SLD glass elements, anomalous dispersion glass, and high refractive index glass. Its optical design provides excellent correction of various optical aberrations, such as chromatic aberration, throughout the entire zoom range. Although a zoom lens, the Sigma 300-600mm F4 DG OS | Sports delivers the unparalleled optical performance of a prime lens.

HLA-driven high-speed AF
Despite its large aperture of F4, the Sigma 300-600mm F4 DG OS | Sports features a lightweight focus lens group thanks to the use of a high-thrust HLA (High-response Linear Actuator) motor, optimized optical power arrangement and state-of-the-art glass materials. The result is a high-speed autofocus functionality with outstanding accuracy.

Powerful Optical Stabilization function driven by the OS2 algorithm
The Sigma 300-600mm F4 DG OS | Sports delivers exceptional optical stabilization of 5.5 stops* at 600mm. Powered by Sigma’s sophisticated OS2 algorithm and featuring a drive unit with a specially designed actuator and high-precision sensor, this lens effortlessly meets the demands of a large-aperture ultra-telephoto. Additionally, photographers have the choice between two OS modes: Mode 1 is suitable for most still photography and video situations, while Mode 2 was specially designed for panning shots. Driven by Sigma’s Intelligent OS algorithm, this mode stabilizes the image during horizontal, vertical, or diagonal movements, regardless of the camera’s orientation, enabling photographers to capture moving subjects with professional precision.

Combines high robustness and mobility
The lens barrel is made of magnesium alloy for the main parts and the hood is made of carbon, achieving both high robustness and light weight. In addition, the optical design with the center of gravity toward the camera greatly improves the weight balance, which tends to be front-heavy.

Thermal insulation paint for perfect lens performance
The exterior of the lens body is coated with a thermal insulation paint that effectively suppresses heat absorption from sunlight. This prevents the lens from heating up, even during long outdoor shoots in sunny weather, such as nature or motorsports photography.

New function ring adds extended functionality
The Sigma 300-600mm F4 DG OS | Sports features a newly added function ring that further expands the options of the lens. The focus ring offers two different modes, selected via its setting switch:
  • Focus Preset Mode: By turning the function ring to the left or right, the focus can be instantly shifted to a pre-registered focus position. This is useful when frequently shooting at a fixed focus position.
  • Power Focus Mode: Focusing at a constant speed is possible by operating the function ring. This allows for smooth focus shift during movie shooting as well as for focusing with minimal movement when shooting hand-held. Focusing speed can be changed in two steps depending on the angle at which the function ring is operated.

Durable and easy-to-handle tripod socket
The tripod socket’s rotating mechanism uses bearings for both high durability and smooth rotation with an optional click/declick mechanism for each 90° angle to assist in accuracy. The tripod socket foot is compatible with Arca-Swiss type clamps, but can be easily removed and replaced with different interchangeable tripod sockets (available separately) to suit a variety of situations and preferences.

Equipped with a drop-in filter holder
The Sigma 300-600mm F4 DG OS | Sports features a drop-in filter holder for standard ø40.5mm filters. In addition, Sigma has developed a new drop-in circular polarizing filter and a variable ND filter (available separately) that can be adjusted by approximately 7-stops while dropped into the lens.

Weatherability of Sigma’s Sports line specifications
The mount joints, manual focus ring, zoom ring, custom switches and other control switches, and exterior joints are all protected from dust and splash by a dust- and splash-resistant structure*. Further, the frontmost surface of the lens is coated with a water- and oil-repellent coating to facilitate maintenance when water droplets or dust adhere to the lens.
* The structure is designed to be dust- and splash-resistant, but not waterproof. Be careful not to bring the lens in contact with a large amount of water.

Various functions to support shooting
The lens features a variety of buttons and switches to accommodate individual preferences and the demands of different shooting situations, including AFL buttons in four different locations, a focus mode switch, a focus limiter switch, an OS mode switch (Mode 1 or Mode 2), and a custom mode switch.

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