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Apricorn ASK3-NX USB flash drive 128 GB USB Type-A 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Black
3% (lisa)allahindlust
(min. 10€ ostul)
<b>The NeXt Generation of Secure Key: the Aegis Secure Key 3NX</b><br>Our fourth generation of Secure Keys brings next generation security features, up to 25% cooler operating temperatures, and an even lower cost. Software-Free, 100Osta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
<b>The NeXt Generation of Secure Key: the Aegis Secure Key 3NX</b><br>Our fourth generation of Secure Keys brings next generation security features, up to 25% cooler operating temperatures, and an even lower cost. Software-Free, 100% hardware-based 256-bit AES XTS encrypted, onboard keypad PIN authenticated, and ultra-fast USB 3.1 (3.0) data transfer speeds. All Data is encrypted on the fly and the device’s PINs and Data remain encrypted while the drive is at rest. Completely cross-platform compatible and OS agnostic; thrives in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Chrome, embedded systems, and equipment possessing a powered USB port and storage file system. All internal componentry is protected from physical tampering with a layer of hardened epoxy, and locked-down firmware brings immunity to malware attacks such as BadUSB.<br><br><b>Featuring AegisWare</b><br>The heart and soul of every Apricorn Secure Device, AegisWare is our patent-protected firmware combined with the industry’s most advanced feature set.<br><br><b>FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Validation (pending 4Q 2019)</b><br>Meets the U.S. government standards for information technology and computer security. NIST FIPS 140 is the cryptography standard program required by the US federal government for protection of sensitive data.<br><br><b>Aegis Configurator Compatible:</b><br>Windows-Based App that Quickly Sets Up Multiple Devices Simultaneously. Create custom profiles and mass configure multiple devices in a matter of seconds using the Aegis Configurator. To configure an expanded number of devices, use the Powered Aegis Configurator Hub bundle.<br><br><b>Separate Admin and User Mode:</b><br>Admin (Device Configuration) Mode and User Access Mode. The Aegis Secure Key supports independent Admin and User PINs. The Admin mode controls the universal programmable settings of the device and can only be accessed with the Admin PIN. The User mode is limited to basic external drive functions like read /write, unlock / lock, etc. The data on the drive can also be accessed with the admin PIN in the User mode.<br><br><b>Polymer-Coated Wear-Resistant Onboard Keypad:</b><br>Drive is Unlocked by Entering a PIN on Keypad and not the Host Computer’s Keyboard. Until the device is unlocked via its keypad, it remains invisible to the host. The embedded keypad circumvents all hardware and software key logging attempts to capture passwords by excluding the host system from the authentication process. Polymer-coated buttons are wear-resistant and designed to not reveal most commonly used buttons.<br><br><b>Admin Forced Enrollment:</b><br>Unique PIN Must be Established at Time of Setup. Eliminates Factory Default PIN Vulnerability. Out of the box, there are no factory pre-set default PINs. In order to set up and use the drive, a unique PIN must first be established by the Admin, from within the Admin mode.<br><br><b>User Forced Enrollment:</b><br>Admin Can Program Device at Setup Requiring User to Establish a Unique PIN. Once a device is configured by the Admin, it can then be deployed in a state of USER FORCED ENROLLMENT in which the User must first establish his or her own User PIN before the drive can be accessed or used.<br><br><b>Data Recovery PINs:</b><br>Creates State of User Forced Enrollment that Restores Access to Drive. In the event that a User PIN is forgotten, Recovery PINs can be programmed into the device to permit access to the drive’s data by creating a new state of User Forced Enrollment while the Admin PIN and the drive’s data remain intact. Once a replacement User PIN is generated, access to the drive is restored for the user.<br><br><b>Two Read-Only Modes:</b><br>Global, All Access Settings Controlled by Admin, and User Mode Controlling Individual Settings. Employed in situations that require the drive’s contents to be kept intact and unaltered for later examination. The two Read-Only modes are as follows: Universal Read Only is set by the admin from within the admin mode and can’t be modified or disabled by anyone but the admin. The second read-only mode can be set and disabled by a user but can also be enabled or disabled by the admin as well.<br><br><b>Programmable PIN Lengths:</b><br>Admin Designates Minimum and Maximum PIN Lengths (between 7 and 16 Characters). The longer the PIN, the more secure the data on the device becomes. For example, the odds of brute force success go from 1/10,000,000 with a 7-digit PIN to 1/100,000,000 with an 8 digit PIN. In cases where the User sets up his or her own PIN from User Forced Enrollment, the Admin can set an enhanced User password length requirement as part of the overall security policy.<br><br><b>PIN Guard</b><br>Detects inadvertent button presses and puts the device back into sleep mode to prevent battery drainage and false brute force attempts.<br><br><b>Fixed Disk or Removable Media (U.S. Patent No. 10,338,840)</b><br>Can be Configured as Fixed Disk or Removable Media in Device Setup. Easily adapts to embedded equipment and OSs that will only recognize one or the other for removable storage. Windows, Mac, and Linux all deal with Mass Storage devices differently depending on whether they report themselves to the host as Removable Media or as Fixed Disks. Some applications or embedded systems may allow one type but not the other. Example: Windows 2 Go will work with devices that report as Fixed Disk but not as Removable Media. Alternately, there are USB boot drive creators and Windows imaging tools that will only work with Removable Media and not with Fixed Disk. It’s not uncommon for older equipment with built-in USB ports (such as those found in hospitals, manufacturing, and monitoring) to seek only Removable Media and ignore all Fixed Disk devices. U.S. Patent No. 10,338,840<br><br><b>Brute-Force Defense:</b><br>Select the Number of Consecutive Invalid PIN Attempts Permitted (4-20) Before Crypto-Erase. All Aegis Secure Drives are unlocked (authenticated) by entering a PIN on their own onboard keypad. Since the PIN is not entered using the host computer’s keyboard, they are not vulnerable to software or hardware-based key-loggers or software-based brute force attacks. However, if the device comes under a physical brute force attack, your data is protected with a programmable “Brute Force Hack Defense Mechanism” which, if the programmed number (between 4 and 20) of consecutive incorrect password entries has been attempted, the device will delete its own encryption key and destroy the ability to decrypt its stored data.<br><br><b>Unattended Auto Lock:</b><br>Programmable Period of Inactivity Permitted Before Drive Locks Itself. All Aegis Secure Drives will automatically lock once disconnected from a computer’s USB port or the power to that USB port is interrupted, or after a pre-programmed period of inactivity.<br><br><b>Lock Override:</b><br>Allows Drive to Remain Unlocked During USB Port Re Enumeration (Virtual Machine, Remote Boot). Designated for specific cases in which the key needs to remain unlocked through USB port re-enumeration such as during reboot, or passing through a virtual machine.<br><br><b>Drive Reset Feature:</b><br>All Apricorn Devices can be Reset and Redeployed Over and Over. Drive reset clears both the User and Admin PINs, destroys the data, creates a new randomly generated encryption key and allows the drive to be reused repeatedly, with an infinite number of randomly generated encryption keys, allowing the admin and or user to reset the drive as often as is needed.<br><br><b>Self-Destruct PIN:</b><br>When Programmed and Activated, Performs a Crypto-Erase and Becomes New Access PIN. The last line of defense for data security when the device’s physical security is at risk. The Self-Destruct PIN defends against these physically compromising situations by erasing the key’s contents, leaving it in normal working order appearing yet to be deployed.<br><br><b>LED Key Press Indicator:</b><br>Visually Confirms Successful Button Presses via the Device’s LEDs.<br><br><b>IP67 Certified:</b><br>Dust and Water Resistant Durable Aluminum Housing Protecting data goes well beyond encryption. Tough enough to go anywhere, the Aegis Secure Key’s resilient design makes it perfect for travel and field applications. With its rugged, extruded aluminum crush-resistant casing, the Aegis Secure Key is tamper evident and well-protected against physical damage.Apricorn ASK3-NX. Capacity: 128 GB, Device interface: USB Type-A, USB version: 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1), Read speed: 77 MB/s, Write speed: 72 MB/s. Form factor: Other. Keypad integrated, Fingerprint reader, Password protection. Weight: 22 g. Product colour: Black
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Alates 99 € tellimuste transport on Eesti-siseselt tasuta. Toote täpsemat tarneaega vaata vahelehelt "Saadavus".
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SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaati
Telli kaup endale Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaadid toimivad sama lihtsalt nagu Eestisisesed automaadid. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv SmartPOST Finland automaat. Kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse saajale SMS koos unikaalse koodiga. Mine kohale, sisesta kood automaati ja võta pakk.
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Matkahuolto väljastuspunkti Soomes
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Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.
Toode on saadaval Photopointi veebipoes 7-14 tööpäevase tarneajaga. Esinduskauplustes kohapeal seda toodet müügil ei ole.