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VERSATILITY, SIMPLICITY AND VARIETY OF APPLICATIONS The WFFA series, 9U, single-section, wall-mount, black, 570 x 450 mm cabinet, is the perfect solution for ICT network, cabling, and equipment implementation compliant with 19" RACK standard. TToode on arhiivis, kuvatakse vaid informatiivsel eesmärgil.
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The WFFA series, 9U, single-section, wall-mount, black, 570 x 450 mm cabinet, is the perfect solution for ICT network, cabling, and equipment implementation compliant with 19" RACK standard. This cabinet series is designed for use in every company, home, and low-current installations such as cable TV networks, alarm/fire systems, access control, and video surveillance (IP, Datacenter, and Big Data) solutions. The cabinet, utilizing the latest solutions, allows the implementation of networks according to the installation standards. It provides orderly and easy access to devices installed inside. Responsible for the structure of the cabinet, is an up-to-date and modernized sturdy frame. This networking product is equipped with a glazed front door with a tempered glass and latch-mounted side covers made of steel. The product is designed for indoor use only. |
The WFFA series represents an entirely new quality and approach for the server cabinet market within the passive networking segment. The product has been completely redesigned based on the user's feedback, requirements, and comfort in mind. WFFA cabinet stands for a rugged structure made of cold-rolled steel and a great attention to details. In the new series of cabinets, the shipping boxes have been strengthened, and the matt surface paint has been improved. Furthermore, the number of screws required for assembly has been reduced, and the installation method has been changed - the screws are tightened only from the inside, and a part of the structure is fastened only using latches. All this makes the final product more unique. |
QUICK AND SIMPLE ASSEMBLY By introducing the new WFFA (Fast Assembly) series, the manufacturer wants to address the expectations of IT installers, engineers, and integrators. With a meticulously designed structure, the cabinet allows self-assembly. What is more, it takes only a few minutes to fully construct it, all thanks to reducing the number of M6*12 mounting screws (that apply to the structure) to an absolute minimum (just 8). Combined, this makes putting together the new WFFA Rack cabinet very convenient and straightforward. |
The WFFA series is also dedicated to those looking for cabinets capable of coping with more extreme In-Rack conditions without sacrificing functionality, aesthetics, and safety. The use of 2 vents in both the top and bottom panels provides much better airflow and cooling, while the user gains even more control over the cabinet's temperature circulation. |
The use of modern structural patterns made it possible to provide an aesthetic solution with all screws tightened from the inside. This way, you can be sure that the cabinet and all the elements will „fit like a glove”. The WFFA series finds applications, especially in places that are difficult to access, where the final assembly site is limited in terms of available space. More importantly, the modular lock (only 5 mm protruding from the outside) can be easily and quickly removed, providing even more precision in line with expectations. |
Some server cabinets offered on the market do not have enough cable entry panels, or their placement does not necessarily meet the end-user requirements. These situations happen to almost every structural network cabling installer or an administrator. Lanberg cabinet construction's apparent advantages are a full set of cable entries for wiring all kinds of structural, electrical cabling, and others. These provide orderly and convenient installation of cables, which facilitates mounting of non-standard devices. Lanberg, in pursuit of constantly improved quality and products for the convenience of its users, has introduced a total of 3 cable entries with a total dimension of 230 x 45 mm, allowing the freedom of cable routing:
The above-mentioned cable entries help provide comfortable wiring from the cable tray or duct to the cabinet without additional slats or equipment. A cable entry in the middle is essential when installing the cabinet in tight spaces. It allows for easier adjustment of the cabinet's position to the cable hole. What is important, all entries in the cabinet are detachable, which allows retaining one of its most important features, i.e., lack of external protruding screws. |
In addition to attachment directly on the wall using expansion anchors (thus facilitating access to the mounting screws from the inside of the cabinet), the manufacturer has added a flat wall-mount rail and a mobile level with a magnet to each product to maximize the comfort and convenience of the user. With the included tools, you can quickly and easily fix your cabinet in the desired location, while always maintaining its ideal level. From now on, you do not have to worry about bringing additional equipment with you – Lanberg and WFFA series cabinets will take care of that for you. |
A RELIABLE AND SAFE SOLUTION The highest quality of production and control of the product at various stages is our top priority, which we follow at all aspects of manufacturing, packaging, and transport. As a result, we guarantee full safety and technical reliability of our equipment – proven by numerous certificates and RoHS quality standards. Lanberg, as a trusted manufacturer and your business partner, provides a 5-year warranty on every WFFA series cabinet. |
To meet the increasingly growing expectations of the market, in addition to the WFFA cabinet, the manufacturer made sure that it is equipped with extra tools that will allow quick assembly, as well as the installation of additional equipment in 19" Rack standard. All mounting elements are in one flat, reinforced cardboard box, which makes transportation much easier. In that box you will find all necessary accessories, such as:
It is up to you to prepare only 4 plastic expansion anchors and 4 screws suited to the assumed overall weight of the cabinet and the diameter to the holes of the wall-mount rail, which is: 4 – ⌀ 10. |
BE SURE TO CHECK THE CURRENT LIST OF ACCESSORIES AT WWW.LANBERG.EU Lanberg is continuously expanding the list of available accessories for all its Rack series cabinets to help the end-user to adapt them to their needs. The current offer includes, among others:
Stay up-to-date and make sure to check the product page by clicking on this link before buying accessories, to select those that are fully compatible with your chosen cabinet model. |
- Height: 9U (total 500 mm),
- Width: 570 mm (580 mm including locks),
- Length: 450 mm (456.2 mm including locks & wall-mount rail),
- Maximum working/mounting depth: 261 mm (adjustable by 5 offsets of 20 mm at the front and rear),
- Frame material: High production quality (SPCC) cold-rolled steel,
- Protection class (according to EN 60529): IP20,
- Top and bottom panels, each, include 2 fan slots (120 x 120 mm) and breakable cable entry panels,
- Front door: detachable, with grounding and option of mounting and rotating up to 180° on both sides, equipped with a 5 mm thick hardened windshield and fixed lock,
- Side door: removable, with grounding, of solid steel, latched-mounted, equipped with fixed lock,
- Rear panel: no option of removal/opening. Provides attachment using metal expansion anchors or the included wall-mount rail,
- Painting: RAL9004, surface degreased, pickled, parkerized, powder coated with a matt finish,
- Frame's static load capacity: to 60 kg,
- RACK and RoHS compliance (declarations can be found on the manufacturer's website).
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