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Lanberg FF01-8842-12BL rack cabinet 42U Freestanding rack Black

3% (lisa)allahindlust
(min. 5€ ostul)
The Lanberg FF01 series of rack cabinets is an excellent, well-thought-out solution for professional ICT environments where safe storage and management of a large amount of server equipment is necessary. The rack cabinet's design allows for efficientOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
The Lanberg FF01 series of rack cabinets is an excellent, well-thought-out solution for professional ICT environments where safe storage and management of a large amount of server equipment is necessary. The rack cabinet's design allows for efficient use of space, and its robust construction ensures durability and long-lasting use. FF01 server racks are available in a variety of sizes and configurations for a perfect fit to individual user needs.<br><br>Thanks to high-quality materials and precise design solutions, the FF01 series guarantees optimal working conditions for server equipment and ease of access and management of ICT infrastructure. In addition, the aesthetic design and the ability to personalize add-ons and mounting components make Lanberg FF01 server cabinets an ideal choice for both large enterprises and smaller companies that are looking for a reliable and functional solution for their IT infrastructure.<br><br>Easy installation<br>Thanks to the thoughtful design and ease of installation of our FF01 series of standing server racks, you save valuable time and effort by focusing on your key tasks. Regardless of your level of experience, you can quickly and efficiently organize your data center or server network.<br><br>Our racks not only come with clear paper installation instructions, but we also provide detailed video instructions available online. These step-by-step guide you through the entire process, ensuring that you fully understand each step.<br>All of our FF01 standing server cabinets are equipped with grounding, providing additional protection for your equipment. This ensures the safe use of your equipment, protecting it from potential damage caused by electrical discharges.<br><br>Solid workmanship<br>Standing for reliability and robustness, Lanberg FF01 series standing server racks are a guarantee of excellent quality. Designed with attention to every detail, our rack cabinets are distinguished by exceptional durability and precision workmanship, regardless of the application.<br><br>High-quality cold-rolled steel, from which the elements of our data communication cabinets are made, ensures not only durability, but also precision and solidity of construction.<br><br>Each of our FF01 series server cabinets is characterized by exceptional solidity of workmanship, which is the result of an advanced manufacturing process , providing excellent results both aesthetically and functionally.<br><br>Flat Pack<br>Our Lanberg server racks are packaged in "Flat Pack" self-assembly format. As a result, you can easily transport our racks in vehicles with limited cargo space, as well as have full control over the assembly process.<br><br>Our years of experience in the market have given us an excellent understanding of how to protect components in cardboard boxes to minimize the risk of damage during transportation. We use high-quality protective materials and careful packaging to ensure that your server racks arrive to you in perfect condition – immediately ready for installation.<br><br>Accessories<br>Lanberg is constantly expanding the available list of accessories for its RACK cabinet series to allow users to perfectly match their individual needs. Our current offerings include:<br><br>Shelves: universal, butt, side, pull-out<br>Server enclosures<br>Brush panels<br>Cable organizers<br>Cable plugs<br>Cooling accessories: ventilation panels, thermostats<br>Crossover panels, keystones<br>PDU leaves<br>Mounting support tools<br>Our accessories are carefully designed and tailored to fit various RACK cabinet models, providing excellent compatibility and functionality. With them, you can optimize the use of space in your cabinet and keep your cabling organized.<br><br>Visit www.lanberg.eu to see the full range and choose the accessories that perfectly match your RACK cabinet. All to create a professional and functional solution for storing and managing your network infrastructure.<br><br>The RACK Rack is the perfect solution for you.<br><br>Efficient cooling<br>Standing server racks in the FF01 series from Lanberg are the ideal solution for those looking for performance even in the most demanding temperature conditions. Our racks combine optimal performance with functionality, aesthetics and security.<br><br>By incorporating a vent at the top of the design, each of our racks provides excellent airflow, resulting in effective cooling. This element, combined with the built-in fans, guarantees temperature control inside the cabinet, which is crucial for maintaining optimal operating conditions for your equipment.<br><br>The design of our FF01 server cabinets has been thought out to ensure the highest cooling efficiency. This translates into long-lasting and trouble-free operation of your equipment, no matter what its requirements are.<br><br>The design of our server cabinets has been thoughtfully designed to ensure the best possible performance.<br><br>LCD panel<br>The integrated LCD panel in FF01 server cabinets from Lanberg is a functionality that significantly increases the comfort of use. Thanks to it, you have full control over the conditions in the cabinet, which guarantees even greater protection of the stored equipment.<br><br>It is equipped with a thermostat, a timer and the ability to manually turn the fans on and off. In addition, you can independently set at what temperature the fans should start and begin cooling (thermostat function). The LCD panel is a practical solution that will allow you to optimally manage the conditions inside the cabinet.<br><br>Increased payload capacity<br>The FF01 server racks with LCD panel from Lanberg guarantee exceptional strength and reliability, thanks to the increased thickness of key design elements such as the top and bottom covers, frame and horizontal beams. This improvement has allowed us to increase the load capacity of our cabinets from 800 kg to an impressive 1200 kg, allowing us to store even the heaviest server equipment.<br><br>For even greater ease of use, we decided to replace the standard 2-inch wheels with 3-inch wheels. This allows the cabinet to be moved more easily, even when fully loaded. The front lock of our cabinets has been given a modern design, emphasizing the professional nature of the product.<br><br>Additionally, each cabinet is equipped with a grounding cable and nuts, further enhancing the safety of use. When you choose FF01 server cabinets with LCD from Lanberg, you not only gain functionality and performance, but most importantly, the confidence that your IT infrastructure is safe and stable, regardless of its weight.<br><br>The product's design is also very professional.Lanberg FF01-8842-12BL. Type: Freestanding rack, Rack capacity: 42U, Maximum weight capacity: 1200 kg, Key lock, Cable management, Castor wheels. Weight: 131 kg. Product colour: Black
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