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Garmin Tactix 7 Pro Ballistics
Solar Powered Tactical GPS Watch with Applied Ballistics and Nylon Band<br><br><b>Built For The Field</b><br>Featuring a Power Sapphire™ solar charging lens, traditional buttons and touchscreen display, this multisport GToode on arhiivis, kuvatakse vaid informatiivsel eesmärgil.
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
Solar Powered Tactical GPS Watch with Applied Ballistics and Nylon Band<br><br><b>Built For The Field</b><br>Featuring a Power Sapphire™ solar charging lens, traditional buttons and touchscreen display, this multisport GPS smartwatch offers specialized tactical features as well as a built-in Applied Ballistics® calculator, mapping, music, advanced training features and more.<br><br>Get a charge from the sunlight, so your smartwatch can go as long as you can in the field.<br><br>Don’t be limited by battery life. Get up to 37 days of battery life1 in smartwatch mode.<br><br>Ruggedly built with a premium design.<br><br>Applied Ballistics Elite™ software enables you to calculate long-range shooting solutions in the field.<br><br>When it gets dark, the built-in LED flashlight helps keep you going.<br><br>Navigate your world with multi-GNSS satellite reference and outdoor sensors.<br><br>Solar Charged Battery<br>Get up to 37 days of battery life in smartwatch mode with solar charging enabled1 — and up to 122 hours in GPS mode with solar charging enabled2.<br><br><b>Quality By Design</b><br>Tested to MIL-STD-810, the rugged yet sophisticated design features a large 1.4” display.<br><br><b>Touchscreen And Buttons</b><br>Traditional button controls that work in any environment are matched with a responsive new touchscreen interface for quick access to selections and functions.<br><br>Solar charged battery<br>Get up to 37 days of battery life in smartwatch mode with solar charging enabled1 — and up to 122 hours in gps mode with solar charging enabled2.<br><br>Quality by design<br>Tested to MIL-STD-810, the rugged yet sophisticated design features a large 1.4” display.<br><br>Touchscreen and buttons<br>Traditional button controls that work in any environment are matched with a responsive new touchscreen interface for quick access to selections and functions.<br><br>Applied ballistics elite software<br>Calculate aiming solutions for long-range shooting in the field with a built-in ballistics calculator.<br><br>Ab synapse™ – garmin app<br>Easily create and send custom profiles to your garmin device, including full access to the applied ballistics® bullet library, which contains more than 1,200 custom measured bullets.<br><br>Built-in green or white flashlight<br>To help guide your way in low-light conditions, a built-in multi-led flashlight provides quick access to a bright, steady beam in either green or white light.<br><br>Night vision capability<br>Easily switch between daytime view and nighttime view with a screen that can be read by night vision goggles.<br><br>Stealth mode<br>While keeping the watch operational, stealth mode stops storing and sharing your gps position and disables wireless connectivity and communication.<br><br>Kill switch<br>If security becomes an issue, the kill switch wipes the device of all user memory.<br><br>Jumpmaster mode<br>This feature works to calculate high-altitude release points according to military guidelines and helps to navigate you to your objective once you’ve jumped.<br><br>Dual-position format<br>Easily sync your location with others by seeing both the universal transverse mercator and military grid reference system on the same screen.<br><br>Projected waypoints<br>Set and save remote geo positions to be used later for navigation.<br><br>Applied ballistics ecosystem integration<br>Get environmental data readings from your compatible weather meter and ranges from your compatible range finder sent directly to the applied ballistics solver.<br><br>Hunt activity<br>Track your hunt, and mark hunt-specific waypoints directly on your watch.<br><br>Direct-to navigation<br>Navigate straight to a location or waypoint in the worldwide aeronautical database. Or choose the nearest function to activate a path to a nearby airport.<br><br>Weather reports<br>Access aviation weather, including nexrad radar, metars and tafs, to see winds, visibility, barometric pressure and more3.<br><br>Built-in sports apps<br>Use preloaded activity profiles for trail running, swimming, running, biking, hiking, rowing, skiing, golfing, surfing, indoor climbing and more.<br><br>Hiit workouts<br>This activity profile tracks your high-intensity interval training workouts, including amrap, emom, tabata and custom. Set the number of rounds, work/rest intervals and more.<br><br>Daily suggested workout<br>View your entire week of daily suggested workouts, which adapt after every run or ride to match your performance and recovery as well as the races coming up in your garmin connect™ smartphone app calendar.<br><br>Visual race predictor<br>Based on your running history and overall fitness level, this feature provides an estimate of what your pace could be for the distance you want to run. Trend data shows how your training is having an impact over time.<br><br>Up ahead<br>Get at-a-glance awareness for selected poi checkpoints ahead. View performance metrics, split times and distance/elevation — plus a summary of key trail points coming up.<br><br>Pacepro™ technology<br>A first-of-its-kind pacepro feature helps keep you on pace with grade-adjusted guidance as you run a course.<br><br>Performance metrics<br>View advanced training metrics that include running dynamics, heat- and altitude-adjusted vo2 max, trail run vo2 max, recovery advisor and more4.<br><br>Real-time stamina<br>Use this data to track and manage your exertion — and help avoid overexerting at the start of your run or bike.<br><br>Recovery time advisor<br>After each workout, recovery time lets you know when you’ll be ready for another hard workout. It even accounts for training intensity and factors such as stress, daily activity and sleep.<br><br>Mtb dynamics<br>Track the details of every ride with mountain biking metrics plus specialized grit™ and flow™ measurements that rate trail difficulty and how smoothly you descend, giving you a score to beat next time.<br><br>Climbpro feature<br>Use the climbpro ascent planner on downloaded courses to see real-time information on your current and upcoming climbs, including gradient, distance and elevation gain — as well as descents and flats.<br><br>Surf-ready features<br>Get ready to catch some waves. This tactix watch works with the surfline sessions™ feature, which creates a video of every wave you ride in front of a surfline® camera5. So you can watch them later and see how you did with your surfline sessions subscription.<br><br>Backcountry ski<br>Stay informed when you’re in the snow. This preloaded profile helps distinguish between skiing and climbing. It shows metrics specific to either ascent or descent.<br><br>Xc ski dynamics<br>When paired with the hrm-pro™ chest strap (sold separately), the ski power metric helps measure the actual exercise load of your cross-country workouts.<br><br>Race widget<br>Get ready for your next race with training tips, personalized daily suggested workouts and completion time predictions based on course details, weather and performance.<br><br>Training status<br>Using new indicators such as hrv status, your recent exercise history and performance, get insight into your overall effort — and whether you’re training productively, peaking or strained.<br><br>Training readiness<br>From the moment you wake up, get a readiness score based on your sleep quality, recovery, training load and more, so you can determine whether it’s a good day to go hard — or take it easy.<br><br>Hrv status<br>Gain a deeper understanding of your overall health, training and recovery through heart rate variability while you sleep, based on technology developed by our firstbeat analytics™ team.<br><br>Running power<br>Get a continuous measurement on your wrist of how much power you’re applying to the road as you run when using a running dynamics pod or hrm-pro™ monitor.<br><br>Satiq technology<br>Multi-band gnss with satiq technology ensures the best positioning accuracy in any environment while also optimizing the device’s battery life.<br><br>Abc sensors<br>Navigate your next trail with abc sensors, including an altimeter for elevation data, barometer to monitor weather and 3-axis electronic compass.<br><br>Golf course maps<br>Access full-color courseview maps for more than 42,000 golf courses around the world, and get button targeting and the playslike distance feature.<br><br>Skiview maps<br>Take on the slopes with preloaded skiview maps, and view run names and difficulty ratings for more than 2,000 ski resorts worldwide.<br><br>Multicontinent topo maps<br>Tactix 7 - pro ballistics edition comes preloaded with topoactive maps from your region and gives you free access to download additional maps from around the world to keep your explorations on track. Use built-in wi-fi® connectivity to easily load and update maps and software without using a computer.<br><br>Public land boundaries<br>Optional display of federal public land boundaries on topographical maps helps you know that you’re venturing where you’re supposed to be.<br><br>Power manager<br>View how various settings and sensors impact your watch’s battery life, so you can make battery-extending changes on the fly.<br><br>Wrist-based heart rate<br>Optical heart rate technology gauges activity intensity as well as heart rate variability to calculate your stress level. It also tracks underwater without a heart rate strap.<br><br>Pulse ox sensor<br>For altitude acclimation or sleep monitoring, a pulse ox sensor6 uses light beams at your wrist to gauge how well your body is absorbing oxygen.<br><br><b>Sleep score and advanced sleep monitoring</b><br>Get a full breakdown of your light, deep and rem sleep stages. View it all on a dedicated widget that includes your sleep score and insights.<br><br>Body battery™ energy monitoring<br>Optimize your body’s energy reserves, using heart rate variability, stress, sleep and other data to gauge when you’re ready to be active or when you may need to rest.<br><br>Respiration tracking<br>See how you’re breathing throughout the day, during sleep, and during breathwork and yoga activities.<br><br>Health snapshot™ feature<br>Log a 2-minute session to record key stats, including heart rate4, heart rate variability, pulse ox6, respiration and stress. Then generate a report with those stats via the garmin connect™ app on your compatible smartphone to share.<br><br>Hydration tracking<br>Log daily fluid intake as a reminder to stay hydrated. When auto goal is enabled, you’ll even see estimated sweat loss after an activity, and your goal will adjust accordingly.<br><br>Smart notifications<br>Receive emails, texts and alerts right on your watch when paired with a compatible device.<br><br>Music apps<br>Store up to 2,000 songs, or access streaming apps from your compatible services, including spotify, deezer and amazon music, and listen through headphones with bluetooth® technology.<br><br>Garmin pay™ contactless payments<br>Breeze through checkout lines with garmin pay contactless payment solution through participating providers.<br><br>Safety and tracking features<br>When your watch and phone are paired, your live location can be sent to your contacts manually or — during select outdoor activities — automatically with built-in incident detection7.<br><br>Connect iq store<br>Download custom watch faces, add data fields, and get apps and widgets from the connect iq store on your compatible smartphone.<br><br>Stocks tracker<br>Keep track of up to 50 of your favorite stocks8 — right from your wrist — with the stocks app. Easily check your stocks at a glance to monitor their prices and trends throughout the day.Garmin Tactix 7 Pro Ballistics. Display diagonal: 3.56 cm (1.4"), Display technology: LED, Display resolution: 280 x 280 pixels, Touchscreen. Flash memory: 32 GB. Wi-Fi. GPS (satellite). Weight: 89 g. Band material: Nylon, Band colour: Black
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SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaati
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SmartPOST Finland automaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
Matkahuolto väljastuspunkti Soomes
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Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.