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Rivacase Mestalla notebook case 39.6 cm (15.6") Backpack Grey
<b>CAPACIOUS FRONT ZIPPERED POCKET PROTECTED WITH A ZIPPER COVER</b><br>Sometimes you need to get to some of your belongings with absolutely no impediment at all. This is especially the case when say standing at the check-in queue aOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
<b>CAPACIOUS FRONT ZIPPERED POCKET PROTECTED WITH A ZIPPER COVER</b><br>Sometimes you need to get to some of your belongings with absolutely no impediment at all. This is especially the case when say standing at the check-in queue and when in a rush, or when needing to get to your phone or wallet. You need them and you need them right now. That is why this Mestalla bag comes with its own very spacious front zippered pocket so that you can quickly store away or retrieve those items that you always need at a moment's notice. And to ensure that these are stored in the very safest of environments, we have made sure that this pocket comes with a zipper cover for added protection.<br><br><b>SIDE LOOP</b><br>This Mestalla bag has been designed to give you the maximum practicality possible for both urban and rural environments. That is why it comes with its very own side loop so that should you take your bag hiking somewhere you can attach any item that you might need with you on your trip, like a torch or carabiner if you are climbing. And, if you're thinking you will mainly be using this Mestalla backpack for your urban commute then this loop provides the perfect spot for you to attach your bike helmet for ease of access to it and to save space in your bag.<br><br><b>TWO SIDE POCKETS</b><br>We at RIVACASE take the health of those that we sell our products to incredibly seriously. That is why we build products that will ensure the complete safety of the user's health, no matter how long they are used for. Weight distribution for instance is absolutely crucial when designing a bag. Another factor that we all need to recognize though is the importance of remaining hydrated when going about our day. It is crucial for our joints, for our brainpower and for our concentration. That is why this bag comes with not one but two side pockets so that you can slot away a couple of water bottles or even slip in an umbrella, should you need to keep the wrong kind of water out!<br><br><b>STURDY HANDLE FOR CARRYING</b><br>Sometimes you simply do not have the time to be slipping a backpack on and off your shoulders every time you need to get on and off a train or in and out of a car. You need to grab and go and be on your way. That is why this Mestalla bag comes with a sturdy handle for carrying so that you can quickly whip it up and away you go. This feature will prove all the handier at airports or when orientating around an airplane, or even, for the more adventurous, when out and about camping.<br><br><b>CAPACIOUS MAIN COMPARTMENT</b><br>Some backpacks these days often get wrong the very fine balance you need to tread when designing a backpack between practicality and compactness. Often bags are either cumbersomely large or so small in the search for being unobtrusive that they become almost useless. This Mestalla bag straddles this divide with poise and offers you a capacious main compartment to contain your necessary items but while also feeling easy to wield. So slide in that extra jumper or wash-bag and know that you will have all that you need for your exciting trip away.<br><br><b>DEDICATED LAPTOP POCKET</b><br>There is no item of greater importance in a backpack than that of your laptop. For all of us, they have become the main portal to our business and social worlds and so they necessitate a good deal of care and respect. That is why we have made sure that this Mestalla backpack comes with its own laptop pocket with a separate inner compartment for a 15.6” laptop (we recommend to use a laptop sleeve for additional protection). This will mean that your most precious item is being housed in an environment where it will not be rattling around or be bashed and scratched by other items, meaning that you can move around your day with much better ease of mind.<br><br><b>DUAL ZIPPER PULLS FOR QUICK AND EASY ACCESS</b><br>Single zippered bags can not only be a nuisance when you cannot quickly get into your bag or to close it back up again, but they also can render a bag useless in the case of them becoming damaged. This Mestalla bag circumvents this issue by offering you dual zipper pulls that not only give you quick and easy access to your belongings but also are built in a robust design process so that they will stand the test of time and not let you down when you need them most.<br><br><b>COMFORTABLE PADDED BACK</b><br>There is nothing worse than buying a backpack only to find out that as soon as you start putting your things into it that it can only lead to serious discomfort. Anyone who has had to carry around a hard-book cover will know the difficulty a weak back to a backpack can pose and how painful a sharp edge can be digging into your back after a while. That is why we have made sure that this Mestalla bag comes with its own padded back so that no matter how long you are planning to travel, and no matter the contents or weight of your bag, you can remain at perfect ease from start to finish.<br><br><b>COMFORTABLE SHOULDER STRAPS WITH SOFTENED BANDS</b><br>Any backpack that is well designed needs to take seriously the comfort of your back when carrying it. If this isn't a key part of the design process then not only will it lead to long journeys becoming incredibly uncomfortable and even light weights becoming a trial to carry, it can also pose serious health risks. Back problems are some of the most widely complained about ailments in people in later life and so ensuring that the products you use are suitable for long-term use is absolutely vital. That is why this backpack comes with comfortable shoulder straps with softened bands so that no matter how long your trip is you remain in perfect comfort at all times.<br><br><b>STURDY BUCKLES ON THE SHOULDER STRAPS</b><br>There are few things worse than features of a backpack that are bound to let you down. We at RIVACASE have always sought to mark ourselves apart from brands that produce cheaply made 'fast-fashion' items, and instead, we design our products to have lasting life so that not only do they provide loyal compartments to you for years ahead, but also so that we are doing our best for the environment as well. That is why this Mestalla bag comes with sturdy buckles on the shoulder straps so that you can attach whatever you need, with whatever weight, and be safe in the knowledge that you can depend on them.<br><br><b>STRAP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM</b><br>Loose ends and straps can not only cause you great nuisance when you are out and about as they get in the way but they can also pose a serious risk. There have been many cases of accidents coming as a result of an errant strap getting caught on a branch or in between the closing doors of an elevator or train door. In order to help circumvent this issue, this bag comes with a strap management system so that you can roll them up and strap away any loose ends and so keep yourself as safe and sound as possible on your journey ahead.<br><br><b>WATER-REPELLENT FABRIC</b><br>With the kinds of items that we all keep within our bags these days being such a vital presence in our lives, it has become even more paramount to ensure that they are being kept in the most secure environments at all times. Water-damage is obviously one of the key ways that electronic goods can be rendered useless and so it is absolutely key that you choose a bag that keeps the moisture out and your devices safe. That is why we have created this Mestalla range out of a water-repellent fabric so that any unwanted water will simply run off the bag and away from your precious belongings.Rivacase Mestalla. Case type: Backpack, Maximum screen size: 39.6 cm (15.6"), Number of front pockets: 1, Carrying handle(s), Shoulder strap. Weight: 350 g. Surface coloration: Monochromatic
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Matkahuolto väljastuspunkti Soomes
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Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.
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