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ASUS ROG Phone 6 Diablo Immortal Edition 17.2 cm (6.78") Dual SIM Android 12 5G USB Type-C

<b>FOR THOSE WHO DARE</b><br>In collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment, ROG proudly presents the ROG Phone 6 Diablo Immortal Edition. This limited-edition themed phone and matching accessories are your perfect companions for yourOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
<b>FOR THOSE WHO DARE</b><br>In collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment, ROG proudly presents the ROG Phone 6 Diablo Immortal Edition. This limited-edition themed phone and matching accessories are your perfect companions for your quest through the mysterious and dangerous world of Diablo.<br><br><b>ICONIC PHONE DESIGN</b><br>Based on the acclaimed ROG Phone 6, the Diablo Immortal Edition features details that echo the iconic combat quest with its nightmarish menagerie of demons and monsters.<br><br><b>DIABLO IMMORTAL THEME PACK</b><br>When you energize the ROG Phone 6 Diablo Immortal Edition with the power button, you’ll enter the hellish world of Diablo. Themed animations, live wallpapers, charging animations, awesome sound effects await you, along with customized Always-on Panel and incoming call notifications. Are you ready to fight the forces of evil?<br><br><b>COLLECTIBLE CASE DESIGN</b><br>The exclusive carton design is inspired by the famous Horadric Cube, an valuable item that can transform anything placed inside. The phone itself is stored safely in a box modeled on the legendary Worldstone.<br><br><b>EXCLUSIVE ACCESSORIES</b><br>The ROG Phone 6 Diablo Immortal Edition features the Shield Blessing Aero Case, and a map of Sanctuary featuring hidden marks in invisible ink that can be revealed using Fahir’s Light. There’s also a uniquely crafted Immortality Ejector Pin fashioned after the game’s logo. Each accessory is an integral part of the Diablo-inspired worldview.<br><br><b>SHIELD BLESSING</b><br>An exclusive aero case featuring a geometric relief of the teleport, with a unique effect that shines when illuminated by Fahir's Light.<br><br><b>MAP OF SANCTUARY</b><br>A map scroll depicting the world of Sanctuary features hidden marks in invisible ink that can be revealed using the bundled Fahir's Light torch.<br><br><b>FAHIR’S LIGHT</b><br>The magical tool to unleash the invisible secrets of the hidden worlds in its cold and brilliant lighting.<br><br><b>IMMORTALITY EJECTOR PIN</b><br>With its Diablo emblem design, the Immortality Ejector Pin is a fitting addition to the outstandingly designed accessory collection.<br><br><b>FOR THOSE WHO DARE</b><br>The legend has evolved! The ROG Phone 6 is the latest incarnation of world-beating gaming phone. It harnesses the brute gaming power of the latest Qualcomm® Snapdragon® 8+ Gen 1 Mobile Platform, with a new class leading GameCool 6 thermal system that lets you smash every barrier and break every limit, and a 165 Hz display for a revolutionary visual experience. For total control, there’s the AirTrigger 6 system and the Armoury Crate app, and for marathon gameplay, there’s a monster 6000 mAh1 battery. Dare to choose the mighty ROG Phone 6, and you will be rewarded with an experience that befits a true legend.<br><br><b>STYLE, EVOLVED</b><br>Crafted with the spirit of adventure, the ROG Phone 6 reaches beyond its cyberpunk roots to explore the wider cosmos. With its fusion of geometric simplicity and cutting-edge technology, this next-gen gaming phone is your high-tech companion for your journey through space and time.<br><br><b>RGB, EVOLVED</b><br>Unleash your inner gamer with the futuristic Aura RGB lighting on the ROG Phone 6. The famous ROG Fearless Eye dot-matrix logo on the rear can be given a fantastic color-gradient appearance using two different colors simultaneously. You can also personalize the lighting with a huge choice of colors and several preset mood-lighting schemes.<br><br><b>POWER, EVOLVED</b><br>Are you ready for the invincible power of the Snapdragon® 8+ Gen 1 Mobile Platform? Its unrivaled performance puts it in a class of its own, with the clock speed now boosted to a mind-blowing 3.2 GHz2 — with up to 15% better CPU performance2 and 20% more power efficiency2 over the previous Snapdragon® 888 on the ROG Phone 5.<br>Our world-famous Armoury Crate performance manager unlocks even more performance and tuning controls, giving the ROG Phone 6 complete mastery of this amazing CPU’s power to vanquish any task!<br><br><b>THERMAL, EVOLVED</b><br>The upgraded GameCool 6 cooling system on the ROG Phone 6 has an optimized thermal design that cools the CPU from every direction. With GameCool 6, three different approaches to cooling are used to improve stability for demanding games. Firstly, the Boron Nitride (BN) thermal compound on one side of the CPU reduces thermal throttling during short gaming sessions. Secondly, the enlarged vapor chamber and graphite sheets dissipate heat from the other side of the CPU more efficiently during mid-length gaming sessions. And finally, for long-term stability, the new AeroActive Cooler 6 incorporates an AI-powered active cooling system, using a Peltier cooling element that provides additional surface cooling with a fan positioned exactly over the location of the system-on-a-chip (SoC).<br><br><b>ALL-NEW 360° CPU COOLING TECHNOLOGY</b><br>For the first 15 minutes of gaming, the most important task is to ensure that the heat from the CPU is conducted to all thermal components for dissipation.<br>The 3,300 milligrams of BN thermal compound transfers heat from the side of the CPU opposite the vapor chamber, dissipating the heat from chip much more efficiently, and ensuring maximum performance of the CPU and GPU for a stable gaming framerate.<br><br><b>VISION, EVOLVED</b><br>For supreme visuals, the ROG Phone 6 has a 6.78-inch AMOLED display with unbeatable display quality and amazingly low latency. Whether it is for pin-sharp gaming or HDR video playback, the ROG Phone 6 delivers! To achieve low-latency gaming and ultra-responsive input with less chance of accidental touches, the ROG Phone 6 now boasts a 165 Hz refresh rate and a 720 Hz touch-sampling rate4 for a super-smooth, seamless gaming experience.<br><br><b>SUPERB VISUAL</b><br>As well as world-beating color accuracy, the screen on the ROG Phone 6 is protected by ultra-tough Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus™, and your eyes are protected by the Eye Care Display technology. However you look at it, ROG Phone 6 is built to win!<br><br><b>AIRTRIGGER, EVOLVED</b><br>To give you even more advanced control possibilities, the AirTrigger 6 has been well upgraded. The ultrasonic sensors fully support various gestures, including new features such as Dual Action, Press and Lift, and Gyroscope Aiming. The uniquely designed AirTrigger 6 gives you a control experience that surpasses console-level gaming!<br><br><b>GYROSCOPE AIMING</b><br>On the ROG Phone 6, you can now use the gyroscope to control the angle of view. Just press and hold the ultrasonic button first, and then you can control the viewing area by moving or tilting the phone.<br>This feature can give you immediate assistance for MOBA games and shooter games. You can find your enemy or explore the environment easily by simply turning around your phone.<br><br><b>X-HAPTIC</b><br>For powerful haptic feedback, the ROG Phone 6 has a high-end X-axis linear motor that brings you the most immersive gaming experience ever.<br><br><b>AEROACTIVE COOLER 6</b><br>The clip-on AeroActive Cooler 6 has an AI-powered thermoelectric cooler, and a fan that delivers increased cooling airflow directly to hotspots on the back cover of the ROG Phone 6. The result is that it can lower the surface temperature near the CPU by up to a stunning 25°C7. The AeroActive Cooler 6 also adds four extra physical buttons to allow a genuine console-like control experience.<br><br><b>KUNAI 3 GAMEPAD</b><br>If you’re looking for a true console-like gaming experience, the ROG Kunai 3 Gamepad turns the ROG Phone 6 into a handheld console, for the most fun you can have with a gaming phone.<br><br><b>GAMING, EVOLVED</b><br>One of the most-loved features of ROG Phone is Armoury Crate. It’s now been massively revamped with a cooler-looking and more futuristic interface, with a visual style that matches the PC version. You can set up and customize scenario profiles for each app, not just games, and individually tune performance settings and more.<br><br><b>TWEAKING, EVOLVED</b><br>With its convenient functions crafted for to enhance your gaming experience, ROG Phone 6 is your brilliant partner for every victory.<br><br><b>SIDE-MOUNTED PORT</b><br>The unique side-ported design of the ROG Phone 6 is specifically tailored to keep cables out of the way of your gameplay, so it never compromises your skills.<br><br><b>AUDIO, EVOLVED</b><br>The GameFX audio system on ROG Phone 6 features symmetrical dual speakers that fire forward for truly balanced stereo sound effects, and there’s also a convenient 3.5 mm headphone jack. The sound has been optimized via a collaboration with audio specialist Dirac, making ROG Phone 6 a rare beast: a gaming phone with truly impressive audio quality. In addition to the premium sound quality, GameFX lets you individually fine-tune the EQ bands for different scenarios effects, such as game, music, or cinema, so you can enjoy the crystal-clear sound effects and powerful aural soundscapes that no other phone can match. Thanks to Snapdragon Sound™ technology and aptX™ Adaptive codec, high-resolution audio and super low-latency processing can be achieved on wireless Bluetooth® headphones. Snapdragon Sound™ also utilizes aptX™ Lossless technology to retain all of the original content, bit for bit, resulting in music identical to the original recording.<br><br><b>BATTERY, EVOLVED</b><br>The monster 6000 mAh1 battery inside ROG Phone 6 combined with the 65-watt USB Power Delivery HyperCharge adapter is a great combo for on-the-go gaming. This combo can charge the ROG Phone 6 in just 42 minutes4 from 0% to 100%. Advanced features such as steady charging, which lets you control the charging speed, and bypass charging, which stops charging the battery during gaming, all enable better battery performance and an extended battery lifespan.<br><br><b>CAMERA, EVOLVED</b><br>The rear triple-camera system on ROG Phone 6 will add pro-grade quality to all your photos, whatever the setting. It features a flagship Sony® IMX766 50 MP main wide-angle camera with improved image quality and HDR processing, an ultrawide 13 MP second camera, and a macro camera. Enhanced software features include HDR10+ video mode to make your video quality stand out. There’s also a 12 MP front camera for high-quality group selfies and live-streaming videos.ASUS ROG Phone 6 Diablo Immortal Edition. Display diagonal: 17.2 cm (6.78"), Display resolution: 2448 x 1080 pixels. Processor frequency: 3.2 GHz, Processor family: Qualcomm Snapdragon, Processor model: 8+ Gen 1. RAM capacity: 16 GB, RAM type: LPDDR5, Internal storage capacity: 512 GB. Rear camera resolution (numeric): 50 MP, Rear camera type: Triple camera. SIM card capability: Dual SIM. Operating system installed: Android 12. Battery capacity: 6000 mAh. Product colour: Black, Red. Weight: 239 g
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- Lisagarantii + kindlustus (2 + 1 aastat) - 269,99 €
- Lisagarantii (2 aastat) - 99,99 €
- Kindlustus (1 aasta) - 199,99 €
- Kindlustus (2 aastat) - 269,99 €
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