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Crosscall CORE-Z5 15.4 cm (6.08") Dual SIM 5G USB Type-C 4 GB 64 GB 4950 mAh Black
5% (lisa)allahindlust
(min. 4€ ostul)
<b>Superior performance and durability combined</b><br>Ready to take on whatever the coming years bring, the CORE-Z5 is Crosscall's 5G smartphone with a 5-year guarantee.<br><br><b>SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE<br>ANDOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
Vabandage, tooteandmed on tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel info@photopoint.ee. Saadame teile kiirelt soovitud tõlke.
<b>Superior performance and durability combined</b><br>Ready to take on whatever the coming years bring, the CORE-Z5 is Crosscall's 5G smartphone with a 5-year guarantee.<br><br><b>SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE<br>AND DURABILITY COMBINED</b><br><br><b>AN INVESTMENT<br>FOR THE FUTURE</b><br>Designed for the most advanced professional uses, particularly in critical environments, the CORE-Z5 is the only 5G smartphone with a 5-year guarantee.<br><br><b>Durable</b><br>Boasting reliability, durability and solidity in all conditions, it is tailored to the most demanding conditions, making it the ultimate mobile office or operational tool for critical missions.<br><br>This future-proofed product, is packed with the latest technologies and anticipates those of the future. All of the aspects make the CORE-Z5 an investment for the long term.<br><br><b>POWER<br>ABOVE ALL</b><br>With its Qualcomm® QCM6490 process and 4 GB of RAM, you'll enjoy smooth browsing in all conditions.<br><br>Perfect for checking your business apps and managing complex tasks at once.<br><br><b>RESISTANCE<br>UNDER ALL CONDITIONS</b><br>Working in a marine environment, in arid lands or in a refrigerated warehouse? To accompany you wherever you are, everything has been covered with the CORE-Z5! Our CROSSCALL engineers have worked tirelessly to ensure that the CORE-Z5 meets the MIL-STD 810H military standard, including repetitive mechanic solicitation in exceptional weather conditions. They didn't stop there… Our experts have also further increased its durability to prepare it for the unexpected: Drops from 2-metre heights onto hard surfaces (marble, concrete, etc.) and waterproofing against various liquids (chlorinated water, motor oil, corrosive products, etc.).<br><br><b>AN ENERGY RESERVE<br>ON-HAND</b><br>Set off with peace of mind. You've got time ahead of you thanks to the components selected by our engineers: A low-energy consumption processor and a 4950 mAh LiPo high-capacity battery, offering 20% higher performances on average than those delivered by equivalent smartphones. If your battery level is love, you'll be notified by an LED indicator light so that you can plug in your smartphone and avoid ever running out of charge!<br><br><b>AER certification: For always being on-point!</b><br>An ally of long-term peace of mind, the CORE-Z5 has a trick up its sleeve for keeping up-to-date over the years. With the Extended Life capacity, you'll ensure that the apps you're using are always up-to-date and secure. Certified as Android Enterprise Recommended, you can easily deploy and manage your company mobile fleet with consistency.<br><br><b>6.08” screen</b><br>Enjoy a generously sized screen for great reading comfort, making it ideal for consulting your documents and filling them in, even when wearing gloves.<br><br><b>Double SIM + Micro SD</b><br>Combine your personal and professional lines into one smartphone thanks to the double SIM drawer and MicroSD slot.<br><br><b>44 hours of battery life in communication</b><br>Use it throughout long days without worrying about needing to recharge thanks to its energy performance which is 20% higher than that of other smartphones.<br><br><b>2W speaker with 100-decibel power</b><br>Maintain communications in even the noisiest of environments by activating the speaker, which is 3 times more powerful than average. Thanks to its "noise cancellation" technology, whoever you're talking to will enjoy optimal listening comfort.<br><br><b>4 programmable buttons</b><br>Use practical shortcuts to open the applications of your choice in one step, even when wearing gloves.<br><br><b>Ultra-precise GPS with 3-metre accuracy</b><br>Locate a position or person with 3-metre accuracy around you thanks to the reliability of its double-frequency chip (L1+L5 / E1+E5a)<br><br><b>IT'S MORE THAN A PHONE, IT'S A MOBILE DESK...</b><br>Work in the security, industry or construction sectors: Countless sectors are now accelerating their digitalisation.<br>Now, a smartphone needs to be able to accomplish a huge variety of tasks in order to align with the user.<br>That's why the CORE-Z5 focuses on a maximum number of features specifically developed for professionals whilst adapting to demanding environments.<br><br><b>Imagine the best of mobile desktop put into an all-terrain companion.</b><br><br><b>FURTHER INCREASED READING COMFORT</b><br>Fill in a form, navigate on a map, read instructions… So many tasks that are easier to do with a bigger screen!<br><br>The CORE-Z5's design integrates a large display surface without neglecting the importance of good grip in use, opting for a 6.08" HD screen and a 19:9 ratio. No more need to lug a laptop around with you all day in order to stay efficient and boost productivity!<br><br><b>ERGONOMIC WHETHER<br>THE GLOVES ARE ON OR OFF</b><br>Adjusted to suit professional requirements, the CORE-Z5 offers buttons and screens with increased sensitivity so that they can be used with gloves. You'll save time and retain good sensation, allowing you to easily check your emails, use your apps, or access the Push-To-Talk feature without issue.<br><br><b>GLOVE Touch Technology</b><br>Can be used with this polyurethane, latex or leather gloves.<br><br><b>SWITCH TO LARGE<br>SCREEN MODE</b><br>For times when its 6.08" screen still isn't enough, transform your smartphone into a computer with the PC-replacement feature. The powerful CORE-Z5 lets you mirror your smartphone screen onto another screen so that you can use it as a computer. Ultra-practical for everyday life or for facilitating your presentations and data entry.<br><br><b>ENLIGHTENING YOUR PHOTOS</b><br>To take optimal photos, especially in a professional context, each detail counts. Thanks to the 48-megapixel high-resolution camera with Fusion4 technology, the sharpness and brightness will be on-point whatever the time of day.<br><br><b>CHARGE...<br>AND PASS IT ON !</b><br>With such high-capacity battery life and the "reverse charge" feature, it'll be easy to help out your friends or colleagues, or to charge another device (torch, headset, etc.) wherever you are.<br><br><b>ACCEPTED !</b><br>The CORE-Z5 benefits from all of CROSSCALL's expertise in group communications. It fulfils all key criteria, making it the essential tool for your critical assignments, replacing your old mobile devices.<br><br><b>A WALKIE-TALKIE :<br>RECEIVED LOUD AND CLEAR!</b><br>Your CORE-Z5 is an all-in-one solution that turns into a walkie-talkie on demand. Thanks to the Push-To-Talk feature, combined with its long battery life, you can communicate with several colleagues with no limit on the range or battery life… In a single step!<br><br><b>OPTIMISE YOUR<br>PMR<br>COMMUNICATION</b><br>You'll soon forget all about the mobile tools you were using before. The CORE-Z5 proves versatile when it comes to facilitating reactivity for professionals, such as law enforcement agencies, emergency services, first responders, or security agents, etc.<br><br>Experience comfortable group communications over a very high-speed network (4G/5G PMR) and share not only voice communications, but also photos and locations. You can communicate without any loss of signal between several remote sites in order to perform critical on-site tasks requiring close cooperation.<br><br><b>X-LINK<br>ATTACHMENT TECHNOLOGY</b><br>Enhance your experience with the X-LINK™ technology, offering a magnetic attachment integrated into the rear of the CORE-Z5. Quick and easy to use, it lets you position and secure your smartphone onto a comprehensive ecosystem of accessories developed to simplify and prolong the use of your smartphone.<br><br><b>Mount</b><br>Magnetic attachment and easy positioning in portrait/landscape mode<br><br><b>Charge</b><br>Quick and efficient charging, 98% of power transmitted<br><br><b>Transfer</b><br>Easy to use. No need for cables! One-step attachment, charging and data transfer<br><br><b>X-BLOCKER,<br>MECHANICAL REINFORCEMENT</b><br>Ready to boost the possibilities and uses of the X-LINK™ attachment? Thanks to resistance of breakout forces up to 20 kg, the X-BLOCKER lets you secure your phone's mounting.<br>Crosscall CORE-Z5. Display diagonal: 15.4 cm (6.08"), Display resolution: 1520 x 720 pixels. Processor family: Qualcomm. RAM capacity: 4 GB, RAM type: DDR4, Internal storage capacity: 64 GB. Rear camera resolution (numeric): 48 MP, Rear camera type: Single camera. SIM card capability: Dual SIM. Battery capacity: 4950 mAh. Product colour: Black. Weight: 281 g
Lisagarantiid ja kindlustused:
- Lisagarantii + kindlustus (2 + 1 aastat) - 269,99 €
- Lisagarantii (2 aastat) - 99,99 €
- Kindlustus (1 aasta) - 199,99 €
- Kindlustus (2 aastat) - 269,99 €
Sobiva lisagarantii ja kindlustuse saad valida ostukorvis.
Mõõtmed ja kaalud
Toote koodid
Kuidas kaup minuni jõuab?
Alates 99 € tellimuste transport on Eesti-siseselt tasuta. Toote täpsemat tarneaega vaata vahelehelt "Saadavus".
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Photopointi kauplusesse
Väiksemate toodete puhul on mugav minna kaubale järele Photopointi esinduskauplusesse. Nii on kauba kättesaamine Sinu jaoks täiesti tasuta, sest kauplusesse tellides ei lisandu postikulu ka siis, kui tellimus jääb alla 99 €. Kauba kauplusesse jõudmisest antakse Sulle teada e-kirja teel.
Photopointi kauplused asuvad Tallinnas ja Tartus. Täpsemalt saad poodide asukohti ja kontaktandmeid vaadata siit.
Omniva pakiautomaati
Vali kättesaamise kohaks endale sobivaim Omniva pakiautomaat. Kui pakk automaati jõuab, saadetakse Sulle SMS koos unikaalse koodiga. Mine kohale, sisesta kood automaati ja võta pakk. Nii lihtne ongi. Omniva pakiautomaadid asuvad hoonetest väljas – nii saad pakile järele minna olenemata kellaajast ja kuupäevast.
Lähima pakiautomaadi saad Photopointi veebipoes valida ostukorvis, tarneviisi juures olevast nimekirjast. Omniva kõikide pakiautomaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
SmartPOST pakiautomaati
Ehk on Sinule sobivaimas kohas hoopis SmartPOST pakiautomaat? Kui nii, siis vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis tarneviisiks see sobivaim. Kui pakk automaati jõuab, saadetakse Sulle SMS koos unikaalse koodiga. Mine kohale, sisesta kood automaati ja võta pakk. Kiire ja lihtne.
Kõikide SmartPOST pakiautomaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
DPD pakiautomaati
Vaata kindlasti üle ka DPD pakiautomaatide asukohad. Neid on tänaseks juba üle Eesti. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv DPD pakiautomaat ning kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse Sulle SMSiga kood.
DPD pakiautomaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaati
Telli kaup endale Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaadid toimivad sama lihtsalt nagu Eestisisesed automaadid. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv SmartPOST Finland automaat. Kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse saajale SMS koos unikaalse koodiga. Mine kohale, sisesta kood automaati ja võta pakk.
SmartPOST Finland automaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
Matkahuolto väljastuspunkti Soomes
Telli kaup Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv Matkahuolto väljastuspunkt ning kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse Sulle SMS või e-mail teavitusega. Mine kohale, näita isikut tõendavat dokumenti ja võta pakk.
Matkahuolto teeninduspunkte saad vaadata siit.
Kulleriga koju või kontorisse
Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.
Toode on saadaval Photopointi veebipoes 7-14 tööpäevase tarneajaga. Esinduskauplustes kohapeal seda toodet müügil ei ole.