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Onyx BOOX Palma e-book reader Touchscreen Wi-Fi Black
ONYX BOOX Palma is a reader that combines compact size and convenient shape with high performance. The model has a 6.13” screen with an aspect ratio of 2:1, which made it possible to bring the appearance of the device as close as possible to smartphoOsta kohe, viimased eksemplarid laos!
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ONYX BOOX Palma is a reader that combines compact size and convenient shape with high performance. The model has a 6.13” screen with an aspect ratio of 2:1, which made it possible to bring the appearance of the device as close as possible to smartphones. The E Reader has a Carta 1200 screen which provides 15% more contrast and 20% more screen refresh speed than the previous screen generation. The high performance of the device is ensured by an up-to-date 8-core processor and 6 GB of RAM. The model is equipped with a dual-band Wi-Fi module and supports the Bluetooth 5.0 standard. The model runs the Android 11 operating system, which allows you to install third-party applications. Thanks to its compact size, the ONYX BOOX Palma will be an ideal choice for those who like to read while traveling.<br><br><b>What E Ink Carta Plus is...</b><br>E Ink Carta Plus is the latest generation of screens made by the "electronic paper" technology. Compared to the previous models, this screen has a higher resolution and contrast. 300 dpi pixel density is a record for this type of E Ink screens and corresponds to high-quality paper printing. Reading on such screens is as comfortable as on regular paper pages.<br><br><b>What the SNOW Field (Regal) is...</b><br>SNOW Field (Regal) is an operating mode of the screen allowing to reduce the number of artifacts on the screen within partial refresh. If this function is on, full refresh of the screen is not necessary.<br><br><b>What Carta 1200 is...</b><br>Carta 1200 is a technical definition of the generation of electronic paper screens of the E Ink company. It provides 15% more contrast and 20% faster screen refreshing speed than older Carta 1000 screens.<br><br><b>Screen frontlit system</b><br>MOON Light 2 technology allows you to use the device in the dark or in poor lighting conditions without any harm to your sight. When using this function, a soft glow of the screen is being created which is optimal for reading in dark rooms. This front light system has a color temperature adjustment, and thanks to the use of Flicker-Free technology, shimmering of the screen is completely absent.<br><br><b>Flicker-Free</b><br>Flicker-Free technology completely eliminates the flickering of LEDs used in this front light system. This is due to the use of a direct current source. Flicker-Free technology significantly reduces discomfort and eye fatigue and reduces the likelihood of headaches caused by long use of the reader.<br><br><b>What the MOON Light 2 screen frontlit system is...</b><br>The latest researches have shown that blue light prevents the production of melatonin (daily rhythms regulator), which is necessary for a person to sleep. Therefore, after reading on a glowing screen of an ordinary tablet or smartphone, it is often difficult to fall asleep. MOON Light 2 allows you to adjust the brightness of cold and warm LED lights independently, choosing at will white light for reading during the daytime, and more yellow for reading before sleeping. The Flicker-Free technology, based the use of a DC power supply, makes it possible to avoid shimmering of the LEDs which significantly reduces discomfort for sight and eye fatigue while long reading with the screen light on.<br><br><b>Unique form factor</b><br>The screen with a 2:1 aspect ratio makes it possible to bring the appearance of the E Reader as close as possible to a smartphone.<br><br><b>Screen auto-rotate function</b><br>A built-in G-sensor automatically selects the correct text orientation when the device is rotated. Thanks to this option, you can change the orientation of the E Reader and the image will be restructured automatically.<br><br><b>Capacitive multi-touch screen</b><br>The E Ink Carta Plus 6.13” screen has a lighter base and higher contrast than any screen in this class. It allows you to read in a bright sunlight and has a high screen refresh speed. The absence of flickering front light and the principle of image formation using “electronic ink” makes reading eye-friendly. This multi-touch screen provides easy control when reading: page turning with short taps, page moving, two-finger zoom, making notes in the text and usage of additional options.<br><br><b>High screen refresh speed</b><br>The new graphic processor with BOOX Super Refresh technology provides increased screen refresh speed and smooth movement of objects on the screen.<br><br><b>Additional screen protection</b><br>Protective ONYX Glass is applied onto the E Ink screen and protects it from scratches and other damages. The new glass made it possible to abandon additional screen borders, so the screen is flush with the body of the device. This makes working with this E Reader more comfortable and its appearance is more modern. In addition, a special coating reduces the likelihood of glare on the screen.<br><br><b>What ONYX Glass is...</b><br>ONYX Glass is a fundamentally new generation of protective glasses from ONYX. Aluminosilicate glass has increased transparency and ensures the absence of distortion of the original image. The glass is applied on top of the front light layer without an air gap during the manufacturing the display module. Instead of applying a matte layer, which can reduce contrast, 5% etching is used. It provides improved glare protection and does not hamper light passing.<br><br><b>Outstanding technical specifications</b><br>8-core processor with 2 GHz clock rate and 8 GB of RAM ensures a comfort work even with the most complex documents. And 128 GB of nonvolatile memory together with a microSD slot allow the user to store a considerable library of favorite books.<br><br><b>Bluetooth</b><br>Thanks to a built-in Bluetooth 5.0 module, you can connect external devices.<br><br><b>OTG</b><br>The device supports OTG, thanks to which you can connect additional peripherals which do not require drivers.<br><br><b>Format support</b><br>ONYX BOOX software allows you to open a number of different text and image file formats. While reading, you can change the style and the size of the font, the position of the pages, add bookmarks and zoom documents at your wish.<br><br><b>Audio player</b><br>The device has a pre-installed audio player, so you can listen to music or audio books. To use it, just run a corresponding audio file. You also can connect earphones or external speakers either via Bluetooth or via the USB C connector.<br><br><b>Comfortable storing ebooks into the device</b><br>Along with a standard mode of copying ebooks into the device with the help of a USB-cable, you may use Wi-Fi to transfer files when connected to the Internet. The cloud PUSH-service BooxDrop is also available.<br><br><b>Camera</b><br>The built-in camera with a 16 MP matrix and special software with OCR technology allow you to scan documents, recognize text information and save it to a file in internal memory.<br><br><b>Long-lasting work</b><br>Low power consumption by the E-Ink display and battery capacity of 3950 mAh provides long-lasting autonomous functioning.<br><br><b>Apps installation</b><br>The Palma model is based on the Android 11 operating system and allows you to install and use various third-party apps, which significantly expand the possibilities of using the device.<br><br><b>Language support</b><br>The BOOX allows the user to read documents in different world languages. Amongst them there are such languages as Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Swedish, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Chinese, Japanese and many others. Also, there is an option to translate text fragments online.Onyx BOOX Palma. Display diagonal: 15.6 cm (6.13"), Technology: E Ink Carta, Display resolution: 824 x 1648 pixels. Document formats supported: CBR, CBZ, CHM, DOC, DOCX, DjVu, EPUB, FB2, FB2.ZIP, HTML, MOBI, PDB, PDF, PRC, RTF, TXT, Audio formats supported: CBR, MP3, WAV, Image formats supported: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG. Compatible memory cards: MicroSD (TransFlash), MicroSDHC, RAM capacity: 6000 MB, Internal memory: 128 GB. Processor frequency: 2000 MHz. USB connector type: USB Type-C, Headphone connectivity: USB Type-C, Wi-Fi standards: 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
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Alates 99 € tellimuste transport on Eesti-siseselt tasuta. Toote täpsemat tarneaega vaata vahelehelt "Saadavus".
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Kõikide SmartPOST pakiautomaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
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SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaati
Telli kaup endale Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. SmartPOST Finland pakiautomaadid toimivad sama lihtsalt nagu Eestisisesed automaadid. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv SmartPOST Finland automaat. Kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse saajale SMS koos unikaalse koodiga. Mine kohale, sisesta kood automaati ja võta pakk.
SmartPOST Finland automaatide asukohti saad vaadata siit.
Matkahuolto väljastuspunkti Soomes
Telli kaup Soome või saada see enda Soomes elavale sõbrale. Vali Photopointi veebipoes ostukorvis sobiv Matkahuolto väljastuspunkt ning kui pakk kohale jõuab, saadetakse Sulle SMS või e-mail teavitusega. Mine kohale, näita isikut tõendavat dokumenti ja võta pakk.
Matkahuolto teeninduspunkte saad vaadata siit.
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Kulleriga saad kauba tellida koju, kontorisse või mujale, kus kauba kätte toimetamise ajal viibid. Kaup toimetatakse aadressile tööpäevadel kella 08:00-17:00.
Enne kauba kohale jõudmist helistab kuller kontaktile. Kaupa "koju" tellides hoolitse, et telefon oleks käepärast ning volitatud isik kauba kohale jõudmise ajal sihtkohas seda vastu võtmas. Eriti just suuremate esemete tellimisel palume arvestada, et kuller toimetab kauba vaid välisukseni.
Toode on saadaval Photopointi veebipoes 7-14 tööpäevase tarneajaga. Esinduskauplustes kohapeal seda toodet müügil ei ole.